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New Thai Movie "hanuman" Is Virulently Racist


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Had you qualified your original statement ala "it was the most racist, anti-farang Thai movie I have ever seen (in Thailand)!", then the discussion may have been more focused.

No, it wouldn't have! You must be joking. People are just trying to JUSTIFY the racism in Thai movies with the fact that there is indeed racism in other nationalities movies.

What makes your post so funny in the end is that say you watch 2 movies a day, and you react upon a movie stereotyping a certain group of people very vividly. This would have indeed been less entertaining if you had never ever watched a movie before.

Stereotyping other people than the "norm" in western countries (that is white people) appears in like 99% of ALL western movies.

And i assume you have seen PLENTY of them without even reflect upon it, that is what makes your post quit entertaining.

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Well, then aehn, I suppose you have problems reading and thinking. The fact that I see so many movies means that I know an EXTREME case of INFLAMMATORY film racism when I do see it, because I do have such a broad context of experience to identify it. But if pleases you, go ahead with your own thinking. Cheers.

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then the discussion may have been more focused.

No, it wouldn't have! You must be joking. People are just trying to JUSTIFY the racism in Thai movies with the fact that there is indeed racism in other nationalities movies. It wouldn't have made any difference what I said to restrict that in the OP. If you believe it would, you really don't get the dynamic here at all.

Yeah, you're right. I'm just a newbie here. Don't know anything.

What I do "get" is that you are simply looking to stir up shit. Period. Anyone that doesn't agree with your view just doesn't "get" it.

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"Where did I hide my shower cap, err, I mean GAS MASK?" Now what sort or remark is that? Pro Nazi? Anti Semitic?

Neither, and you know it, you took it totally out of context.


And this is very OFF TOPIC. The topic is about a THAI MOVIE in THAILAND.

So you can't justify your remark and, yes, it is on topic! What did I take out of context? Your remark was "Please open another thread if you want to defend Nazi Germany. Reading your post makes me feel dirty. Time to go to the showers ... Where did I hide my shower cap, err, I mean GAS MASK?" Now. tell me what were you referring to when you mentioned showers and gas masks?

The following are your quotes from this thread, are they about Thai movies in Thailand? So you are off topic.

Sweeney Todd

In the early days of Hollywood, the only roles available to black people were bad stereotypes of black people.

Speaking of scary movies, the current running movie ROGUE about Aussie man eating crocs is really excellent!

Mississippi Burning: white people actually did burn black churces!

So in your opinion, the movie is racist but you make a racist remark and try to justify it by saying 'It's off topic.' Please explain your remark about the showers and the gas mask.

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Please explain your remark about the showers and the gas mask.

No. Anyone reading the context will understand what I was saying. Trying to label me as a Nazi lover is a new low, and I will not suffer your further insults and foolishness.

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Yes, and notice that the mad dog is BLACK. Clearly a subtext about the position of dark skinned Thais in a light skin dominated society.

Oh. you are such an ill-informed chappie, aren't you? White or light represents good and black or darkness- bad and it has been since the caveman sat around his fire telling stories. It has nothing at all to do with race. Charlie Chan - a goodie - was normally in white, <deleted> Manchu - a baddie - normally in dark clothing, The Lone Ranger - in white and Mafia tyoes in black.

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Off topic: English is not my first language, but I have been learning/speaking english since many many years, so I consider myself fluent (even with "slang"). German is not my first language either (French), but it is my birthplace and homeland.

I read my post again, and I still don't see anything "Nazi" about it. So in this way, I can say that are you calling me a "Nazi"? That's why I think that you are a paranoid person, jingthing. You post about anything and everthing negative about thailand (but you mask it in some other way). Your paranoid personality really shows.

On topic: This thread was ridiculous from the first post. It's just a movie. A Thai movie. Do you think it's going to get world distributorship and become a vehicle for mass-racism against 'farangs'? That's crazy talk.

Another thing to the other posters. Jingthing must always have the last word. He's just that insecure and paranoid. So just let him have the last word, because this thread will be 1 million pages if you don't.

Mark, as another poster correctly pointed out the WAY in which your post was written suggested you didn't think that Schindler's List was based on true events, which suggested you are a holocaust denier. As you are now saying that is not the case, my apology for misinterpreting you. But you did write it poorly and I was not the only person who read it that way. I also didn't appreciate the comparison of SL and Hanuman, such completely different TYPES of movies.

