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New Thai Movie "hanuman" Is Virulently Racist


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There is an entire academic field involving the study of POPULAR CULTURE and what it says about the underlying society. I am sure they would have a FIELD DAY with this Hanuman garbage. I realize alot of the readers here are as anti-intellectual as most Thais and can't fathom such things.

I am very aware of that fact. Let's narrow it down and replace "popular culture" with "movies." I myself have studied this and have no argument with you there. Yes, movies often reveal things about a society but they are not the end all of what a society is all about. I say again, I agree that the film depicts white foreigners in negative manner and it was not needed. My point was merely that you said the filmmakers were making farang scapegoats (which you emphasized with capital letters which doesn't seem necessary. No need to shout) for political problems when you have given no credible evidence of such. Yes, I know you said it's a subtext but as I said that doesn't remove responsibility for giving some sort of evidence when you make a statement like that. When you make a statement you have to have some sort of persuasive, convincing argument for believing it and you failed to do so. It was a stretch, to say the least. It tells me you have to little to fall back on other than an extreme reaction to the movie since you have not responded with anything credible and reasonable to back up your statement that they are trying to make farang scapegoats for all the political problems in Thailand. That's giving farang a bit too much importance in Thai society, in my opinion.

I do agree that the film is not helpful to race relations between farang and Thais. So do you suggest anything to change this?

Special to JimJim
You might try some rapping.

With little due respect, discussing things with you is like discussing them with a 10 year old. I think for now on I will pass. You are free of course to say whatever you want, just don't expect me to waste my time replying to you anymore. I even give you permission for you to gloat and say you have WON all your arguments. I know thats what pleases 10 year old psyches, and I wouldn't want to deny you the pleasure. Peace.

Can anyone else see how ridiculous this statement is? You are the one who refused to give a little respect to me. Sorry, even though you try to insult me and call me a 10 year old, you are the one acting that way. You are just way to defensive and emotional in your posts. There is no reason to be. You don't need to take things personally here when somebody challenges what you say. I was just challenging what you said, not you as a person. I was not being emotional in the least and was just trying to have a conversation and taking nothing personal until now. That statement by you is offensive, insulting, and immature. Mature adults admit when they make mistakes. You have not. I don't care about winning arguments. I wish you could be a gentleman but that is just not possible, is it? You call it a waste of time to read my threads as if that someone makes you superior. It does not. It only showcases how arrogant and unreasonable you are being. I merely made a mistake, corrected it, and you refused to acknowledge it as if i was "out to get you." All you had to do was apologize but you failed to do so out of some source of pride I guess. I said "rapping" as a joke because rappers try to tear down others in their songs by attacking them. So, I felt you were attacking me and not the argument and drew attention to it. It could only help you to show a little good nature to others on this board but it seems to fail you in this thread.

Again, obviously I haven't seen the movie so ..

.. so why all the antagonistic comments?

I'm not really a JT fan .. nor do I detest him (as you appear to) .. but the tone that comes across in his posts seems fair.

Sorry, I do not detest him. Even though I have not seen the movie does not mean I cannot comment on this topic. Since I haven't seen the movie he corrected me on two points and I merely explained I had not seen it but that I had read a summary and this is what led me to make those statements. Nothing antagonistic there. I'm not winding him up. He would up himself but misreading my intentions and taking things personally. It was simply to gain clarity on the movie for myself, which he did, and to gain clarity on what others have taken to be a somewhat outlandish statement which he has still not given reasonable evidence for believing. Granted that's not the main point of what he's trying to say, I think, but part of the reason for a forum is for people to sound out ideas and have them analyzed by others. And when someone makes a statement that is exaggerated, others are welcome and should be encouraged to call into question the rationale behind that statement and if it has weight or not.

I don't think you could blame me for thinking this movie is not meant to be realistic but is a fantasy martial arts movie, considering the supernatural elements (and that seemed to be the focus of the summary), but that's not a big deal either way. I'm not trying to say that that doesn't mean you can't criticize the filmmakers for how they portrayed the white villains. His tone towards the movie was mainly fair, yes, but his tone towards me was quite unfair. I didn't really take offense until his increasingly antagonistic comments towards me. If you read more closely you'll see that he is the one who started right off the bat with that tone towards me and never relented I can only guess out of a fear of being wrong. I don't have that fear, not because I'm always right but because I know there's nothing wrong with not being right.

