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Buying A House In Pattaya

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Selling houses,Condos etc is always on a topic here , BUT as for Buying a House under the Company rule . How do you get a True Value on the House, before handing over a couple of hundred thousand $$ Bucks & getting stitched.

Caveat Emptor ? or is there assistance somewhere??


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If i was you i would start to look at private sales first,then compare with estate agents and their fees too.Places like carrefor,foodland etc will give you some indication of house prices without the add ons that estate agents put on.you can still buy private as long as you get a solicitor.

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Find the lowest quote available then lop off another 20 % . Property values in Pattaya are over inflated but if you listen to any agents or sellers there they will always tell you otherwise. In any case, best to rent for a year first and talk to as many people as possible. I know a couple of condo sellers there but its a buyers market so they are having no joy offloading their expensive condos for break even money and are both a bit stressed out on account of it. Lost interest in sex and fun as they are so absorbed in their sales problems. :o

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I understand your predicament. I to was confused before I bought but a lot people who rent here set it straight for me, simply sit out the front of the house you wish to buy and count the lights. If after a month there are no lights then that means no one lives there which then means its going for a song. Seriously pick up the papers find out a rough price per sq/m and pay market value if its the RIGHT house or condo, just like buying a car really

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If you can rent, then do it.

It is very difficult to resell a property in this city.

There are so many available.

It has been like that since I sold my first house here 16 years ago.

Every property for sale is too expensive and that is why it has not sold.

20% , as stated above, is a fair amount to deduct from anyone's asking price.

Many sellers will not take it, and will instead sit on their property another couple of years.

Selling a house here is not any fun at all.

There are so many reasonably prices rentals, there is no reason to buy.

Worldwide, property is not the place to have money right now.

Look at a house with an asking price of 4,000,000 and a sign "For sale or rent"

The rent will be about 25,000 asking.

You could get it for about 20,000 for a one-year period.... and if one owner will not take your rental money, keep looking, there are many others who will.

Rents give a lot better valuation on property than anything else.

There are always so many places for sale here that rice increases on used property are very minimal.

OK, my 3 cents worth.

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Pretty simple. Go to the valuation sections of banks. They tend not to overvalue homes because they obviously don't want to lend you a single satang more than XX% of what they feel the house or building is worth.

The way you have to do this is state that you need a loan (don't worry, it's not against the rules or rude not to actually apply for a loan) on a particular property. They'll send out a valuator to look over the property, inside and out. There is a fee of a few thousand Baht, normally. Obviously, you need to okay this with the owner as you'll need a copy of the chanote (which if you're someone who buys property, you need to be doing this anyway to make sure the property is exactly what the owner purports it to be). If the owner isn't comfortable with having the home valued by the bank, you should IMO shop elsewhere as they apparently are trying to hide something.


Edited by Heng
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Use a lot of common sense too, if someone is asking xxxxx baht for a 5 year old house on a small piece of land with no pool, and along the road someone is asking the same price for a new house with big land and pool etc, well you know where the value is!!

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Thanks to you all , so far very good help, we are cash buyers , & are genuine in retiring , so we aren't looking for a 'quick' profit , just a good & fair price & if we leave after some years we won't be burnt.


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  • 1 year later...
Thanks to you all , so far very good help, we are cash buyers , & are genuine in retiring , so we aren't looking for a 'quick' profit , just a good & fair price & if we leave after some years we won't be burnt.


We have some really good value for money deals for house buyers in Pattaya. If you are interested please talk to us. I have years of experience working in the Pattaya Property market. My company is Benchmark Property Consultants in Pattaya.

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^, I actually love them, because they go to prove what we had sussed ages ago was correct, despite all the denials and Pattaya property market apologists counter claims.

Glad to see them hurting, the end result of talking up property prices that were unsustainable, maybe the market will find its true value.

Rent, couldnt have said it better.

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