BTW, if this thread continues to be a discussion about NAZIS, I really wish the mods would CLOSE IT. Again, how OFF TOPIC can you get? So please stop it.

About Hanuman, your point is just stupid. I never suggested Hanuman would be shown outside Thailand. It was made for Thais, and the INFLAMMATORY depiction of farangs is obviously aimed at the THAI audience. The point of this topic was JUST about that, the issue of Thai racism against farangs IN THAILAND. I am sorry you have misunderstood me and the topic just as badly as I misunderstood you.

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Yes, and notice that the mad dog is BLACK. Clearly a subtext about the position of dark skinned Thais in a light skin dominated society.

Oh. you are such an ill-informed chappie, aren't you? White or light represents good and black or darkness- bad and it has been since the caveman sat around his fire telling stories. It has nothing at all to do with race. Charlie Chan - a goodie - was normally in white, <deleted> Manchu - a baddie - normally in dark clothing, The Lone Ranger - in white and Mafia tyoes in black.


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Please explain your remark about the showers and the gas mask.

No. Anyone reading the context will understand what I was saying. Trying to label me as a Nazi lover is a new low, and I will not suffer your further insults and foolishness.

Please re-read the following:-

Virulently racist?

I can understand why you're upset, and I agree. I saw Schindler's List, and (as a German), felt like the producers portrayed EVERY German (except Schindler, of course) in a very negative way. I mean if you're going to make up a movie about something that didn't even happen, at least be fair about the portrayals of both sides.

Please open another thread if you want to defend Nazi Germany. Reading your post makes me feel dirty. Time to go to the showers ...

Where did markusv say he was defending Nazi Germany? Then you saw fit to add "Where did I hide my shower cap, err, I mean GAS MASK?" Now why do you want a gas mask when you are taking a shower? You can only be refering to one point in history or where there more when people were gassed in showers?

Does anyone know what thingthing is trying to say with his remark about showers & gas masks?

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I have just come off the phone to my g/f who saw the film today. I asked about the film making falangs look 'bad' - She could not see the problem, such things do/have happened but it was only a film and not representative of all falangs (I am not quoting verbatim - that is my interpretation of what she said :o )

When ever in real life did you read about a farang mass murdering Thai orphan children and/or attacking a public Buddha shrine? So your GF thinks these things happen in real life SOMETIMES? Where did she get that idea?

I will pass on the mass murder bit, but desicrating a Buddha shrine has been seen before. Her point was that there are bad and good Falangs as there are good and bad Thais. Encouragingly, I am beginning to sense that her judgement of the film was far more balanced than your own.

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I have just come off the phone to my g/f who saw the film today. I asked about the film making falangs look 'bad' - She could not see the problem, such things do/have happened but it was only a film and not representative of all falangs (I am not quoting verbatim - that is my interpretation of what she said :o )

When ever in real life did you read about a farang mass murdering Thai orphan children and/or attacking a public Buddha shrine? So your GF thinks these things happen in real life SOMETIMES? Where did she get that idea?

I will pass on the mass murder bit, but desicrating a Buddha shrine has been seen before. Her point was that there are bad and good Falangs as there are good and bad Thais. Encouragingly, I am beginning to sense that her judgement of the film was far more balanced than your own.

By a farang? Never heard of such a thing. Can you name such an event???

There was that famous event in Bangkok at the famous shrine near Central World where the Thai person who smashed it was immediately MURDERED by the crowd, on the spot. That was real. Not a movie.

So please do not even try to suggest that Thai people don't take desecrating shrines VERY SERIOUSLY!

There was the real life event of the European man in Chiang Mai some years back who wrote anti-royal graffiti around town. Of course, he was arrested. That was bad, but not the same thing as desecrating a shrine.

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I have just come off the phone to my g/f who saw the film today. I asked about the film making falangs look 'bad' - She could not see the problem, such things do/have happened but it was only a film and not representative of all falangs (I am not quoting verbatim - that is my interpretation of what she said :o )

When ever in real life did you read about a farang mass murdering Thai orphan children and/or attacking a public Buddha shrine? So your GF thinks these things happen in real life SOMETIMES? Where did she get that idea?

I will pass on the mass murder bit, but desicrating a Buddha shrine has been seen before. Her point was that there are bad and good Falangs as there are good and bad Thais. Encouragingly, I am beginning to sense that her judgement of the film was far more balanced than your own.

