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Its different with every family, every situation... But what gets on my tits, is when its about the MONEY... Not about taking care of the daughter, but greasing the pockets of the family.... Greed...

Anyway, IF I decide to get married one day, Ill respect the culture and the face of it if I need to, but im not going to give the family a huge payday... Ill use the Money for a home...

Would they respect your culture, any thai asked about YOUR culture?

That dowry thing is about greed indeed, tells me something about a greedy culture.

I will NOT marry her, that's my conviction, although I understand and need to coop with some culture here.

I built a house (in her name, yeah, I know, I know) I need a place to live in where I like it to be, in the boon docks.

I bought a car, it's in her name also. If I die tomorrow no legal papers needed.

I give her parents each 500B from time to time, I gave them an old motorbike, I bought some metal sheets to cover the buffaloes hut, I replaced a water pump when the old one gave up.

That's as far as I will go :o

I think it is fair enough in a country that doesn't consider any fairness for us farangs.

Some people here excel in smelling trolls again :D

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Would you also believe that there are maaaany farangs out there who didn't have to pay any? :o

i paid nothing.

edit: you can't pay if you have no money. she stayed with me anyway. considers me a long term investment, and that i will payout in the long run. her pet name for me is 401k.

Welcome to the CLUB!! :D

Strange......................sounds to me that you have done your homework.

I agree with an earlier poster that a dowry of 500,000 is not unusual........for a middle class family in bangkok, where the daughter earns a decent income.

In that kind of situation, the amount might seem reasonable. However, in this case, you have to take into account that the girl had numerous (farang) boyfriends and worked in a bar. My understanding is that those circumstances would (greatly) reduce the amount of sin sod that the family could/would expect.

This is an interesting topic, and i for one, am disappointed with DR Pat pong's TROLL response

I'm not. I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned by more members. Like many other long time members, I'm sure Dr PP has seen stories similar to this a hundred times (or more). Different variations of the same story, over and over again, often initiated by people just looking to stir up sh*t on various topics.

(especially when they come up as the first post by a new member)

Strange......................sounds to me that you have done your homework.

Try and remember that its all a negotiation!!!!!!

If she has any genuine feelings for you........she WILL consider your point of view.

I agree with an earlier poster that a dowry of 500,000 is not unusual........for a middle class family in bangkok, where the daughter earns a decent income.

I also agree that the money, or part of, should be returned after the wedding.

This is an interesting topic, and i for one, am disappointed with DR Pat pong's TROLL response

Yeah, 500,000 is not THAT unusual of a dowery in SOME cases. Especially if the money, or part of, comes back after its done. To be honest, Her time in Pattaya, and her "vacation girl" status she had before, pretty much brings her "value" to almost ZERO with me. Thats one on the MAIN things that piss me off... She wants her cake and eat it too... Obvieously her family do not know about that, however, Im 100% sure they have an idea... In reality, she brings nothing to the table in terms of income and "face" in fact, Im sure she actually makes ME lose face to thai people. Brown skin, tattoo on the lower back... Makes me look like im walking around with a bargirl... Now, I dont really care about that, but its just another thing to think about...

I know she cares about me, but shes going to have to get her shit together...

Actually this thread is kinda helping me put my thoughts together on the matter as well.....

So thanks to everyone that has 'useful' information and comments.... Please, keep'em comin...


Most of us marry because of several reasons, where Love is one of the absolute main ingredients.

Unless one wants to marry someone that is considered as just a maid/lover.

Now, here comes the weird thing.

If the OP really loves this woman, and wants to marry her.

Why in God's name is he describing intimate details about her online, where 1000s can read it.

If I described the sexual encounters me and my wife had, the first period we were together, I would have been ashamed of myself today.

So I believe the story is either fiction (interesting reading), or the OP is quite immature.


So all you've invested so far is time chatting with her on the internet (while at work, so in reality you were getting paid to chat), and that's it.

The facts I gleaned after reading your little novella are; You're young, you are in no hurry to marry, you know next to nothing about thailand other than the bar scene.

While the poster 'haltes' said "500,000 is probably the average price of sin-sot at the moment for the middle classes", here's a breaking news flash; sadly an ex Pattaya bargirl from Surin doesn't fall into the category of "middle class" no matter how much you grade on a curve to skew the numbers.

