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Dancing Chihuahua

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Yes, my Chihuahua dances. I didn't teach him, he just does whenever the mood strikes him. He has trained me to dance along.

He's on Youtube here:

It's even better when I'm able to play "do the Twist"by Chubby Checker, that really gets him going. Alas this videao was done without musical accompaniment ...technical difficulties.

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What you call dancing is maybe better described as stressing your dog with sounds that make him scared... He basically runs to you as you his basically big hero to help him.... and you seem to enjoy his fear.... Chihuahuas, and many other breads can hear sounds we not hear, as some quality CD or DVD equipment go's beyond our hearing it would make clear that something is driving you dog crazy

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What you call dancing is maybe better described as stressing your dog with sounds that make him scared... He basically runs to you as you his basically big hero to help him.... and you seem to enjoy his fear.... Chihuahuas, and many other breads can hear sounds we not hear, as some quality CD or DVD equipment go's beyond our hearing it would make clear that something is driving you dog crazy

Granted on the video I am encouraging him vocally. But he does this exact dance on his own without any sound from me. Always has. And will not do it, no matter what sound I make, if he isn't in the mood...the mood being happy. It is his dance of joy. Reliably perfromed when, for example, I or someone else he loves comes home after an absence, or he sees we are preparing to take him for a walk, or sees his food being served.

I would certainly not enjoy my dog being afraid...and I know him well enough to know when he is. (A state that is usually courtesy of the cat). The dancing isn't fear, it's pure and simple joy, spontaneous. I just find it cute, and funny to watch.

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But he does this exact dance on his own without any sound from me. Always has. for example, I or someone else he loves comes home after an absence,

Chihuahuas are mad little creatures and have great characteristics, particularly after we have returned from any absence, short or long, although mine do not dance they run round in circles and must pick up something in their mouth as a greeting.

Once you sit down for them the real madness starts and they will leap up as far as they go and nip you, until they finally run out of breath.

Sheryl, although you do not need me to tell you, I see no fear in Kadan.


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Thanks Moss and Patsy!

For those who enjot it here are some more:




The Pomeranian also dances but in a totally different style, he stands up on 2 legs and does a sort of hula while stepping backwards. Very adorable but as he does it much less frequently than Kadan I have as yet not been able to capture it on film...

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