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Where Can I Meet Americans?


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Like the post saids. I moved here not too long ago, I would like to meet decent Americans, I am not too much into drinking. Not into bar girls or going out all the time.My work schedule is long so I dont have too much free time.

Where do you hang out besides the clubs and bars? What do you do?You play sports? is there a American Football league? maybe a softball league? Basketball league?

I just want to know the general answers to where Americans hang out.



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Where are you located?

You will fnd alot of Americans at the Roadhouse BBQ and bar on Suriwong & Rama 4 Bangkok where they have hosted American voting events, and probably at the basketball court at the Fairtex gym, North Pattaya Road. In Chiang Mai, there usually seems to be some younger Americans getting their Mexican food fix at Miguels.

This question is legit and does not welcome abuse, but it would help if the poster gave more personal info to better tailor the advice.

Leave us Americans alone and go pick on some Russians or something. Enough already!

Edited by Jingthing
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why tavel to thailand just to meet people from where you come from? I'm sure there are loads of good people from all over the world out there just get out and get talking to people. Im not sure about the sports you mentioned but how about golf? Get to a golf club and im sure you'll meet people there.

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why tavel to thailand just to meet people from where you come from? I'm sure there are loads of good people from all over the world out there just get out and get talking to people. Im not sure about the sports you mentioned but how about golf? Get to a golf club and im sure you'll meet people there.

Um. Because he wants to? What does it matter? I see nationalities hanging out with like nationalities here all the time. I don't feel the need so much, but it is just a person's taste, like some people like pizza, some fried insects.

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I did ask a legit question.The replies were kinda disrespectful. I am in BKK, I dont mind getting to know other people who are not American.Just so happens that Americans tend to bond with Americans rather than,lets say the English.Due to the replies, I am kinda understanding a so called Papirico, why he gets so mad.Am i wrong to think that?.....Let start over, where can you meet nice people in bkk, Americans to South Africans,that are here for good healthy fun, and no BS with bars or bar girls.

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American Chamber of Commerce (and others) have lots of events and social networking nights. There is a calendar on their web site


Search on Facebook - there are a number of Bangkok based groups. Maybe not all American but mix of expats and Thais depending on the group. But you can sign up and get on the list of activities.

There are political groups like Democrats in Thailand that have events and meetings.

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American Chamber of Commerce (and others) have lots of events and social networking nights. There is a calendar on their web site


Search on Facebook - there are a number of Bangkok based groups. Maybe not all American but mix of expats and Thais depending on the group. But you can sign up and get on the list of activities.

There are political groups like Democrats in Thailand that have events and meetings.

Thank you, I will check that out.

Take care


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Great intro people, if I may use that term "people" loosely. New guy come on here and asks a legit question, okay lacking some basic info, and all he gets is abuse from the TV team of jerkoff stiffs. Why don't you lot get a life?

To the OP, hope you don't judge TV by the some of the replies you've had here. Persevere and you'll break through the grungeheads and will find some usefull gen.

btw I can't help you because I'm Brit, almost as despised as you Americans, and I'm not in Thailand at present.

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Since you used the word "kill" you give me no choice but to be honest. My favorite bar in BKK is the Tavern in soi4 run by Scott. A small American bar and I didn't recommend it because OP didn't ask for bars. My second wife was American and I spent 2 years living in and working in D.C

I'm an Ozzie and we take the piss its the way it is and just a bit of fun. Well that's my story anyway and cant speak for the rest here

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Come up to Chiang Mai when you have a chance, we have the full monte here, Americans, both north and south, Bitchers, Assies( sorry about that)and about every other nationality of fine folk you would ever want to meet. We can discuss, rant and rave about the bad influence the USA has on the other gulliable people of the world as well as solveing all political, military and money problems. Plan on spending at least 2 hours between arrival and departure so all of the smart a.. can give their complete CV to show they are qualified to answer the difficult questions.

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TBH it seems difficult to meet expats as many seem standoffish for some reason. I like the OP would like to meet a North American or Brit just for an occasional chat and/or game of golf but many times when I see a Farang in my area and say hello they don't seem interested in conversation. The few decent guys I've met tend to be much older than myself and we don't really click as we are from different generations.

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TBH it seems difficult to meet expats as many seem standoffish for some reason. I like the OP would like to meet a North American or Brit just for an occasional chat and/or game of golf but many times when I see a Farang in my area and say hello they don't seem interested in conversation. The few decent guys I've met tend to be much older than myself and we don't really click as we are from different generations.

Back on topic, I would check with Amcham here, they might be able to point you in the right directions to meet ups etc, or to someone from the USA that knows.

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Great intro people, if I may use that term "people" loosely. New guy come on here and asks a legit question, okay lacking some basic info, and all he gets is abuse from the TV team of jerkoff stiffs. Why don't you lot get a life?

To the OP, hope you don't judge TV by the some of the replies you've had here. Persevere and you'll break through the grungeheads and will find some usefull gen.

btw I can't help you because I'm Brit, almost as despised as you Americans, and I'm not in Thailand at present.

