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Tuesdays Shooting Outside Carrefour (Update)


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Your op had me in tears, my son is the exact same age & I just had to go check on him after reading this (he is having a nap safely in his bed but the mind does funny things when you have a baby) so I fully understand what you mean about coming to terms with nearly losing her.

Just give her a lot of hugs & kisses & talk your feeling out with your wife. It will, I think take a long time to stop thinking about what if, but it is normal to feel that way. When a child is injured or worse it brings out our most primal instincts to protect or feel injustice. Your baby shouldn't have been hurt this way & for the polcie to not even attempt to find out who did it is disgusting but thank god, buddha or whoever it may be, she is fine & on the road to recovery. I dare say she will be over it much quicker than either one of you too. That's the kid way :o

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I drove into Carefour less than an hour after the incident and there was no sign of police, investigators, bystanders, or anything. It was just another rainy morning. I am surprised because, in USA for instance, the Crime scene investigative team would be retrieving evidence. My daughter is also 15 months old and my heart goes out to you.

What makes you think that the Thai police should function like the USA police do? Are their work situations comprable? Is their pay comprable? Do you also expect that Thai people and food should be like USA food and people? OTL

Why in the world would I compare Thai and American food. Thai food would win every time. (and yes I'm American)

Policeman's pay in not exactly comprable but they do get wonderful societal perks.

The Thai police shouldn't function the same. I've seen it function better here in some instances. American police scare the tar out of me. They are likely to break a light and then fine you for it. When I see my Thai police friends I feel a sense of calm and protection. My few Thai police friends are ethical, efficient and smart. If they had been on the scene I'm sure that they wouldn't have said that "somebody was hunting birds on the Superhighway with a police pistol."

I realize that some of you have run into some "idiot police" with a "God complex" but that doesn't mean that they are all "bad eggs."

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I drove into Carefour less than an hour after the incident and there was no sign of police, investigators, bystanders, or anything. It was just another rainy morning. I am surprised because, in USA for instance, the Crime scene investigative team would be retrieving evidence. My daughter is also 15 months old and my heart goes out to you.

What makes you think that the Thai police should function like the USA police do? Are their work situations comprable? Is their pay comprable? Do you also expect that Thai people and food should be like USA food and people? OTL

Why in the world would I compare Thai and American food. Thai food would win every time. (and yes I'm American)

Policeman's pay in not exactly comprable but they do get wonderful societal perks.

The Thai police shouldn't function the same. I've seen it function better here in some instances. American police scare the tar out of me. They are likely to break a light and then fine you for it. When I see my Thai police friends I feel a sense of calm and protection. My few Thai police friends are ethical, efficient and smart. If they had been on the scene I'm sure that they wouldn't have said that "somebody was hunting birds on the Superhighway with a police pistol."

I realize that some of you have run into some "idiot police" with a "God complex" but that doesn't mean that they are all "bad eggs."

No, they are all "bad eggs".. If they cant extort money out of you, or rip you off, then they dont give a dam_n. Nice story in this weeks Chiang Mai Mail about a farang that went to the police for help, ended up costing him a couple of hundred thousand baht for their troubles.


Get real the police in the country are a joke.

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I was shocked to read the post but relieved that you and your family are safe. I am also pleased that the people of Chiang Mai are rallying around you with support and kind words.

I am moving this thread to General Forum to give it a wider audience.

Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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I am so thankful that you are all going to be OK.

Am I surprised that the incident happened?, no I am not. Regardless of what people say in defence of denizens of the realm they do not add up to very much in many cases.

Am I surprised about the inaction of the police?, no I am not. I would have been surprised if they had done anything more constructive.

This was not an accident. Maybe the perp was not shooting at you but he was definitely not shooting at pidgeons either.

I will send the OP to the as many people as I have in my address book.

Amazing Thailand? Yes indeed.

Again I am so thankful that you guys are gonna be alright.

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There was, in fact, a very similar incident in Chiang Mai last year. A Canadian visitor was shot in the back while riding a songthaew in a city area.

Not sure if this means Iain's chances of a hole in one are getting better or worse.

With reference to that incident that occurred last year (the Canadian in the Songthaew), did the police not also write that off as a "hunting accident". Notwithstanding that the victim was sitting in the back of a songthaew travelling around the moat.

Not that it changes the argument all that much, but just to set the record straight, the shooting of the Canadian professor occurred on the way into town from the Oriental Darathewi, where the Canadian couple were staying. Not travelling around the moat.

What we have here are grossly incompetent people making (Thai police) making what they believe to be statements of fact based upon no evidence whatsoever. In Thailand that is acceptable because no one gives a dam_n.

I can't argue with that. Completely irresponsible.