By a farang? Never heard of such a thing. Can you name such an event???

There was that famous event in Bangkok at the famous shrine near Central World where the Thai person who smashed it was immediately MURDERED by the crowd, on the spot. That was real. Not a movie.

I can't recall a desicration, but lots of farangs (some hi end archaeology/museum/art dealer types) have been tagged for traficking in Buddhist relics, which is strictly verboten

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It would be nice to see ONE post by someone who has the slightest inkling about what racism is and can see it in context....compared to the racist propaganda that pours out f Hollywood this is a drop in theocean......and it seems to me that the squealing about it is actually only a result of some peoples own racially-centric viewpoint.

I haven't seen the film....not really interested, because I'm far more interested in reading the self-centered indignation of some of the posters on this thread.

expats are always a bit of a conundrum....they choose to live in a foreign country but many hold extreme or overtly racist values.......go figure

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I haven't seen the film

That is fine but illogical how you presume to intelligently compare it to movies you have seen.

Let me break it down more and ask you some questions. Do you think Thai people aren't capable of racism?

Do you think just because there is racism in other countries, racism on other nation's movies, that excuses any discussion about racism in Thai movies? Also, are you seriously implying just because I do recognize some racism in Thai society, that makes me racist against Thais?

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I haven't seen the film

That is fine but illogical how you presume to intelligently compare it to movies you have seen.

Let me break it down more and ask you some questions. Do you think Thai people aren't capable of racism?

Do you think just because there is racism in other countries, racism on other nation's movies, that excuses any discussion about racism in Thai movies? Also, are you seriously implying just because I do recognize some racism in Thai society, that makes me racist against Thais?

sadly in my opinion you are digging yourself into a hole here........its a bit like the indignant person who blurts out - "Black people are racist too!" it's such a ridiculous thing to say and only someone who really hasn't seriously approached the subject of racism would enter into the argument with such statements.

unfortunately you have.

firstly as I said, I'm more interested in the posters than the film

then as to rest of your post......It should come as no surprise to see Xenophobia, Nationalism and racism in ANY society....and those who are have missed the point.

One of the fist things a racist will do is deny his racism or accuse others of similar faults...the pot calling the kettle black.

what you might try to consider is the state of the Thai movie industry and the sophistication (or lack) of it of their audiences.

Simply saying that the film is "Racist" doesn't really achieve anything except allow the person saying to to feel a little better in themselves, and increase their on conviction that the generalisations they make and feel about "other" and "different" people is justified

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Do you live here? Sounds doubtful.

We are a TINY MINORITY here. The Thais would not suffer from racism from a minority. I find your comment bizarre and offensive. We are talking about the conditions here IN THAILAND.

It is NOT the same thing as saying blacks are racist too if blacks are a minority. The only correct analogy would be a black in America saying there is still white racism, which of course there is.

Are you clear what country we are talking about here? THAILAND. Land of the THAIS!

It is not my interest to make excuses for how immature the Thai movie industry is or how horribly bad most of their movies are. I know they are capable of making great movies and they have made some of those too.

You sir, need to think twice about exactly what subject we are talking about.

Frankly, it is hard to imagine a more ignorant and insulting post than what you just wrote.

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Do you live here? Sounds doubtful.

We are a TINY MINORITY here. The Thais would not suffer from racism from a minority. I find your comment bizarre and offensive. We are talking about the conditions here IN THAILAND.

It is NOT the same thing as saying blacks are racist too if blacks are a minority. The only correct analogy would be a black in America saying there is still white racism, which of course there is.

Are you clear what country we are talking about here? THAILAND. Land of the THAIS!

It is not my interest to make excuses for how immature the Thai movie industry is or how horribly bad most of their movies are. I know they are capable of making great movies and they have made some of those too.

You sir, need to think twice about exactly what subject we are talking about.

Frankly, it is hard to imagine a more ignorant and insulting post than what you just wrote.

It would seem that is not the only limit to your imagination.....have you been drinking???

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It would seem that is not the only limit to your imagination.....have you been drinking???

Fine. I think we are finished.

BTW, I asked you clear questions which could have furthered a rational discussion, but you chose to devolve into accusations of racism and drunkenness. Not sure what you are trying to prove, but I no longer care.

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