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Alternatives To Pattaya?


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As someone who lives in Pattaya you must have seen the amount of 20-25 yo guys coming here for sex,getting stitched up and falling in love exactly the same as older guys.Age has got no boundries here in Pattaya and the girls say older farang much better,young guys butterflys,bleeding hel_l they still dont know nothing about farangs lol.

I dont live there, but 4 of my single friends in their early 30s (all successful with birds in England) who went to Pattaya for a holiday came back with a wife, theyve not been stitched up yet but i think its only a matter of time for all of them.

The intelligent cash hungry girls go for the older guys, but 20 yo women all over the world like men of a similar age.

As for them not understanding us farang, the more i go to Thailand the less i know.

The only alternative i have been to would be Sihanoukville, as there are available women, relaxed lifestyle, western food, sunshine, beaches, corruption and its cheap but there is nowhere the same.

Edited by mikehunt
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There are still women that like older guys though.MOST of my gf in uk were at least 10-12 years younger,and no i am not 25 lol

Yes my ex was 13 yrs younger she was 18 and I 31, i thought i was the bees knees still having it in me to pull her, so long as the girls at least early 20s 10-12 yrs isnt too big a gap.

The good thing with Thailand is if you are sick of somewhere you can move to the other side of the country with the Mrs and it isnt the major upheaval it is back in farangland, and you'll fit in just the same in the new place as the old.

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What does anyone around the world think if you tell them you are from Pattaya? Whore chaser of course.

If someone thought you were going to Pats for the sophisticated yet cutting edge art culture, to drink the worlds finest wines and to discuss ancient Greek philosophy with like minded academics who are well known to frequent the exclusive resort that is Pattaya you'd think they were extracing the Michael.

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For job reasons I might have to move to BKK. Feel sorry about that, but the other alternative is to return to Europe, so that is not an option to me. I think Pattaya is still a great place to stay considering all farang food options, entertainment if you like....never felt homesick staying here.....



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What does anyone around the world think if you tell them you are from Pattaya? Whore chaser of course.

Most people around the world don't have a clue about Pattaya - now if you say Bangkok, pedos come to mind. :o

Usually English teachers. :D

He shoots, he scores :D

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very true mike.Maybe one day i will leave Pattaya for somewhere quieter but when i think about it the area where i am is very quiet generaly,with good neighbours,its the places i go to twice week that are noisy lol.

not sure about the world but people back here, England know all about Pattaya and the old boys in their speedos with the very young looking girls, I have been back here about 2 years and been out with 3 women in that time...2 of those women grilled me on my life in thailand and their noses really turned up when they found out I was living in Pattaya, the other one was a bit ropey and thanked her lucky stars I was taking her out so never said anything...if she would have had time to get comfortable in the relationship then later on she would definetely had views...josef fritzl the german predator was a great advert for pattaya/thailand....

thanks to the media, old boys getting bumped off and the amount of farangs bringing their wives back here pattaya and thailand is very well documented...now 15 years ago when i first went there nobody had heard of it...now its as popular as the costa del sol in U.K.

just to finish and dependant on the person but nearly all people back here in blighty have the opinion if you worked/lived n Thailand then you were there for all the wrong reasons....jealousy perhaps but thats the view :o

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josef fritzl the german predator was a great advert for pattaya/thailand....

He is as German and well liked as Adolf, I think you will find :o:D:D

still liked to holiday in thailand and in particular pattaya...the papers over here loved the fact that this sexual predator had holidayed there and it further cemented how many weirdos/sex tourists were frequenting the place thus making the media right all along....they milked it for all its worth as they always do...

my post had a sense of sarcasm/irony in there...im still trying to work out what your laughing at?

cheers dude :D

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very true mike.Maybe one day i will leave Pattaya for somewhere quieter but when i think about it the area where i am is very quiet generaly,with good neighbours,its the places i go to twice week that are noisy lol.

not sure about the world but people back here, England know all about Pattaya and the old boys in their speedos with the very young looking girls, I have been back here about 2 years and been out with 3 women in that time...2 of those women grilled me on my life in thailand and their noses really turned up when they found out I was living in Pattaya, the other one was a bit ropey and thanked her lucky stars I was taking her out so never said anything...if she would have had time to get comfortable in the relationship then later on she would definetely had views...josef fritzl the german predator was a great advert for pattaya/thailand....

thanks to the media, old boys getting bumped off and the amount of farangs bringing their wives back here pattaya and thailand is very well documented...now 15 years ago when i first went there nobody had heard of it...now its as popular as the costa del sol in U.K.

just to finish and dependant on the person but nearly all people back here in blighty have the opinion if you worked/lived n Thailand then you were there for all the wrong reasons....jealousy perhaps but thats the view :o

Waaay off topic and full of sh#@e!!!!!

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my post had a sense of sarcasm/irony in there...im still trying to work out what your laughing at?

cheers dude :D

I am laughing at the fact you tried to be ironic, but got the guys nationality WRONG!


they are all one of the same Dave...German/Austrian....now your just being pedantic :D

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very true mike.Maybe one day i will leave Pattaya for somewhere quieter but when i think about it the area where i am is very quiet generaly,with good neighbours,its the places i go to twice week that are noisy lol.

not sure about the world but people back here, England know all about Pattaya and the old boys in their speedos with the very young looking girls, I have been back here about 2 years and been out with 3 women in that time...2 of those women grilled me on my life in thailand and their noses really turned up when they found out I was living in Pattaya, the other one was a bit ropey and thanked her lucky stars I was taking her out so never said anything...if she would have had time to get comfortable in the relationship then later on she would definetely had views...josef fritzl the german predator was a great advert for pattaya/thailand....

thanks to the media, old boys getting bumped off and the amount of farangs bringing their wives back here pattaya and thailand is very well documented...now 15 years ago when i first went there nobody had heard of it...now its as popular as the costa del sol in U.K.

just to finish and dependant on the person but nearly all people back here in blighty have the opinion if you worked/lived n Thailand then you were there for all the wrong reasons....jealousy perhaps but thats the view :o

Waaay off topic and full of sh#@e!!!!!

I was actually meant to reply to Brit Maverics post about pedos and bkk/pattaya but pressed the wrong button...hope it makes sense now :D

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