Thanks, is it always like this on this forum???

take care


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Great intro people, if I may use that term "people" loosely. New guy come on here and asks a legit question, okay lacking some basic info, and all he gets is abuse from the TV team of jerkoff stiffs. Why don't you lot get a life?

To the OP, hope you don't judge TV by the some of the replies you've had here. Persevere and you'll break through the grungeheads and will find some usefull gen.

btw I can't help you because I'm Brit, almost as despised as you Americans, and I'm not in Thailand at present.

Thanks, is it always like this on this forum???

take care


Not at all, sometimes it gets nasty :o

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Yeah, they take abuse all day and when they answer back you get all insulted. :o

To the OP -I've spent most of the past 14 years abroad and most people I've met have no problems with Americans. Some nationalities - including our best buddies in the world - tend to jump on the hate bandwagon once they get a little liquid courage in them (sometimes it's just in good fun but there is no mistaking the underlying vibe). I never pay to much attention to it really. If you consider the source (most aren't the sharpest tools in the shed) it's hard to get too concerned. Usually a few polite questions will reveal to you and the hater just how misinformed he really is. So just smile and don't let it bother you.

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For what they have shown me here, I would have to agree.Better alone than with bad company I always say.

This forum can be a great source of information....I have met many great people of all nationalities here.

I've always tried to be helpful here.

Today I lost it.

I'm ashamed to have lowered myself to the level of the nationality bashers here, but after reporting this thread for obvious anti American sentiment, and getting no response....I got mad.

For any one of the many friends I've made here that I've offended....I'm truly sorry.

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Like the post saids. I moved here not too long ago, I would like to meet decent Americans, I am not too much into drinking. Not into bar girls or going out all the time.My work schedule is long so I dont have too much free time.

Where do you hang out besides the clubs and bars? What do you do?You play sports? is there a American Football league? maybe a softball league? Basketball league?

I just want to know the general answers to where Americans hang out.



If you are likable, honest, friendly etc. you will have no problem making friends with people from all nationalities.

Unfortunately for Americans they are forever being associated with the actions of their Government & whatever is the current military adventure. From my experience, I have found this to be unfair, as the vast majority of Americans I have met have been thoroughly likable. Maybe I gravitate towards the nice ones, who knows. Of course if you continually spout pro Iraq/Bush type bullsh*t & right wing drivel you will struggle to make many non American friends.

If you hang around this forum for any length of time, you will be exposed to a constant stream of racial stereotyping,outrageous generalizations of a racial nature & pure un-adulterated crap, most of which is directed at the Thais, but others do get a look in (as you have experienced).

You will also get to know the members that have made exremely poor life changing decisions & have moved to Thailand, totally clueless & without forethought. They quickly become bitter & twisted, short on money, their only entertainment is posting puerile & trite comments on ThaiVisa.

Having said that, this forum can be very entertaining, & on the rare occasion, actually informative.

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Wow, who would have thought such an innocent OP could stir such venom.

I would have predicted it.

To be fair though Jingthing, your a bit of a negative person who always thinks the worst will happen :o .

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I think we were all once idiots posting a similar thread before arriving in BKK.

BK before taking the piss just look through the internet there a plenty of clubs in BKK Aussie UK American and so-on.

But if you want to meet some people do not be afraid to hit the bars American's all hang out at the bars called Kings and Queens in Pat Pong not sure why but go and you will find out. :o

no they dont. its full of ippun types and british!

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Wow, who would have thought such an innocent OP could stir such venom.

I would have predicted it.

To be fair though Jingthing, your a bit of a negative person who always thinks the worst will happen :o .

I resemble that remark! Actually, I rather see myself as not negative, but HARD BOILED.

Edited by Jingthing
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Like the post saids. I moved here not too long ago, I would like to meet decent Americans, I am not too much into drinking. Not into bar girls or going out all the time.My work schedule is long so I dont have too much free time.

Where do you hang out besides the clubs and bars? What do you do?You play sports? is there a American Football league? maybe a softball league? Basketball league?

I just want to know the general answers to where Americans hang out.



There is no direct answer as to where Americans hang out (whether "decent" or not). You can join the American Chamber which is comprised of companies from many different countries, and you will meet many Americans. There is a softball league here and it is mostly American players. However, ultimately you will realize that this is a city of ex-pats of all different nationalities and we all share the same experiences.

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Leave the poor old Yanks alone, Poms surely have enough of their own issues to deal with.

As to the OP, perhaps in time you will understand that everyone mixes with everyone. Asking to just meet fellow countrymen could be construed as insulting if not phrased well, just painting a target on yourself.

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off topic, nasty and trollish posts have been removed.

keep it nice people. the OP has asked a pretty simple question. we were all new here once. play nicely in the sandpit or you will be sent home with your buckets and spades quick smart.

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I have no gone through & removed 35, yes 35 offensive and or stupid posts (and a few replies to them) as Donna has already said, play nice.

The op asked for hang outs for Americans in the LOS so we therefore do not need posts on US politixs, US obesity, US fast food etc etc.


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