The fact is a "second-hand" or "gently-used" thai gurl is worth ZERO sin-sot to any prospective thai suitor. Now if foreigners even understand that information is dubious. Given the number of foreigners I've seen with their "splayed-toed, tattooed, gold encrusted, thai-in-tow" and the obviously 100% thai (not luk-krueng) baby in a stroller, I believe most don't even have a clue.

While this is slightly off topic; before you run headlong into becoming a card carrying, color coordinated shirt & bracelet wearing member of the "wanna-b-thai" faction realize; culture and brainwashing are NOT synonymous. Just because I was trained as a child to wash my hands after using the bathroom does NOT make it part of my culture; it only makes it an ingrained behavioral pattern. There is very little in the way of real culture here, most of it is mindless actions that the inhabitants here have done for generations. Due to the excessive lack of critical thinking in this country, no one questions it, so it's pawned off as alleged and/or mythical "thai culture".

Now back to the topic at hand; some foreigners I know who are married to thais NEVER paid a single baht of sin-sot; while other's paid ridiculous amounts for gurls who didn't finish 6th grade and whose resumes consisted of pulling rice in a field in Nakhon Nowhere. It can run to both extremes of the spectrum.

TLL is a crap shoot, its hit and miss with more misses than hits. Take some time, you're getting paid to chat at work, so use the time to really talk to as many as you can. I know someone from America in his late 60's who came out here for 3 weeks and had 4 or 5 dates a week with girls he'd met on that site. Last time I talked to him he'd found a girl worth investing his time into and has plans to return here next month.

I think if you discount the extreme posts from the "thai-bashers" and the "wanna-b-thais" on the forum you'll be in the ball park as far as advice. Then again my version of reality may not be compatible with yours.

Good luck. ..


Hi Strange,

You are 25 years old. WAY too young to think about getting married.

Go out and have fun dude, if you have managed to scrape together the 500,000, then I suggest you invest 400,000 in a BANK and not a BARGIRL, and then have a big splurge with the other 100,000. Try a Round the World trip, or something different to getting infatuated with Thai girls.

Just my "two cents".

Most of us marry because of several reasons, where Love is one of the absolute main ingredients.

Unless one wants to marry someone that is considered as just a maid/lover.

Now, here comes the weird thing.

If the OP really loves this woman, and wants to marry her.

Why in God's name is he describing intimate details about her online, where 1000s can read it.

If I described the sexual encounters me and my wife had, the first period we were together, I would have been ashamed of myself today.

So I believe the story is either fiction (interesting reading), or the OP is quite immature.

You know what? I never said i LOVED this Girl. I care yes... Im pissed about the money thing... You missed it dude and you know what else? You dont know me, you dont know who im talking about, and this story is 100% true. <deleted> just because I decided to join and post about what ive been thinkin about makes me a troll? Immature? I decided to try this Forum because from what I read, there seemed to be some pretty knowing people here. But apparantly my thread has seemed to draw some "holier than thou" types like your self.

Yeah I talked about the sex stuff because it was pretty dam_n intresting to me, and yeah I thought the people might like to read it too... I didnt post pics, give names...


Hi Strange,

You are 25 years old. WAY too young to think about getting married.

Go out and have fun dude, if you have managed to scrape together the 500,000, then I suggest you invest 400,000 in a BANK and not a BARGIRL, and then have a big splurge with the other 100,000. Try a Round the World trip, or something different to getting infatuated with Thai girls.

Just my "two cents".

Please, dont belittle me with comments such as : "if you have managed to scrape together the 500,000," assuming you know my financial status. Also, never did I ONCE say that I was going to give 500,000 to her family. Did you read what I have been typing?


500k is ridiculous, hi-so thai chinese don't get this much.

That's not true. 500,000 is probably the average price of sin sot at the moment for the middle classes and it's what I showed at my wedding to get married (it was all returned to me afterwards though).

For a hi-so wedding it will be in the millions.

I paid 60 Million Baht Sinsot and got 500 Million Baht back.