This whole thing merely started when I made a simple mistake. He seemed to take it personally as if I'm trying to disagree with what he said, but I wasn't. It was just a simple, innocent statement with on agenda. I then corrected myself and he continued to smugly react and not just take my words honestly although he obviously expects the same of everyone else. I just get annoyed when people can't take others disagreeing with them so he resorts to insults and loaded statements that have little to do with the other originally said.

Anyway, nevermind.

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I read that Damian asked to be banned?

That's a sign of a stable mind.

If someone doesn't like TV, there's nothing that stops them from simply not returning to the site. Why go through the drama of asking to be banned? I've only seen that happen in one other poster, the unstable colpyat...who actually demanded banishment. Either way, it makes no sense. It's rather akin to not simply quitting a job you're dissatisfied with, but rather would prefer to be jailed for breaking a criminal law in the workplace in order to be removed from their job. It's not that different from the suicidal person who deliberately commits a crime in order to then create a situation which forces the police to shoot them to end their life rather than simply doing it themselves.

Sorry for two posts in a row but of course this is kind of off topic. However, that's not my point. Why does it matter to you? If you looked it from another point of view, someone could ask to be banned because they're just fed up with the site and if they want to leave but just can't resist coming back, a banning would make it sure they can't come back, unless of course they try to start up with a new handle. Perhaps it's merely symbolic to that person that they're done with the site and instead of spending too much time talking to faceless funny names on the internet, want to spend more time in the land of living and symbolically show to themselves that they are actively changing something in their life, however major or minor it is to them. It's akin to getting rid of all the alcohol in your house if you don't want to drink alcohol. I don't see why you'd have to pass judgment on it. It's not necessarily a sign of instability. That's just taking this whole site too seriously if you think that. No offense, just my two cents.

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Again, obviously I haven't seen the movie so ..

.. so why all the antagonistic comments?

I'm not really a JT fan .. nor do I detest him (as you appear to) .. but the tone that comes across in his posts seems fair.

This whole thing merely started when I made a simple mistake. He seemed to take it personally as if I'm trying to disagree with what he said, but I wasn't. It was just a simple, innocent statement with on agenda. I then corrected myself and he continued to smugly react and not just take my words honestly although he obviously expects the same of everyone else. I just get annoyed when people can't take others disagreeing with them so he resorts to insults and loaded statements that have little to do with the other originally said.

You don't think that any of these remarks you directed at JT has anything to do with him ".. take[ing] it personally .."?

"Slow down there, drama queen."

"Anyway, get a hold of yourself, fella. You are quite deranged."

"You ain't in Kansas anymore, Toto."

Anyway, nevermind.

Ah . you should have said that first, and in lieu of all that verbal diarrea.

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Just caught the new Thai movie, Hanuman (very bad movie BTW) and it had alot of big roles played by farangs and coincidentally? it was the most racist anti-farang movie I have even seen!

In this movie, farangs ...

desecrate Thai Buddist shrines

viscously beat up, murder, and burn alive Thai schoolchildren who happen to be impoverished and orphaned

portray the big Daddy farang with his vulgar Northeast US American accent, as obessed with sex with Thai women, every other line out of his mouth is Girls, Girls, Girls, the Girls are waiting! as he slobbers

kidnap the sweetest little CRIPPLED Thai little girl you ever did see, and threaten to murder her

there was not one farang character who was sympathetic in the smallest way, and there were many farang characters

Yes, I know its all part of the "story" such as it is. I am not one to favor censorship or political correctness. I am just reporting what I saw.

BTW, at the beginning of the movie the Big Daddy "Girls Girls Girls" farang is referred to by a Thai as farang translated into GRINGO. The translation was WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, GRINGO? The tone of his voice in Thai was like hearing him SPIT when he said FARANG. I do not think it was a translation error to translate farang to gringo. Gringo is a DEROGATORY term, and the CONTEXT and tone of voice of the speaker when he said FARANG was indeed derogatory, so I consider the translation intentional. This brings us back to an old favorite topic you might wish to refer to here:


I realize the audience for this movie is Thai people and Thai people can and will make any kinds of movies they want, and watch any kinds of movies they want. However, I have to ask, will movies like Hanuman create more hatred and violence against farangs from Thais?

