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Why It Is So Difficult?


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When I have time, i occasionally dip into general topics. But, its a shame some topics (be it good, bad, boring, overdone, clichéd, etc), cant be discussed in a respectful way by some posters.

Its pretty sad the way some people talk about others (most often women, of any nationality).


its a well known fact that women talk about women far more than men,especialy in a bad way.

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I truly think it's hilarious when others stereotype the farang who marries a Thai as being fat, old, bald, ugly, etc…. As I have married a Thai over four years ago and by no means do I fit in this category. I mean I may be old, if that's what 50 is. (Although most cannot believe I'm over 40….ahh lucky me.) Fat I doubt it, I have gained a few kilos since leaving the USA (due not playing anymore basketball, snow skiing, etc) but I am by no means fat. Ugly, maybe depends on ones subjectivity. But, while living in the USA I have dated a model, an NFL cheerleader, and many other beautiful women, so perhaps I am not too ugly.

I chose a Thai woman for various reasons. We have a lot in common. (i.e. Life's goals, wanting a family, music, where we want to live, financial well-being, etc) Also we fell in love with each other. I prefer Thai women (or Asian in general) over western women as I prefer a slimmer more petite body style than most western women have. I prefer Thai women because they have 'jai dee' (good heart) and are more family oriented than the career minded and feministic western women. The Thai women tend not to be as materialistic as the western women. Don't get me wrong I am not generalizing all Thai women or western women, only my loving wife. By the way, I prefer darker skin much better than the pale white skin of western women. But then again don't most western women want that dark skin as well…. (i.e. The birth of the Tanning Salon.)

great post dingdong,but oh oh,you have to be careful now,you have critisised western women and that will Not go down well on here with a couple of people.cant say no more but be prepared to have some hassle maybe in the form of a pm, warning you.let me know if i am right,if i say this then maybe the people will lay off you.a few have been banned on here for triviality after knocking western women,or speaking your views as to what you think.

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horses for courses.My first thai gf wasnt even in thailand,it was the uk.Later i found out sahe was already married so she got the elbow real quick.This lady was uni degree,masters etc etc,manager of a hotel group and still she was a horrible woman,great in bed though lol.

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When I have time, i occasionally dip into general topics. But, its a shame some topics (be it good, bad, boring, overdone, clichéd, etc), cant be discussed in a respectful way by some posters.

Its pretty sad the way some people talk about others (most often women, of any nationality).


its a well known fact that women talk about women far more than men,especialy in a bad way.

I wasnt aware of that well known fact.

..My post is directed at all sexes.

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The trouble with generalities is that they are generally right. Pointing to exceptions doesn't disprove the rule.

The English don't wash

The Scots are all mean

The Irish all drink to destruction

The Australians are lousy lovers ( brace yourself Sheila )

The Americans are all loud

The French are all great Chefs

Yeah Right!!!

Thank God I'm Welsh hehehehe

So you're a sneaky bastard who'd grass up your next door neighbour to the DSS at the drop of a hat then :o

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