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Warning - Dog Poisonings


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It might be asking a lot of people that don't have their dog trained, but you can teach them to not eat anything unless it was provided by you or someone they know.  I saw this done at phuket dog school and I tried to feed these other dogs and also dropped food down, but they didn't go for it.  

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Some despicable person has been poisoning dogs over at least the past month from the Soi Gecko to the Soi Alingy areas of Sai Yuan. Four so far. Keep vigilant. :D

Just to turn this around I live on a estate 95% Thai, Dogs run loose every morning it seems thats ok they S---t anywhere, and are agressive to adults and the children, and every morning the dustbins are spead across the roads some owners have 5 plus dogs, 4 years ago the estate mangement poisoned them, excellent!! they are back now, what do you think, Time again I think !!! And before all you doggy lovers get excited I have two dogs !!! :o

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Some despicable person has been poisoning dogs over at least the past month from the Soi Gecko to the Soi Alingy areas of Sai Yuan. Four so far. Keep vigilant. :D

Just to turn this around I live on a estate 95% Thai, Dogs run loose every morning it seems thats ok they S---t anywhere, and are agressive to adults and the children, and every morning the dustbins are spead across the roads some owners have 5 plus dogs, 4 years ago the estate mangement poisoned them, excellent!! they are back now, what do you think, Time again I think !!! And before all you doggy lovers get excited I have two dogs !!! :o

They poisoned them once here and never did it again, they even spared a pregnant bitch that time... :D

Millions of these dogs are underfed, full of disease and have miserable lives.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."


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It also might have got something to do with the garbish pile at the beginning of Soi Gecko. People keep on dumping their rubbish there and for the dogs this is heaven...we have tried to do something about it, but no one seems to care "hey when it's not in my backyard, I dont give a %&^$!" It terrible and very bad for everyones health, dogs, cats and people....What can we do???

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Two of the dogs were the pets of some Thais who are distraught and blaming an American neighbour. Another was a pet of one of our Thai neighbours, the dog, although noisy, no more so than many of the other dogs in my particular soi when someone passes, and was always kept on a leash.

I understand why people get so irritated by those who let their dogs run around in packs with no consideration and consequently no control from the respective owners. However. It absolutely stuns me to see so many farang here condoning the despicable, wanton act of actually preparing poisoned food, and giving it to someone's bloody pet! :o

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I am sorry, but I am all for ridding the streets of these soi dogs. I mean, if you have a dog, and you love your dog, (as I do, I am a huge dog lover) don't let it run around without a leash. Sai Yuan is mostly Muslium, and they hate dogs. Maybe it has something to do with fearing them or being raised to.

I am not Buddhist. My son is not either. We support killing the soi dogs. I apologize to all the PETA members out there, but where I lived before, there was such a huge problem with them at night, fighting, howling, barking..etc that we participated in getting rid of them. 5 Thai children were bitten, and the rest were terrified to play in the neighborhood. Our Thai neighbors thanked us over and over, and constantly brought us fruit.

It is stupid and disgusting to allow these mutts to roam around the streets. I know a lot of farangs that actually adopt them, or take them into their homes. That's fine. By all means. But control your new pet. I will be da*ned if I am going to let my son get bitten by some mangy mutt. We have 2 female (full bred) rotts and they are wonderful pets. Harmless, and very friendly. Like big kittens. But they are ferocious when it comes to soi dogs.

A friend of mine has a Razor Back Pitt and she keeps her dog inside at all times, (even sleeps in the bed with it) unless she goes to the beach. But when soi dogs come around her, her dog goes apesh!t. I wish I had a .22 with a scope and a silencer, (so not to wake the neighbors). If I did, there would be a lot less Soi dogs.

You have to ask the questions: Where was your dog and what was it doing when it got poisoned? Was it in the yard, minding the guard post, or unleashed roaming the streets, checking out the scene? What time of day was it? And lastly, where were you at the time of the poisoning?


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I understand why people get so irritated by those who let their dogs run around in packs with no consideration and consequently no control from the respective owners. However. It absolutely stuns me to see so many farang here condoning the despicable, wanton act of actually preparing poisoned food, and giving it to someone's pet!

Something here you are not understanding. Those are wild dogs that were released or are the offspring of "Soi" dogs.

It is sad that our hosts can't bring themselves to organize animal control. I am not in favor of wild dogs roaming around. Add into the mix that the Buddhists think they gain "merit" by feeding them.

That is despicable.

Animal control should treat the dogs with respect. Maybe they need to hire Muslim vets to euthanize them (assuming they were ever rounded up in the first place).

The takeaway here is keep your dogs under control. Either in the yard or on a leash.