Looks like you get a dose of your own (US Hollywood) medicine.

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Looks like you get a dose of your own (US Hollywood) medicine.


I don't think there is such an American movie where a Thai immigrant violently attacks a poor American orphan settlement, mass murdering and burning the children, and then attacks the small church of the community, knocking over everything including the Jesus cross while a sweet middle aged American teacher screams, STOP IT, YOU ARE ON AMERICAN SOIL!. Or anything even close! Now I am know that the US is not a Christian country in the same sense that Thailand is a Buddhist country, but close enough.

There are some things in this world which are really not ambiguous. This film, Hanuman, is INFLAMMATORY in its demonization of farangs.

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Look, I never said this one movie makes any difference. However, it is very extreme and may possibly be a SYMPTOM of something sinister going on. If you haven't noticed, Thailand is in a deep and protracted political crisis. If you haven't noticed, the rapid dramatic increases in food and energy prices are greatly stressing the poor in Thailand, and most Thais are poor. Throughout history, countries in similar states have always used SCAPEGOATS to diffuse attention from the internal problem. I submit this film might be evidence that is what is happening now in Thailand, and farangs are the SCAPEGOATS.

Food and fuel prices have gone up worlwide or haven't you noticed it?

After reading your review, I have just e-mailled a good friend of mine - Roger Ebert - to tell him that his job is safe and thingthing poses no threat!

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Look, I never said this one movie makes any difference. However, it is very extreme and may possibly be a SYMPTOM of something sinister going on. If you haven't noticed, Thailand is in a deep and protracted political crisis. If you haven't noticed, the rapid dramatic increases in food and energy prices are greatly stressing the poor in Thailand, and most Thais are poor. Throughout history, countries in similar states have always used SCAPEGOATS to diffuse attention from the internal problem. I submit this film might be evidence that is what is happening now in Thailand, and farangs are the SCAPEGOATS.

Food and fuel prices have gone up worlwide or haven't you noticed it?

After reading your review, I have just e-mailled a good friend of mine - Roger Ebert - to tell him that his job is safe and thingthing poses no threat!

Yes, I have noticed. But Thai people mostly only care about what is happening in THAILAND. Geez!

Good sarcasm, mate.

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Looks like you get a dose of your own (US Hollywood) medicine.


I don't think there is such an American movie where a Thai immigrant violently attacks a poor American orphan settlement, mass murdering and burning the children, and then attacks the small church of the community, knocking over everything including the Jesus cross while a sweet middle aged American teacher screams, STOP IT, YOU ARE ON AMERICAN SOIL!. Or anything even close! Now I am know that the US is not a Christian country in the same sense that Thailand is a Buddhist country, but close enough.

There are some things in this world which are really not ambiguous. This film, Hanuman, is INFLAMMATORY in its demonization of farangs.

Damian noted that the next movie he's in the foreigner is the hero. Apparently he gets his super powers from eating som tum. Probably will not be taken too literally by the Thai viewing public.

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"Slow down there, drama queen."

Just meant as a little joke because you'll have to admit his posts have a flair for drama. He probably just laughed it off and took it as the unserious comment it was. I guess it could look antagonistic but I said it tongue-in-cheek. On looking at it, perhaps my second post looked sarcastic, but it was not meant to be.

"Anyway, get a hold of yourself, fella. You are quite deranged."

In response to his refusal to believe, for not apparent reason, I wasn't somehow "trying" something and telling me to leave the room simply because he wouldn't take my explanation that it was an honest mistake. Sure he could take it personally but I was just stupified at the attitude, penchant for drama and exaggeration of some of his posts. Political scapegoats? Sounds deranged (say sarcastically) to me.

"You ain't in Kansas anymore, Toto."

Meant to mean you're not in America anymore where you are the majority and don't experience the same kind of discrimination a minority does. Not meant to be antagonistic at all, just a colorful expression.

Ah . you should have said that first, and in lieu of all that verbal diarrea.

Ah, such insights. Keep them coming. No forced you to read it. I know I just didn't make any sense at all. I must be quite deranged. I must not be intellectual (like those dam_n Thais, oh wait, isn't that a little racist from the OP?) and am completely unsophisticated. Anyway, I have to get back to studying for my 8th grade exams.

