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Famous Thai Families In Koh Samui

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Hi Folks

I hav heard that a few families in Samui control alot of businesses and excercise alot of influence in Samui, Kinda old money type thing. Just wondered what any of you "long timers" in Samui known about this and interested in general in it ?. New money comes but i guess some families have been here for generations and this is just a flash in the pan, (all the tourists). But in saying that with the huge development it effects everyones life, (changes). I wonder do they hold on to their land or have sold it for example and just watch as others make money and in a couple of years have no money and no land left,(money wasted).The big hotels move in and i guess power from the main land also moves in ?.Its a cash cow. Any western money surely cant have that much influence i guess, but yet i hear about western people ripping off people time after time and still remaining in Samui un touched for years (developers etc). End of the day i guess someone has some great influence on this island to me its not easily obviously where (which side of island) they live etc. I am interested to learn from others. Its an challenging system to negotiate ya way thru eitherways..


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Hi Folks

I hav heard that a few families in Samui control alot of businesses and excercise alot of influence in Samui, Kinda old money type thing. Just wondered what any of you "long timers" in Samui known about this and interested in general in it ?. New money comes but i guess some families have been here for generations and this is just a flash in the pan, (all the tourists). But in saying that with the huge development it effects everyones life, (changes). I wonder do they hold on to their land or have sold it for example and just watch as others make money and in a couple of years have no money and no land left,(money wasted).The big hotels move in and i guess power from the main land also moves in ?.Its a cash cow. Any western money surely cant have that much influence i guess, but yet i hear about western people ripping off people time after time and still remaining in Samui un touched for years (developers etc). End of the day i guess someone has some great influence on this island to me its not easily obviously where (which side of island) they live etc. I am interested to learn from others. Its an challenging system to negotiate ya way thru eitherways..


Clearly AI...but don't say such negative things or you will upset Samuian and may lose your balls! :D

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Hi Folks

I hav heard that a few families in Samui control alot of businesses and excercise alot of influence in Samui, Kinda old money type thing. Just wondered what any of you "long timers" in Samui known about this and interested in general in it ?. New money comes but i guess some families have been here for generations and this is just a flash in the pan, (all the tourists). But in saying that with the huge development it effects everyones life, (changes). I wonder do they hold on to their land or have sold it for example and just watch as others make money and in a couple of years have no money and no land left,(money wasted).The big hotels move in and i guess power from the main land also moves in ?.Its a cash cow. Any western money surely cant have that much influence i guess, but yet i hear about western people ripping off people time after time and still remaining in Samui un touched for years (developers etc). End of the day i guess someone has some great influence on this island to me its not easily obviously where (which side of island) they live etc. I am interested to learn from others. Its an challenging system to negotiate ya way thru eitherways..


Why would you want to know , or more need to know?.. the less you know about this the better in my view

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Yep! CLEARLY Artificial !

Concerned , thanks for the valuable input from one that would like to learn a bit more from people..

Really helps other folks :o

Where's your next stop off Artificialintelligence? Could it possibly be somewhere like Sardinia, where you could go around making general and intrusive enquiries about some of the large "families" there?! Sorry, but yep! CLEARLY Artificial !

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Yep! CLEARLY Artificial !

Concerned , thanks for the valuable input from one that would like to learn a bit more from people..

Really helps other folks :o

Where's your next stop off Artificialintelligence? Could it possibly be somewhere like Sardinia, where you could go around making general and intrusive enquiries about some of the large "families" there?! Sorry, but yep! CLEARLY Artificial !


Oh dear ,I can see some of your posts are "real intelligent" , so i refrain from commenting to you further after this. It was a simple post i thought , but yet as I have seen alot in Thai Visa , some guys just want to shoot you down and mud sling. It would be nice if some members would have considered that it was a fair subject to ask about and to with samui's history also, (oh deary, did not knw it was taboo)... or maybe you do not have anything intelligent to add other than simple insults (like a few of your other posts). For someone new here i like to learn.

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OP don't mind the jerks on here... but an inquisitive mind is not a good thing on the islands. it's too bad no one else could have informed you of this nicely, as you are new, and how would you know this otherwise?

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Yep! CLEARLY Artificial !

Concerned , thanks for the valuable input from one that would like to learn a bit more from people..

Really helps other folks :o

Where's your next stop off Artificialintelligence? Could it possibly be somewhere like Sardinia, where you could go around making general and intrusive enquiries about some of the large "families" there?! Sorry, but yep! CLEARLY Artificial !


Oh dear ,I can see some of your posts are "real intelligent" , so i refrain from commenting to you further after this. It was a simple post i thought , but yet as I have seen alot in Thai Visa , some guys just want to shoot you down and mud sling. It would be nice if some members would have considered that it was a fair subject to ask about and to with samui's history also, (oh deary, did not knw it was taboo)... or maybe you do not have anything intelligent to add other than simple insults (like a few of your other posts). For someone new here i like to learn.

Dear ArtificialIntelligence,

My apologies if you found my comments to be unhelpful. It was in fact just my flippant way of trying to communicate to you that it was perhaps not too intelligent to be wading through these murky waters regarding Samui Families, just as it wouldn't be too smart to be doing the same thing with similar families in Sardinia! Maybe you have still not got the picture? It appears that many people on here know who you are because they have actually referred to what appears to be your name. This is not an area to be getting too involved in over here. With regard to using the phrase that your intelligence is artificial, I would just like to say that that was a play on the name that you gave yourself. Give yourself a name like that and I think maybe you are going to get a bit of "ribbing" from time to time. Take care and sorry to have offened you. Have a nice day.

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Dear ArtificialIntelligence,

My apologies if you found my comments to be unhelpful. It was in fact just my flippant way of trying to communicate to you that it was perhaps not too intelligent to be wading through these murky waters regarding Samui Families, just as it wouldn't be too smart to be doing the same thing with similar families in Sardinia! Maybe you have still not got the picture? It appears that many people on here know who you are because they have actually referred to what appears to be your name. This is not an area to be getting too involved in over here. With regard to using the phrase that your intelligence is artificial, I would just like to say that that was a play on the name that you gave yourself. Give yourself a name like that and I think maybe you are going to get a bit of "ribbing" from time to time. Take care and sorry to have offened you. Have a nice day.

thanks concerned. If u do not ask u never know and i always interesting to learn something.

Have a nice day too.

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