My wife is better than all of yours, she is whiter, richer, is a PHD, Graduated 1st in her class at Harvard gaining an Honours degree in Nuclear Physics, has better family, has a Pilots License, will be the first Thai in space, drop dead gorgeous and loves me for who I am............... etc etc etc

is going to end it without a doubt.

I bet she'll be totally devastated losing a guy like you.......... :o

Care to give me your thoughts behind that comment sir?

Hi Strange,

You are 25 years old. WAY too young to think about getting married.

Go out and have fun dude, if you have managed to scrape together the 500,000, then I suggest you invest 400,000 in a BANK and not a BARGIRL, and then have a big splurge with the other 100,000. Try a Round the World trip, or something different to getting infatuated with Thai girls.

Just my "two cents".

Please, dont belittle me with comments such as : "if you have managed to scrape together the 500,000," assuming you know my financial status. Also, never did I ONCE say that I was going to give 500,000 to her family. Did you read what I have been typing?


Why come onto a public forum asking for advice, only to blast somebody who offers what you asked for?


Ill get straight to it. Ive been to Thailand about 8 times now. I get 3 vacations from work a year and for about the first 6 of them, I spent the whole time in pattaya. Partying and drinking and going with 1-2-3 different girls a day... The 6th trip, I started to get bored with the bargirls. The money, the Bullsh*t, little and big lies. Now, I dont care <deleted> a bargirl does and who sends her money. To me, Im just paying for company, and I would NEVER have a barigrl for a girlfriend. I just cant think about them like that. There are a few that were cool as hel_l and Im sure would make great gf's but yeah I just cant deal with that. I needed something more mentally stimulating when it comes to girls... However, it seems like I ended up with one anyway...

So, at my job, I get about 12 hours a day that I can be online. What do I do? Thailovelinks... Now, I have read just about all I can read about thailand from the internet, I have talked to SOOO many thai girls, bargirl and not. Talked to alot of thai guys about thai girls... I feel pretty confident that I have a good working knowledge about thailand/thai lady, dowery, face, and other things. (not trying to brag, just trying to paint a mental picture) I created my account on that website, and at the same time, started a dedicated MSN Messenger account just for said site. I had about 3 months until I would be back in Thailand, so I got to work. The goal was to try to meet a girl that I felt a "connection" with, and could call a "steady" gf. In about a month, I had just about every decent looking girl in the age range of 18 - 25. (Im 25 years old by the way) About 127 Girls from TLL were in my MSN. I had narrowed it down to 3 girls. 1 said she was 18, but turned out to be 16 (holy shit) 2nd, BKK girl, White skin, 24, in uni for masters, really pretty, not virgin, and she seemed like the one I wanted for a bit. 3rd was a girl in Surin, browner skin, tattoos (haha yeap) 24, great written english, and was living at home. I dropped BKK girl because in the end she kept falling off the earth for a week at a time and making up retarded lies. I dropped the 16 year old for obvieous reasons. The surin girl was the only one left that I had any intrest in. At first I didnt like this girl, arrogant, Obvieous time with farang, and basically pissed me off. One day we got to talking, and she seemed to turn off the arrogant attitude when she realised that I wasnt playing her dumbass games. So, over time, I began talking to her exclusively. To be honest, her written english was GREAT and very very good converstaions for hours. She had been to uni for 4 years (photo evidence of this) in surin, graduated, and stayed home to help with the farm. Now, that farm is a BIG ass chicken farm. Its huge. Like 4 or 5 BIG warehouses, you have to shower off and wear like these HAZMAT suits to go inside... Anyway, she finished uni, and worked at that farm working with the computer and documents and all that stuff... Actually she is very good on a computer. Very good in Excel and powerpoint... Anyway, on the weekends she had one of those carts that she sold pancakes on a stick and shakes and all that stuff. To hear her say it, she didnt go to work in a real job because she lived at home, and with the farm and that cart, she made more money than she could if she lived in BKK and had room, food, taxi/motorbike, gas, whatever... Actually that is very believeable. Surin is cheap, very cheap, her home they have 3 new trucks, and like 5 motorbike. She does not need anything really.

At first with this girl, I just pinned her as a poor bargirl... After a few weeks, I realised that there was more to it than that.