I'm glad you've taken such an interest in this. I'm feeling like a (gasp), scapegoat. I'm just interested to hear how farang are made to be political scapegoats. Some say this for example when they talk about immigration controls yet they have no good argument for it beyond their own paranoia from what I've seen. Would be interesting to hear some good rationale. The matter is done for me. Carry on.

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Looks like you get a dose of your own (US Hollywood) medicine.


I don't think there is such an American movie where a Thai immigrant violently attacks a poor American orphan settlement, mass murdering and burning the children, and then attacks the small church of the community, knocking over everything including the Jesus cross while a sweet middle aged American teacher screams, STOP IT, YOU ARE ON AMERICAN SOIL!. Or anything even close! Now I am know that the US is not a Christian country in the same sense that Thailand is a Buddhist country, but close enough.

There are some things in this world which are really not ambiguous. This film, Hanuman, is INFLAMMATORY in its demonization of farangs.

There is actually. There is foreign movies like rompa stompa (great movie BTW), there is a few where arabs terrorists kills a few kids and blows up buses etc and making reference to christians (i forgot what its called) There is just 2 that has come to mind in the last minute or so.


ITS JUST A MOVIE <deleted>

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Quote of the day:

"But just as a society must have a scapegoat, so hatred must have a symbol."

Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin 1955 (American)

In Thailand, more and more, the symbol is farangs.

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Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Please open another thread if you want to defend Nazi Germany. Reading your post makes me feel dirty. Time to go to the showers ... Where did I hide my shower cap, err, I mean GAS MASK?

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Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Did you just say the holocaust didnt happen? SWEET! Isnt there like some sort of insta ban or fist that comes out of your screen and bofs you one for saying something like that? Cant wait to see the results.

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Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Please open another thread if you want to defend Nazi Germany. Reading your message makes me feel dirty. Time to go to the showers ...

Did you read what the poster wrote or did you put your own interpretaion on it - as usual? Where is the defence of Nazi Germany in the post?

Also, in future, please, don't be so familar and address me as 'mate'. I do not know you and, hopefully, our paths will never cross.

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Also, in future, please, don't be so familar and address me as 'mate'. I do not know you and, hopefully, our paths will never cross.

Sure thing, Buddy. I reserve the right to use any term of endearment I want, sorry, nice try. You have control over what you post, not what others post. Do you get the principle, amigo?

I read it. I didn't like the comparison between the two movies. Not the same kind of movie at all. SL was not made to inflame hatred against current day Germans. It was based on true events.

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Also, in future, please, don't be so familar and address me as 'mate'. I do not know you and, hopefully, our paths will never cross.

Sure thing, Buddy. I reserve the right to use any term of endearment I want, sorry, nice try.

I read it. I didn't like the comparison between the two movies. Not the same kind of movie at all. SL was not made to inflame hatred against current day Germans. It was based on true events.

Well, then, I guess it was a poor attempt at inflaming hatred. While you are being hated, we're all being loved! Try smiling; it works!

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Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Please open another thread if you want to defend Nazi Germany. Reading your message makes me feel dirty. Time to go to the showers ...

Did you read what the poster wrote or did you put your own interpretation on it - as usual? Where is the defence of Nazi Germany in the post?

Also, in future, please, don't be so familar and address me as 'mate'. I do not know you and, hopefully, our paths will never cross.

JT's interpretation is the result of paranoia which surfaces in the majority of his postings.

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Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Please open another thread if you want to defend Nazi Germany. Reading your message makes me feel dirty. Time to go to the showers ...

Did you read what the poster wrote or did you put your own interpretation on it - as usual? Where is the defence of Nazi Germany in the post?

Also, in future, please, don't be so familar and address me as 'mate'. I do not know you and, hopefully, our paths will never cross.

JT's interpretation is the result of paranoia which surfaces in the majority of his postings.

Thats very true. Some posters on here are just way too sensitive and will also plant anything negative on Thailand they can find. There are many poster like that here. Alot of them I'm sure has been banned though because they go way too far and the mods have done a good job with them.

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Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Nah man, look at how you wrote that. You followed a sentence about Schindlers list (a movie about the holocaust) and immediately followed it with a sentence saying that they made it up and it never happened. Very easy to think you are talking about Schindlers list being the made up movie about things that never happened. I was wondering why you wrote that like it was no big deal, figured you were just doing it for shock effect. But you meant Hanuman. I think you wrote it a bit badly and we can't be blamed for thinking what we thought.