Upon reading Iain's OP last night, I emailed the Sun in London, as did others I think. They have run a story, and I hope the powers-that-be take notice. 500,000 Brits visit Thailand every year. I hope this severely puts a dent in Thai tourism. People need to start taking responsibility here.

I don't know if less tourism is going to help the situation, but I agree about the taking responsibility part... also agree about the need for better international media coverage of more aspects of Thailand than the common topics prostitution, child exploitation, and on the other hand the 'amazing tourist destination Thailand where everyone is smiling'.

There's a lot more to this country.

Iaian, I was completely shocked reading this topic, and I'm really happy everything went well in the end. Like a lot of Chiang Mai people I go shopping at Carrefour regularly - it could have been any of us.

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Shocking - brought me right to my senses, I am so happy to hear that your little one is going to be okay.

I also clicked on the last picture - made it a lot worse for me, as Lala reminds me exactly of my two daughters when they were her age.

I sincerely hope Lala and both you and your wife come away from this without any deep emotional scars, however hard that might be.

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Things like this happen all the time, most of it covered up, denied and hidden. They are trying to deny this too, it is the automatic response and works until International media blow it open. I just wish most of you that refuse to acknowledge that Thailand is a dangerous place regardless of how sober and self righteous you are that this place is indeed not the safe, cozy, friendly place you all claim it to be. More Brits die here than ANY other vacation locale. Most Thai homes have walls lined with glass shards and pointy steel pikes surrounding them. Thai police are more likely to vicitimise you then help you, Thais avoid them as much as possible. I know events like this that happen don't change your minds.... I don't know why alot of you insist on denying, I assume its because it makes you feel better and anything that intrudes on that feeling is vehemently argued against even when its staring you in the face. We would never even have heard about this if the people it happened to didnt post here. How many more do we not know about? How many more happen to Thais and NO ONE hears about it? Unless its a rich thai. Im not bashing Thais, I'm simply stating the obvious fact: This place is not safe.

I am so happy the little girl had a freak stoke of luck... who ever heard of a kiddie seat strap stopping bullets? Amazing and great! This story almost certainly should have been alot worse. Nothing will happen, no one will be held accountable, which does in fact make it more sad. If I was the father I would be going insane....

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Really shocking, also brought tears to my eyes when I read this story this morning.

This is the Suns story today http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1593350.ece

I don't want to be a negative, but just incase anyone thinks that a child seat/belt can stop a bullet, I'm afraid that isn't true. I think Iian says that the surgeon could not locate the bullet and that he later found the bullet in the childs car seat which may indicate that the bullet went through the poor little girls body.

I am so pleased that Lala is ok, and I completely agree that the more publicity this story gets the better!


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I hope the family recover from the trauma as quickly as possible.

This sort of incident can happen anywhere, we all understand that. But what message does police indifference send out. The police here seem to have enough perks to justify doing their job, in between extorting those perks.

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I drove into Carefour less than an hour after the incident and there was no sign of police, investigators, bystanders, or anything. It was just another rainy morning. I am surprised because, in USA for instance, the Crime scene investigative team would be retrieving evidence. My daughter is also 15 months old and my heart goes out to you.

What makes you think that the Thai police should function like the USA police do? Are their work situations comprable? Is their pay comprable? Do you also expect that Thai people and food should be like USA food and people? OTL

Last year I was involved in an vehicular accident at Wiang Papou.

Within minutes (literally) there were eight or more police there including a member of the tourist police. Regardless of the fact that no one had been injured they were still drawing lines on the road two hours after the incident.

I had the feeling that they were some what disappointed that the two farangs in the car had been neither driving or owned the vehical.

sceadugenga's blog

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Things like this happen all the time, most of it covered up, denied and hidden. They are trying to deny this too, it is the automatic response and works until International media blow it open. I just wish most of you that refuse to acknowledge that Thailand is a dangerous place regardless of how sober and self righteous you are that this place is indeed not the safe, cozy, friendly place you all claim it to be. More Brits die here than ANY other vacation locale. Most Thai homes have walls lined with glass shards and pointy steel pikes surrounding them. Thai police are more likely to vicitimise you then help you, Thais avoid them as much as possible. I know events like this that happen don't change your minds.... I don't know why alot of you insist on denying, I assume its because it makes you feel better and anything that intrudes on that feeling is vehemently argued against even when its staring you in the face. We would never even have heard about this if the people it happened to didnt post here. How many more do we not know about? How many more happen to Thais and NO ONE hears about it? Unless its a rich thai. Im not bashing Thais, I'm simply stating the obvious fact: This place is not safe.

