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Warning - Dog Poisonings


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If a dog comes to me barking i asume it will bite and i take action.Why dont you take the dogs for a nice walk on a alead and stop your moaning about poor this and poor that,if you are rich this and rich that move out and go to some posh farang place.

you sound a total nobhead to me and if your dogs shit by my house they would get it back stuffed down their throats.you havent got a clue how to look after dogs and you come on here to justify letting your dogs shit everywhere and bark all day,you should be poisoned.

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If a dog comes to me barking i asume it will bite and i take action.Why dont you take the dogs for a nice walk on a alead and stop your moaning about poor this and poor that,if you are rich this and rich that move out and go to some posh farang place.

you sound a total nobhead to me and if your dogs shit by my house they would get it back stuffed down their throats.you havent got a clue how to look after dogs and you come on here to justify letting your dogs shit everywhere and bark all day,you should be poisoned.

Bloody hel_l, great post :o

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good post bigbrowski.

i have just bought a catapult and will try it later.does anyone know where to but a blowpipe from????

Don't leave the catapult in the sun it will only last a week ! :o I was a little worried about my post about the other side !!! but it would seem that 90% of you favour the get rid of the UNCONTROLLED dogs, excellent, there is hope then :D

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Too many people don't know how to look after their dogs. We also have dogs roaming in my Soi. Every morning piles of mess everywhere. They bark constantly through the night. These are not strays, they have collars.

I'm not surprised people get sick and poison them. Being woken every morning at 5-30 am for a month can drive people pretty crazy. Sure, it's the fault of the owners, but you can't really going round poisoning them, can you?

Good post my view entirely :o You must live on MY Soi :D

Oh Buy a cataplut, excellent results :D

That has crossed my mind.

What do you fire from the catapult?


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the problem is the idiots that keep walking around everywhere but in front of their house..

I let my 2 dogs run around in the neighborhood. they bark but they dont bite and if u get close to them they stop barking and start licking, no matter who you are..

I don't care. They SHOULD NOT be left to roam the streets.

If you don't have the room to keep one in your house then, to put it simply, you should not own a dog.

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Catapults work well, a can of mace is better.

Soi dogs are the bane of my existence here in Thailand. I love dogs and have two of my own ,but cannot walk them anywhere because of the bloody soi dogs. Even my favourite bush walking spot is off the list now because of a squatters mangy pack.

It became that bad in the village that i have even moved the dogs out of town to a small farm to get away from the violent and noisy pet village dogs that roam their patch of street. The farm was working well until this week when a neighbouring farms 3 dogs came over every night and barked outside the dogs yard, all night. There are limits to a mans patience, i have already told the owner of the problem and my solution if it continues, but he is indifferent. Sadly these dogs will not survive.

The tragedy is these were somebodies pets, a person who just cant be bothered to look after his own poor dogs. Its the same everywhere you go in Thailand, nobody takes proper care of the dogs and misguided people who think there is a perfect humane solution for everyone.

Ive seen the kennels for the strays in Thailand and it is not pretty. The dogs are starved to death slowly or kept in such horrible conditions that they die from disease anyway. 50-100 dogs in the same small yards with no proper drainage, I'd say poison is better.

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There are dogs roaming our village but they are all looked after and fed by the respective families. They know they get a slap if they come near when we are eating same as our dogs in the UK. If one snapped at me it would get such a kick it would think twice but this does not happen.

Edited by gymshark
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While I agree with you post 100%

Theres no need to blame the dog for its pedigree.. I have had 'mutts' and they were the best, well trained, well behaved animals out there.. In fact I think the inbreeding of many pedigrees isnt healthy mentally and its known physically for many.

Agree with everything else, only that mutts are not the problem, owners, training and control is the issue.

Please allow me to re-phrase. Although I have never had a mutt, I know they can be good and loyal dogs. What I was saying was that mutts are normally free, so letting them run wild is the sign of a free dog. I paid 30k thb for each of my babies, and would never allow that.

The user THAIGERD has Rotts as well. Ask him if he would allow them to rampage the neighborhood, unlooked after.

Nothing against mutts though. But anyone with a Pedigreed Animal would take better care to see that it was not stolen.

Treat your animals with care, and they will be great pets. Let them run amuck, and they will not respect you. Dogs, like children, NEED structure. Petite Chevy needs to go to dog handling school.


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the problem is the idiots that keep walking around everywhere but in front of their house..

I let my 2 dogs run around in the neighborhood. they bark but they dont bite and if u get close to them they stop barking and start licking, no matter who you are..

yet i have about 6 old thai woman walking all the way from their low rent houses to my street all day long, scared and holding sticcks and rocks in case, knowning that if i see them moving their way i will break all of their bones

I dont believe it !!! exactly the kind of owner that really need thier head examined.

What a fuc_king piece of work you are.

Absolutely right, you should see some of this knucklehead's other posts, maybe we can get him to change his handle to dumbass...

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There are dogs roaming our village but they are all looked after and fed by the respective families. They know they get a slap if they come near when we are eating same as our dogs in the UK. If one snapped at me it would get such a kick it would think twice but this does not happen.

Seem like hte only non-retarded poster in this thread..

watch his name


he's not a small dominated human being. he doesnt need to take his wekaness on small dogs.

he states that he would slap them if they came near his food, if he said his yard even then its ok.. never said he'd kick them..

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never seen a drunk expat at 4pm as i am in the house trying to kill the soi dogs.I never said i would kick the soi dog i said i would take action.You are the worst sort of farang here as letting dogs roam is the worse thing you can do,also is any of your dogs bitches or do you dogs shag bitches for more puppies,a total moron is you, and you had better break my legs before i do you some serious damage.

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What a nut-job.

Kicking dogs + bad. Breaking people's legs = good.

He knows we are all sexpats and are pathetic (how do you know this?).

He spends more money here than anyone else even if they stay 90 years?

Where do you get your facts? I know that a certain poster that has contributed to this thread is a multi-millionaire.

He knows more about dogs than anyone here?

Modesty is obviously not one of his vices.

Do us all a favour and disappear up that orifice you seem to speak from.

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While I agree with you post 100%

Theres no need to blame the dog for its pedigree.. I have had 'mutts' and they were the best, well trained, well behaved animals out there.. In fact I think the inbreeding of many pedigrees isnt healthy mentally and its known physically for many.

Agree with everything else, only that mutts are not the problem, owners, training and control is the issue.

Please allow me to re-phrase. Although I have never had a mutt, I know they can be good and loyal dogs. What I was saying was that mutts are normally free, so letting them run wild is the sign of a free dog. I paid 30k thb for each of my babies, and would never allow that.

The user THAIGERD has Rotts as well. Ask him if he would allow them to rampage the neighborhood, unlooked after.

Nothing against mutts though. But anyone with a Pedigreed Animal would take better care to see that it was not stolen.

Treat your animals with care, and they will be great pets. Let them run amuck, and they will not respect you. Dogs, like children, NEED structure. Petite Chevy needs to go to dog handling school.


i have had 12 dogs in my short life. i trained all of them to do exactly what i want them to do, no more no less..

These 2 dogs that roam, are as good as the ones that got stuck in the house before... they're even less stupid i think. and much more loving... they never hurt me when we play unlike all the other dogs ive had.

You might want to keep your 'informational' popsts about thai sexpat life, dogs is not your strong subject

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Guest Reimar

I had cleaned this thread from the most flaming and abusing post.

Keep on topic and use a civil language and stop flaming and abusing each other if you don't want this thread closed!


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Guest Reimar

This is the last time I call for to use an civil language before I close this thread because I had need to delete the next post again after I posted my warning.


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