About the tattoos and the "whats up mannnn" bullshit... I asked about her past, and at first she denied anything wrong. When I drilled her about her tattoos, and her English, and everything else, she told me about Pattaya. She had a few "sisters" that she knew that worked in pattaya. Eventually they convinced her to go and see it. So, she did. For about 1.5 year, she would stay home, and then when she got bored she would go to pattaya for like a month. She told me that she ended up being a "vacation" girl for a few guys. When they came to thailand, she would go with them. She says "I just hoped that one would stay talking to me and want to be my bf..." I didnt like this at all... She says, "I just got cought up with the wrong friends" Bullshit. She ended up with an american boyfriend that she met in pattaya. She stayed with him for about 6 months and 3 of those month she lived in malasya with him while he worked. Apparantly he got bored, and started cheating on her in pattaya... She had too much of it and went home to surin heartbroken she says. At that time she got in Thailovelinks and consequently met me...

So, I let that go, because in the end, regardless of her past, she was REALLY trying hard with me and putting in 120% effort. I also felt a bit of a connection with her, and I know she was attracted to me. She would do anything I asked of her and then some... Seriously, we talked like 10 hours a day on MSN non stop about anything you can think of. And really it was impossible for her to do anything but talk to me... Online from like 1300 - 0200 thai time everyday. Her words "Strange, I miss you, and I just want you to know that im here and not going out" "I dont want you to worry" bla bla bla Seemed genuine enough. Infact, with her, she didnt really seem much different than a western girl, other than her drive to take care her family.

I went to see her in thailand and spent 3 weeks with her alone. She met me at the airport, and eventually we made it to Surin to "bring me around" her family. She got a big family. Funny thing, I did not get the normal treatment. Food and drinks, and people looking at me. Her father avoided me, and her mother kinda did too. Her 2 ugly ass REAL sisters talked to me and life in the family home went like I was not even there... Im a young guy, and I look like it... Her sisters couldnt believe that I could do the things that I could do... Read: take care of surin girl.. They just thought that I would not be about to take care of the girl. Same as a 25 year old thai guy in surin... Im not... So, apparantly her family didnt really take me seriously... Thats basically what I got out of it... And we didnt really spend alot of time in the home.... Her dad did give his truck to us to use and look around. She has a drivers liscence also.

I guess Ill touch base on sex for a bit..... This girl is NOT shy. Very hot natured girl. Had sex within the first hour of getting inthe room in BKK after I arrived. After talking for about 6 weeks solid on MSN, she really started to talk about sex... What she likes and all that... Girl KNOWS her body very well, and is just incredibly hot natured. I was actually amazed... Marathon hard sex, to the point of falling out... Loves to be dominated... Incredible... She also Likes to film the 2 of us doin it as well. Then gets hot watching it... I cought her 3 times watching that stuff on my computer before I woke up in the morning. Also, yeah not shy. we got drunk in Samui, I started talking about sex in the bathroom, with a ton of people outside, next thing I know, were in the bathroom going at it hard. The thought of getting cought REALLY turned her on. Very drunk in that bathroom, im slapping her ass, and going crazy, she is making a TON of noise and rubbing her privates violently. She squirts. Ive never seen that before... To that extent.... People are banging on the door and bargirls are laughing outside... She throws 1000bt on the bar and runs out. ALL I hear for the next 10 mins on thhe motorbike is "GODDD Strange you are soo cool" in drunk thai girl talk. Actually annoying. Then she wants to stop on some hill and look at the view. I stop. We walk down this rock thing, then off her pants go again. we tried to sex on that rock, but it hurt my ass-bone too bad... We had sex in her dads truck, just about anywhere you can think of that was public after that... Honest, this girl was almost exactly like when you got your first real gf when you like 16... Sex all the time, everywhere, want to try everything... Im serious shes just like a farang girl that takes great care...

Now, the trip is over, it was great, I felt good. I left thailand...

We talked about everything on MSN... Even about marriage and all that. I asked about dowery, and she said "My sister got 500,000baht for her dowery" "they will probably ask you for the same" Im thinking "yeah right" and that was that...