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I am really through with the Nazi topic. It is off topic so don't expect further comment

So why did you make further comment? Your post timed at 16:32:25 says

"I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides."

Please see your original in my post #225 but then your post #223 states 'This post has been edited by Jingthing: Today, 2008-08-19 17:07:44' so it now reads:-

Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Please open another thread if you want to defend Nazi Germany. Reading your post makes me feel dirty. Time to go to the showers ... Where did I hide my shower cap, err, I mean GAS MASK?

Now why did you add that last sentence? That was the only addition to your earlier post.

Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Nah man, look at how you wrote that. You followed a sentence about Schindlers list (a movie about the holocaust) and immediately followed it with a sentence saying that they made it up and it never happened. Very easy to think you are talking about Schindlers list being the made up movie about things that never happened. I was wondering why you wrote that like it was no big deal, figured you were just doing it for shock effect. But you meant Hanuman. I think you wrote it a bit badly and we can't be blamed for thinking what we thought.

Look at the words that I have put in bold type - does it tell you something about the poster? He is German and English may not be his scond or even third language. How many languages are you proficient in? I'll hazard a guess, two - English & Rubbish!

Edit for typo

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mr_hippo, you are making an enemy of an ally. His english was crystal clear, there is nothing wrong with it and its not effected by him being German. He simply put 2 sentences together in a way that made it look like he was saying something really bad, and once I realised the mistake I pointed it out so that he would understand why people thought that and others would understand he didnt mean that. And you attacked me for it.... I dont agree with Jingthing, if you'd read this thread you'd see I disagree with his viewpoint, so if youre attacking me thinking you're getting to him well, youre not.

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I am really through with the Nazi topic. It is off topic so don't expect further comment. :o

I asked you why did you post such a racist remark; I don't know if you can't or won't answer the question. You say that it is 'off topic' but you don't seem to know what your own thread is about! The title of your thread is "New Thai Movie "hanuman" Is Virulently Racist". You went on to say "it [sic] was the most racist anti-farang movie I have even [sic] seen!"

I take it that you are anti-racist but then you edit a post with "Where did I hide my shower cap, err, I mean GAS MASK?" Now what sort or remark is that? Pro Nazi? Anti Semitic?

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"Where did I hide my shower cap, err, I mean GAS MASK?" Now what sort or remark is that? Pro Nazi? Anti Semitic?

Neither, and you know it, you took it totally out of context.


And this is very OFF TOPIC. The topic is about a THAI MOVIE in THAILAND.

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And this is very OFF TOPIC. The topic is about a THAI MOVIE in THAILAND.

In all fairness, in the first sentence of your OP, you said "it was the most racist anti-farang movie I have even seen!"

You didn't specifically mention only Thai movies seen in Thailand, so I presume a lot of people are commenting on various movies in general and their (perceived) racism/prejudices.

Had you qualified your original statement ala "it was the most racist, anti-farang Thai movie I have ever seen (in Thailand)!", then the discussion may have been more focused.

The few Thai movies I've seen seem to have a similar theme in that the bad guys tend to be ludicrously scripted and casted, but hardly more than I've seen in some Jackie Chan movies. It would seem that the Thai movie industry still has a long way to go in that department, and a lack of suitable acting talent (especially among the non-Thai population) doesn't help much.

The production values seem to be pretty good in the movies I've seen (cinematography, lighting, sound, etc). But even great actors (and directors) can have a hard time making a bad script look good (think Battlefield Earth - John Travolta, War of the Worlds - Tom Cruise).

Thailand's movie industry is in it's infancy compared to Hollywood (and Hong Kong/Bollywood). It will take time to mature and attract the talent needed to produce better movies, just as it did in Hong Kong.

I wouldn't be surprised to see in the (near) future, some Thai movies coming out portraying Cambodians as "over-the-edge" bad guys. Probably wouldn't hear much grumbling about that from the expat community though.

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Had you qualified your original statement ala "it was the most racist, anti-farang Thai movie I have ever seen (in Thailand)!", then the discussion may have been more focused.

No, it wouldn't have! You must be joking. People are just trying to JUSTIFY the racism in Thai movies with the fact that there is indeed racism in other nationalities movies. It wouldn't have made any difference what I said to restrict that in the OP. If you believe it would, you really don't get the dynamic here at all.

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