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I understand why people get so irritated by those who let their dogs run around in packs with no consideration and consequently no control from the respective owners. However. It absolutely stuns me to see so many farang here condoning the despicable, wanton act of actually preparing poisoned food, and giving it to someone's pet!

Something here you are not understanding. Those are wild dogs that were released or are the offspring of "Soi" dogs.

It is sad that our hosts can't bring themselves to organize animal control. I am not in favor of wild dogs roaming around. Add into the mix that the Buddhists think they gain "merit" by feeding them.

That is despicable.

Animal control should treat the dogs with respect. Maybe they need to hire Muslim vets to euthanize them (assuming they were ever rounded up in the first place).

The takeaway here is keep your dogs under control. Either in the yard or on a leash.

No there's something YOU aren't understanding. If you take the trouble to read my post properly, none of these dogs were 'wild', they were all pets. And what is this with poisoning dogs here anyway? They're not roaming around in 'packs' as you put it. Certainly nothing like when I was here over fifteen years ago. And then all they did was bark and bugger off when you made to lift a stone! Are you just off the boat? And what's this with 'muslim vets'. Oh. So they're ragheads and can despatch someone's pet without having to worry about 'merit'. Idiot!

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Too many people don't know how to look after their dogs. We also have dogs roaming in my Soi. Every morning piles of mess everywhere. They bark constantly through the night. These are not strays, they have collars.

I'm not surprised people get sick and poison them. Being woken every morning at 5-30 am for a month can drive people pretty crazy. Sure, it's the fault of the owners, but you can't really going round poisoning them, can you?

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but where I lived before, there was such a huge problem with them at night, fighting, howling, barking..etc that we participated in getting rid of them. 5 Thai children were bitten, and the rest were terrified to play in the neighborhood. Our Thai neighbors thanked us over and over, and constantly brought us fruit.

So how did you dispatch them ?? Did you go out and humanely shoot or dispatch them quickly or did you poison them to a slow lingering painful death like a coward ??

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Soi dogs are a huge problem in thailand,full of disease and in a pack can do untold harm to a human.PETS owned by some thais or farangs should be looked after much better,as a couple near me let their 6 dogs out,before that they bark and howl very loudly and come and shit next to mine and other peoples gates.Then they go back all clean to the owners,1 farang and 1 thai.A mixed couple lower than us has frightened my stepson rigid and that one will die if it bites once.I have told them too and they are keeping it in more.I suggested a muzzle when its let out but like talking to my ass.I have had dogs all my life and take care of them properly but some of these pets cannot even walk on a lead.Blame the owners and put pressure on them to learn how to take care of dogs.

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The initial poster was not talking about PACKS.

I lived in Melbourne for a short time. (I am not an ozzie) and the streets were so clean and NO stray dogs.

Perhaps some of you would should live there.

Barbaric poisoning is not the solution. I hope you had the "good will" and education to use a human method of terminating the nuisance to your life.

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if the post is to me,yes i know he wasnt talking about packs,i was.the reason i posted that was to make a difference between a pack of soi dogs and a pack of nuicesne farang/thai pets.I woul never dream of poisoning a soi or pet dog,but if that dog bites my son i will rip its head off

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I have seen my lovely beagle die by poisoning and its a horrible sight,only because the dog got out after i left the door open.he was a stray and we got him from the dogs home and was very special to me.However in parts of Greece they cull many of the cats in low season and it works well.Soi dogs can be a real menace but maybe some of them have owners too.Its a very difficult situation other than a dog biting me or my kid or my gf,then i would do something very nasty indeed.I heard you are supposed to chop the dogs head off and take it to the hospital,i can and will do that if i have hassle off any dogs that do not have a rabies tag on them.

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On the many issues caused by dogs in Thailand, Thais are like a dog chasing it's own tail.

Nothing will ever happen to solve the problem.

In the meantime, you get poisonings and people mauled, killed, flipping over on motorcycles, rabies, a billion dog turds drying up in the sun and blown by the wind. Som nam na.

Enjoy your dried squid.

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The way I see it there is a huge difference between soi dogs and people's pets.  No life should be taken, but soi dogs do present health problems so they should be controlled one way or another, however no one's pet should be poisoned behind their own property boundaries.

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Too many people don't know how to look after their dogs. We also have dogs roaming in my Soi. Every morning piles of mess everywhere. They bark constantly through the night. These are not strays, they have collars.

I'm not surprised people get sick and poison them. Being woken every morning at 5-30 am for a month can drive people pretty crazy. Sure, it's the fault of the owners, but you can't really going round poisoning them, can you?

Good post my view entirely :o You must live on MY Soi :D

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Too many people don't know how to look after their dogs. We also have dogs roaming in my Soi. Every morning piles of mess everywhere. They bark constantly through the night. These are not strays, they have collars.