Well, everything was going great... Talking everyday for about 10 hours a day (NO SHIT) until about 0300 thaitime.. Westarted talking kinda serious after the second trip. About marriage and all that... Actually I thought about this girl pretty well like that. I thought about taking a few months off and staying with her to see how we were for a longer time... Eventually I want to live in thailand on a 28/28 rotation...

Now I started asking about marriage again, and dowery. 500,000 came up again. I blew it off, and she should not even be telling ME a fuc_king price. Its for ME to offer... Anyway, I got aggrivated one day, and wanted to has it out about money. She wants me to GIVE her mom 500,000 baht. PERIOD. Nothing comes back to me, straight up give it to her mom. Nothing about "face" MOM WANTS TO KEEP IT. I said hel_l no! I told her that I IF I wanted to marry, I would be the one to decide what I was willing to pay. I mentioned 100,000 (about the same as a good western engaguement ring) and her mom could keep that... I even went so far as to say I would put up the 500,000 for the "show" but I want 400,000 back after. Her family can keep everything else. She didnt like that at all.

So heres where Im at, <deleted> Im not going to pay 16,000 USD to her mom. Just give it to her... She should be thanking her lucky stars that a farang wants to marry her 24 (old for a thai guy) daughter with tattoos and a shady past. Its bullshit and I actually not going to give shit. On the one hand, this girl trys SOOO hard everyday, talkes to me 10 hours everyday, sits there even when im working, sends me shit about once a week in the mail. No money is ever asked of me, I almost feel like she worships me. She will do anything... On the other, there is the blatant greed from her mom... and her... Its going to ruin the relationship for sure...

Anyway, I guess I just want to know if Im being unreasonable or not... I care about her, and part of me wants to justify her actions.. the other part tells me to fuc_k her off... What do you guys think?

I will be going to see her in a few weeks, and I will talk about this again in person. Face to Face with her... If she holds strong to the 500,000 then I think Im going to have to dump her... Feels like shit though...


(yeah strong 1st post) haha!!!

You have too much time on your hands, like a moth to the flame, ofcourse you know your going to get burned.

Apart for the sex you clearly dont think much of her really,

Do as you please and by the way, u think too mutt.............

roy gsd


wow good post.

But from what i read

you are young, make good money, look good enough...

this is about as good as it gets for any thai girl. they should PAY you a dowry. You could be having a ton of sexy girls in bangkok but you are willing to settle down with this girl with a shitty past. and THEY ALREADY HAVE MONEY.

plus dowry is NOT FOR FARANGS just for thais.

If i was you i would tell this directly to the mother..

: you've been a bitch to me, ignoring me and all. i am as good as it gets for your daugther.. maybe when im older with more money saved ill buy a villa/boat that all the family can use. Heres where you make a choice. You stop being a bitch and never ask me for money or your daughter finishes with a fat dude that will probably just act rich but finish living in a 1million baht house completely broke or some abuse thai guy with gambling debts.

I think she'll get the message.

This could also be a long term scam. Theres cells that you can chat on msn with pretty efficnetly.. for 500k baht, she cold def put up a show like that. but its pretty unlikely.

if a thai girl really loves you, she will put you ahead of her mom. its VERY rare which is why i think 99% of the forum is lying when they say they are in love with their girlfriends. most of them are 1: mom 2: boyfriend 3: money.

You are young, finding the truth and moving on will be a better idea...

and sorry i really have an hatred for thai moms because of past experiences.


Roygsd, yes I agree, I do think too much... Yes a asked for opinions, just not "digs" about me...

and yeah I have agreed that im not going to pay that.

Her 2 ugly ass REAL sisters talked to me and life in the family home went like I was not even there... Im a young guy, and I look like it... Her sisters couldnt believe that I could do



