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About 10,000 People Demonstrate In Front Of British Embassy


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Well, lots of folks did vote for the military junta's constitution as they feared they would never go away without it as they would fear for their prosecution for the coup. And yes, as I've said before, the military clearly did kill Muslims before undertaking the coup!


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Well, lots of folks did vote for the military junta's constitution as they feared they would never go away without it as they would fear for their prosecution for the coup. And yes, as I've said before, the military clearly did kill Muslims before undertaking the coup!

Would you care to enlighten us who ordered the Tak Bai killing of Muslim and why the top army personal appointed by the prime minister during that time wasn’t charge for the slaughter?

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hey voted for Thaksin (three times in a row) and they are the only ones allowed to end his government...

Thaksin is not above the law, if he breaks it, he has to go regardless of how many votes he got.

A commendable attitude. I presume then , that you think Sondhi also ' has to go ' for breaking the lese majeste law , instead of immediatley being released on bail ( unlike Daranee Charnchongsilpakul ) and that, as the last coup was hardly legal, those responsible should also ' go '. Plus, for once I am in agreement with you.

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Sondhi also ' has to go ' for breaking the lese majeste law , instead of immediatley being released on bail ( unlike Daranee Charnchongsilpakul )

I don't understand you. Darunee meant every single word of what she said while Sondhi just relayed what her offence was to inform others, his attitude is directly opposite to that of Darunee. The charge against him is frivolous. By that logic anybody telling their friends what Darunee had said must be thrown in jail, too.

As for coup leaders - they are gone, in case you haven't noticed.

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Sondhi also ' has to go ' for breaking the lese majeste law , instead of immediatley being released on bail ( unlike Daranee Charnchongsilpakul )

I don't understand you. Darunee meant every single word of what she said while Sondhi just relayed what her offence was to inform others, his attitude is directly opposite to that of Darunee. The charge against him is frivolous. By that logic anybody telling their friends what Darunee had said must be thrown in jail, too.

As for coup leaders - they are gone, in case you haven't noticed.

Now make up your mind. Your original post was correct in implying that no one should be above the law. Repeating lese majeste remarks to incite a crowd is AGAINST THE LAW !! Even Samak , felt obliged to order Darunees arrest as Siricha John pointed out, although some might say that being pro Taksin she was on Samaks side. If Samak had not ordered her arrest he would have been accused of being soft on the law. As for your second remark ??? What, totally hypocritical. Taksin has gone, in case you haven't noticed. You can't have it both ways.

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(Thaksin's) cash gets handed out. Everyone goes home. End of story.

Any politicians with an ounce of charisma not allowed to get too powerful, we've seen where that ends up.

Anyone seen with these type of tendencies to be forced to repeat multiple times " I will not be too popular".

Look forward to a decade of boring politics with not too many questions being asked.

Rise in paranoia and censorship.

Feel free to add to this synopsis.

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It's wearing when foreigners say in USA/ England Congress/ Parliament would censure/ impeach etc, I think many don't realise the extent to which Thaksin had subjugated all the checks and balances set up by the 'green' constitution.

He is far more dangerous than the last coup leaders because he pretends to be a democrat.

And now he's going to sue the 5 PAD leaders for defamation by displaying his wanted poster. Is that wise since he's claimimg the justice system is biased?

I note one of the PPP MPs tried to backtrack by claiming Thaksin only meant to attack the AEC, not the courts; but as Plus says, it's the courts that decide on guilt, not the AEC, and in the Supreme court I believe all the judges were appointed during Thaksin's tenure.

No it's silly. From a silly ex pm in a silly country with silly politics. I feel for the ordinary Thai though.

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This is what happened. Someone didn't like Taksin and so they got the army to chuck him out. Then everyone got a bit taken aback by the fact that the outside world had noticed and the country was being seen as 'undemocratic' and 'not good for investment'. So they had to let Taksin play out his game of government by proxy, all the while thinking, mai pen lai, if he pushes it too far, we'll think of something else, but by Buddha, he won't get his old job back. Then of course, a large proportion of the forlock tuggers Up North started getting a bit upset, and so they had to think up some way, however gobsmackingly hypocritcal to legitimately (geddit?) show him the door. So they put on this Big Show of prosecuting him and his missus for 'corrupt' practices (no, bear with me, you got to laugh) and off he goes. BUT. They forgot (a Thai trait) that The Big Wide World would be watching, and so made a bit of a to do of Righteous Indignation about another country taking in a felon, albeit a very wealthy one, into their country, just to shove another log or two onto the nationalist fire, so to speak. But, again, of course, they didn't really mean it. They want him out of the way. But they weren't going to take his ill gotten gains off him. No. Not Thai way. And so, they came up with a ruse! Get it out of the bank and back to his kids and say it was a slip of the pen/stamp by some underling penpusher. Sorted. I feel so sorry for the Ordinary Thai with his naive hopes for a better future, in the hands of His Rulers of whatever stamp.

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