I'm not surprised people get sick and poison them. Being woken every morning at 5-30 am for a month can drive people pretty crazy. Sure, it's the fault of the owners, but you can't really going round poisoning them, can you?

Good post my view entirely :o You must live on MY Soi :D

Oh Buy a cataplut, excellent results :D

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So how did you dispatch them ?? Did you go out and humanely shoot or dispatch them quickly or did you poison them to a slow lingering painful death like a coward ??

A coward sits back and does nothing. Sitting back and doing nothing makes one a coward. Someone who calls people names on a Forum is a coward. I can appreciate the question. I wouldn't know the first thing about poisoning a dog, where to buy poison, or how much and by what means.

No. No poison involved. Look, I can understand that some people feel differently, but it is always the same thing. No one wants to do anything until something happens. It's like the death penalty. You might be against it, until something happens to you, or someone you love. Most of the posts following mine said the same thing. "I love dogs, but if one bites my kid...."

When we dispatched these mutts, it had already happened. Did you see the part where I said 5 kids had already been bitten? Probably not. You seem like you just want to pick a fight.

We didn't just run out, after drinking too much and start running them over. I am talking about a pack of at least 3 generations, if not 4. A 15+ pack consisting of a hierarchy, an Alpha Male/Female and no collars or owners. They gather at night and roam the streets howling, fighting, barking, and dumping the trash bins.

We tolerated this mess for over a year, and complained to the police and the City, but with no results. I am going to avoid gory details, but we solved the problem. I would love to rid the streets of these mutts, and would participate again if I felt threatned, but I would not use poison. There is no dignity in suffering.

Collar or no collar. If your dog happens to wonder off, don't be suprised if someone kills it. And as for the Soi Dogs, they serve no purpose. They should all be rounded up and put down by professionals.

But come on people, we are all just p!ssing in the wind. This will never change, but it sure is fun to talk about.

For LivinLOS: ** We made food traps, and shot them with guns and then made Laap Maa' (Laap Moo, only with Maa') :o mm mm mmmmm Tasty!


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Actually I dont have any problem with culling the population.. I eat meat and so would be a hypocrite if I got all squeemish if an animal dies.

I do have a big problem with dog poisonings, its slow, cruel and a horrific way to die.. It happened to my mates perfectly well behaved pet.. Sad to see and was a cowards way to kill an animal.

Culling in some relatively fast method of dispatch.. Fair enough. Posinion (usually by someone who knows the owner but it too chicken shit to even speak up first) is I maintain a poor way to deal with the problem.

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I seem to remember a few years ago that the Patong police were culling the stray dogs along the beach front. The tourists were outraged and that practice ceased quite quickly. I supposed the only humane (??) way is by lethal injection.

Yeah, of most of the godawful expat contingent here, from what I've seen on this horrible thread.

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the problem is the idiots that keep walking around everywhere but in front of their house..

I let my 2 dogs run around in the neighborhood. they bark but they dont bite and if u get close to them they stop barking and start licking, no matter who you are..

yet i have about 6 old thai woman walking all the way from their low rent houses to my street all day long, scared and holding sticcks and rocks in case, knowning that if i see them moving their way i will break all of their bones

then i have these other poor thai guys walking their badly trained dogs all the way from their poor street, to my street and then getting mad at my dogs for sniffing his dog, if he stayed in his area with his dog, no problem again.

then i have these burmese worker, making a ton of noise outside and using empty houses for their wifes and throwing trash around the clean areas getting scared when my dog chase them.. well if they didnt throw trash around or stayed in their thin foil houses, no problem.

Everyone should keep track of who hates your dog, i have let everyone know that if my dogs are poisoned these 3 gangs will be held accountable. and in no way i will leave my dogs stuck in my yard like those disgusting people all over my street, getting 4 dogs stuck in a very small yard or even those that have four 1feet by 1 feet cages in front of the house holding 4-5 small dogs, ALL DAY AND NIGHT

my dogs will roam the streets, keeps that bloody retarded walkers away from staying 30mins in front of my house talking loudly about thai soap shows/ouan people or their favorite subjet.. food.

They wouldnt even run around if it wasnt for every of my thai neighboors throwing trash everywhere in the street or around their garbage can, or the burmese worker droping a kilo of trash every step they take and leaving it there for a month..

and all the bad dogs are from burmese camps, cant even walk near their camp without having 10 dogs rush you, i had to beat one off with a metal poll the other day because it tried to bite my gf, yet those idiots when they leave their dump home and come to mine which is 5mins away they get scared at my dog rushing them in a playfull way and barking when their dogs are angry beaten creatures

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