I am so happy the little girl had a freak stoke of luck... who ever heard of a kiddie seat strap stopping bullets? Amazing and great! This story almost certainly should have been alot worse. Nothing will happen, no one will be held accountable, which does in fact make it more sad. If I was the father I would be going insane....

Best post I have read in a long time... well said

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Ian, I've been following this thread for a bit since you first posted.

As a parent, I want to express my sincere relief and thanks that your daughter will be OK.

As a CM resident, I want to remind all that these things happen everywhere. The randomness of this attack makes it frightening, I know.

I also shop at that Carrefour on a weekly basis. Unbelievable that this sort of thing could happen to a young family, minding their own business.

Again, I'm so happy your daughter will be alright.

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Ian, I've been following this thread for a bit since you first posted.

As a parent, I want to express my sincere relief and thanks that your daughter will be OK.

As a CM resident, I want to remind all that these things happen everywhere. The randomness of this attack makes it frightening, I know.

I also shop at that Carrefour on a weekly basis. Unbelievable that this sort of thing could happen to a young family, minding their own business.

Again, I'm so happy your daughter will be alright.

The response by authorities, to this tragic incident, does not happen everywhere. It's outrageous and depending on what future actions the OP would wish to consider, I offer my support. I've already sent emails and copies of this thread to the editorial desks of The Nation and The Bangkok Post. That may serve no purpose, but when I see something like this I can't do nothing. I'd like to see this thread move in a direction where we might discuss how our collective voices might be heard.

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Ian, I've been following this thread for a bit since you first posted.

As a parent, I want to express my sincere relief and thanks that your daughter will be OK.

As a CM resident, I want to remind all that these things happen everywhere. The randomness of this attack makes it frightening, I know.

I also shop at that Carrefour on a weekly basis. Unbelievable that this sort of thing could happen to a young family, minding their own business.

Again, I'm so happy your daughter will be alright.

The response by authorities, to this tragic incident, does not happen everywhere. It's outrageous and depending on what future actions the OP would wish to consider, I offer my support. I've already sent emails and copies of this thread to the editorial desks of The Nation and The Bangkok Post. That may serve no purpose, but when I see something like this I can't do nothing. I'd like to see this thread move in a direction where we might discuss how our collective voices might be heard.

This is exactly the problem, and it is this that makes Thailand dangerous, no recourse and no consequence.

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Thank you for having the courage and openess to share this story to such a broad audience. I'm very happy to read that the outcome is to be the best possible under the circumstances. You and your wife should be proud of yourselves as individuals and parents in the way you have dealt with this adversity. I hope your daughter continues on her path to a complete and speedy recovery, and I wish continued strength for you and your wife in coping with everything.



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Thank God you're all ok. What a shocking story!

If plod aren't investigating it makes me wonder if they were involved and they're covering something up. Surely they can't ignore an event like this - although my time in Thailand tells me they might. For the first time since my family and I left Thailand I'm wondering if I really want to go back there as we planned.

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I agree you should try to get the press on this. I am surprised it has not happened yet as its an absolutely incredible story. I imagine when they hear about it they will have you on one of those talk shows. Of course, you will not be allowed to say anything negative about the police's investigation.

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I agree absolutely. It is the old "if you don't like it, then leave" thing.

My advice is leave. That's what I did after 13 years. I look back on it and wonder what the h*ll I was thinking. The place is beguiling in a dark sort of way, I guess. I feel like I just emerged from some zombie-like experience. Bizarre really. 20 months after leaving I'm still shocked at the cr*p I was willing to tolerate. I personally witnessed more than 10 people killed on the roads, knew others who were killed in accidents or murdered, had one outrageous bad experience after another with landlords, wife's family, place of employment, etc.

You are indeed lucky. If your daughter had succumbed (thank God she is OK), there would have been no recourse or responsible party. As a Thai neighbor said to me about his three yapping dogs: "This is not your country. You can say nothing. If you don't like it leave." Check out the threads on the Pai shooting and Kirsty Jones case (the Kirsty case went a long way toward finally souring me irrevocably on the place). Just be thankful your not left with that awful type of loss -- made much worse by a bunch of outrageous BS trying to explain it away.

It s not a matter of if you don t like it then leave. It s a matter of realising at some point after ;living here that this is a dangerous f*&^ place with no justice. 95% of tourists and a high percentage of residents no knowing 1% of the shit that goes on here crime wise and safety wise, roads, electrical, etc., although I m sure there are a few who couldn't give a rat s arse. Other see after some time how violent this place can be and dcide to leave, like we are doing. This is yet but another sad incident that instantly pushes whatever doubts I have about leaving this lawless cowboy country where we don't want our son grow up.

One more for my Little Scrapbook of Horrors. :o

Good luck to the little one, mom and dad.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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