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New Condominium Act Revision

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As a new user, and one bemused to read past posts on this subject back in April postings, I have waited in vain for an English translation of the Condominium Act (no. 4) B.E. 2551 (2008) o nthe Govt websites.

Is anyone else aware that , in the interpretation of one farang jounalist recently (Neil Simmons, Bangkok Post, 29.7.2008) , the 49% limitaton , imposed in Condo Act (no.3) B.E. 2542 (12/4/1999) for five years may now have expired, and should theroretically in his question revert to the 40% appicable at one point in the past ?

His article asks if indeed no one has noticed , or has no one yet queried this publicly, or in law, for fear of raising a scare, in either direction?

If there is more accurate, or up to date information on that topic you may have that I am unaware of at this point, and any news on what, if any, might be a new % limitation to be introduced , can you share it with me?



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You will not get an official translation.

This matter has been discussed many times since april on other posts and a translation agency has said it could be a few more months. But even then it will not be an official government translation as the thai will stand as the law and the english doesnot translate well in several areas.

Read the translations posted. do a search and you will find them. ( If not I can help later). They have several areas incomplete or open to discussion, but the item you question seems to be fairly clear and consistent in all versions i have seen

Whoever is saying the 49% is gone has made no effort to read any of the several versions of translations going around. Tell them to read section 19 which says the 49%.

From the versions I read, 2542 is repealed since the new act. Some parts of 2542 giving broader rights had already expired. Such journalist should have known that already if he did his homework.



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Neil Simmons is not a journalist, he is a residential real estate agent, who got his facts mixed up in this story. He was referring to a 5 year period after 1997 where farangs could purchase 100% of a condo project, which hardly happened and has since expired.

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