I guess Ill touch base on sex for a bit..... This girl is NOT shy. Very hot natured girl. Had sex within the first hour of getting inthe room in BKK after I arrived. After talking for about 6 weeks solid on MSN, she really started to talk about sex... What she likes and all that... Girl KNOWS her body very well, and is just incredibly hot natured. I was actually amazed... Marathon hard sex, to the point of falling out... Loves to be dominated... Incredible... She also Likes to film the 2 of us doin it as well. Then gets hot watching it... I cought her 3 times watching that stuff on my computer before I woke up in the morning. Also, yeah not shy. we got drunk in Samui, I started talking about sex in the bathroom, with a ton of people outside, next thing I know, were in the bathroom going at it hard. The thought of getting cought REALLY turned her on. Very drunk in that bathroom, im slapping her ass, and going crazy, she is making a TON of noise and rubbing her privates violently. She squirts. Ive never seen that before... To that extent.... People are banging on the door and bargirls are laughing outside... She throws 1000bt on the bar and runs out. ALL I hear for the next 10 mins on thhe motorbike is "GODDD Strange you are soo cool" in drunk thai girl talk. Actually annoying. Then she wants to stop on some hill and look at the view. I stop. We walk down this rock thing, then off her pants go again. we tried to sex on that rock, but it hurt my ass-bone too bad... We had sex in her dads truck, just about anywhere you can think of that was public after that... Honest, this girl was almost exactly like when you got your first real gf when you like 16... Sex all the time, everywhere, want to try everything... Im serious shes just






Have you read the Forum Rules?

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.


a strategy is ask for the moon when you dont really want the man to join your family, you think he is kind of a buffon or whatever. If the man does accept outrageous offer at least the family are being paid for the efforts.

Similiar to bargirl strategy when she no like customer but will go if paid hansomely.

I paid 60 Million Baht Sinsot and got 500 Million Baht back.

My wife is better than all of yours, she is whiter, richer, is a PHD, Graduated 1st in her class at Harvard gaining an Honours degree in Nuclear Physics, has better family, has a Pilots License, will be the first Thai in space, drop dead gorgeous and ...............

........is 70 years old, weighs about 125kgs and has no teeth..... but hey, it's called LOVE.... :o

500k is ridiculous, hi-so thai chinese don't get this much.

That's not true. 500,000 is probably the average price of sin sot at the moment for the middle classes and it's what I showed at my wedding to get married (it was all returned to me afterwards though).

For a hi-so wedding it will be in the millions.

Hmm. I'm thinking middle class salary for a Thai guy not long out of university, working in BKK, certainly isn't going to be much more than 25,000 bt/month. Much of this would be spent on rent, transportation, food, and entertainment. So if he can save a massive 5,000 to 10,000 per month, each an every month, it would take him 4 to 8 years to save the dosh, assuming no other emergencies came up - ever. I wonder if the girl will wait this long from the time sin sot is discussed.

500k is ridiculous, hi-so thai chinese don't get this much.

That's not true. 500,000 is probably the average price of sin sot at the moment for the middle classes and it's what I showed at my wedding to get married (it was all returned to me afterwards though).

For a hi-so wedding it will be in the millions.

Hmm. I'm thinking middle class salary for a Thai guy not long out of university, working in BKK, certainly isn't going to be much more than 25,000 bt/month. Much of this would be spent on rent, transportation, food, and entertainment. So if he can save a massive 5,000 to 10,000 per month, each an every month, it would take him 4 to 8 years to save the dosh, assuming no other emergencies came up - ever. I wonder if the girl will wait this long from the time sin sot is discussed.

According to Bank of Thailand regulations, people with a minimum income of 15,000 baht (the credit card operators call them "middle-upper class") can be issued a credit card

Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com//150808_Realtim...008_real001.php


"on the weekends she had one of those carts that she sold pancakes on a stick and shakes and all that stuff. To hear her say it, she didnt go to work in a real job because she lived at home, and with the farm and that cart, she made more money than she could if she lived in BKK and had room, food, taxi/motorbike, gas, whatever... Actually that is very believeable. Surin is cheap, very cheap, her home they have 3 new trucks, and like 5 motorbike. She does not need anything really."

Wait a minute....

Her family owns a huge kick ass chicken farm? 3 new trucks? 5 motor bikes? ets etc....

and she sells kanom from a cart to earn money? lol yeah right.

So did you see the farm when you went to Surin?

Obviously another troll

Why would he pay anything at all ? She's had more pricks than a second hand dart board. :o

What a terrible thing for a Doctor to say!

Quite likely true, but vey unbecoming of a Doctor who has yet to do undertake a detailed examination of the Patient, or has he?

roy gsd

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