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Pattaya Daily News Threatens Thaivisa


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I'd prefer it if the reporters or story tellers didn't poke their cameras into the bedrooms of the recently deceased as they did to one of my friends who died of a heart attack, naked in his condo. The reason to show his pasport photo on TV totally escapes me...

Could not agree more, I posted the following on another thread only days ago:

Yet again I am so amazed at the standard of reporting, and of the naivety of the police, who whenever there seems to be a report of a death always invite the press along, before they can establish whether or not cause of death warrants further investigation those reporters may have forensically trashed the the scene of a crime.


For those of us who own condo's maybe good idea to start making suggestions to the management committee that they should instruct security to refuse access to the press when the police attend such incidents.


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It must be a slow news week - no one jumping from the 13th floor with arms and legs bound while wearing a full head covering plastic bag.

Over the weekend on the radio (and TV I think) details of a party at the navy base was broadcast, that the 'press' was invited to because of their good work over the year reporting navy related stories.

Is this really considered a news story by anyone other than those attending - or was it reported just to get someone's name mentioned on air?

How about reporting relavent stories and providing information before the event, one item that comes straight to mind is the reporting after the event of the bone density tests at a local hospital - I'm sure many listeners and viewers would have liked to know about this event before it occured.

As to the main complaint - it would seem (IMHO) to be one where the writer is ofended by comments about the level of English used - simple cure, employ a native speaker to write the final copy ! :o

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From my point of view, Pattaya One News stories are also posted on this forum and sometimes my stories are attacked as well. I don't really care about what people have to say about the stories. This is a forum where healthy debate on news stories is encouraged and I accept that...however.....if there are continued attacks against the news organization that publish the story then that is not a good thing and comments should be moderated. Alternatively TV could decide not to allow publishing of news stories and comments about them to be posted, however I think this would not be good for the forum.

TV.....it's up to you!!!!


Pattaya One News

Howard,thank your lucky stars you dont work for the sun or the daily star,you would have millions critisising not just a few blokes on here.Be a man and grow up.

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