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End Near For Nullsoft?


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This is very sad :o

AOL's contiuing cost-cutting, declining membership figures and changes in its corporate attitude over the years seem to have finally put a permanent stop to one of the world's most popular software programs, WinAMP. After the recent shakups, the resigning of Justin Frankel and the general lack of support from AOL, it seems now that the story of Nullsoft is finally over.

The software company, bought by AOL back in 1999 for $100M, now has just three employees to continue the development of Nullsoft's products that include WinAMP, ShoutCast and NSIS. The last major version of WinAMP was released back in December when WinAMP v5.0 was released.

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Yes.....very sad indeed.

I still use/prefer WinAmp (would you believe v2.6). And the excellent plugins like DFX and Geiss.

Isn't it interesting how one company, like AOL, can ruin so many excellent products (e.g.: Netscape, WinAmp, etc.) in such a short time. Personally, I believe AOL's itself will fail within the next few years. They have lost 40 percent of their dialup subscribers and with DSL at $20/month (US) now cheaper than AOL's dialup $25/month (US), the handwriting is on the wall. Even Time-Warner was smart enough to see that coming. As the inventor of the "pop-up", they deserve everything they get. And let's not forget those hundreds of millions of CD now polluting virtually every landfill.

Sorry for the rant. :o

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