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Ignored By Thais At Work


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They do not seem to converse about subjects in English that a farang would discuss: current events, politics, Mayan temples, Texas weather, sports, Greek festivals, German food....you name it. When I have met foreigners at home, abroad, or in Thailand, I am curious to know what it is like to live there, but I find no such curiosity among most Thais. The few who are curious are Thais who are not accepted by other Thais for one reason or another.

First of all: you will be astonished how little the general knowledge of Thais is about somethoign outside of Thailand. Even when I ask them something about the Annan Empire ( Mid Vietnam), they even donot know where it is. Thai university degree !

Second: they are so convinced all from Thailand is so far superior, they even cannot imagine there are other things of interest.

I am in the food business since 1978. So, Thais are convinced about their 'world famous" Thai kitchen. Yes, between Songkla and Chang Rai, but in Europe .. 1,2% of the foreign restaurants in Netherlands are Thai. he market share of ALL Thai sauces together is 0,001 %, so close to nothing. Total sales of Greek peaches is about 100x Thai mango. Compared with the French kitchen they are really a under-developped country. And then, the Italian, Spanish, Greek, Turkish ..are by far superior.

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I've been working at this company for about six months, and there are two of us farang here.

Every day our Thai colleagues go for lunch, asking us to join them. Of course, that's nice. Sometimes we eat at the office cafeteria, and other times we go outside to shops or restaurants around the place. Each time we *always* sit in the same group. I found it strange at first, but now I can see they are just more comfortable socialising with those of the same work 'status'.

Anyway, on this particular table there are about 5-8 of us at any particular time. What I find completely strange is that none of these people - my colleagues that is - have made an attempt to talk to us farangs. They just chatter away in Thai. This has been going on for like 6 months now!

I wouldn't be so offended if I knew that they couldn't speak English, but I know they can. In fact, half of them have even been university educated in the West (not that that necessarily means they have fluent English skills), but I have talked to them enough to know that they do speak very good English.

Now I speak another language besides English. When I'm speaking that language, and my English-speaking friends are around, I will do my best to translate back and forth. But I will never ignore a guest, a new person or a friend by choosing not to speak their language.

It doesn't seem to bother the other farang, but on occassion we to talk to each other to break the boredom. On occassion I have thought about going somewhere else for lunch, but I'm sure they will be offended no-end by that.

Is this rude or just another Thai cultural *cough* idiosyncracy I will have to get used to?

I am thinking of breaking the silence today, and asking them what they talk about everyday....

The only way you will be integrated/accepted into Thai society is to become Thai. Are you comfortable with going down that road? If so then you will have to have the full language skills and develop the social mannerisms of a Thai. You will need to be obsequious and wai to those considered superior. You will need to develop the habit of smiling all the time, even to those that you detest and you will need to foster an attitude of never committing yourself to being decisive - just in case you make a poor decision and cause yourself loss of face. The most important thing though is to learn the language to a level where you can hold a normal conversation in Thai much the same as you would in english.

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Think about this: If you were having lunch at a corporate cafeteria in California with your friends and two Thais joined you, would you stop your conversation about baseball, or Paris Hilton, or the latest movie or TV show, and talk to them in Thai?

yes i f*(&ing would - that's what p*^&es me off! :o

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Think about this: If you were having lunch at a corporate cafeteria in California with your friends and two Thais joined you, would you stop your conversation about baseball, or Paris Hilton, or the latest movie or TV show, and talk to them in Thai?

yes i f*(&ing would - that's what p*^&es me off! :o

I guess you'd probably have been ignored a lot in your home country. When I go out with Thais for lunch ALL the attention is on me.

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I really can't believe how blind some people can be!

At the end of the day, they don't actually like us (in general), get on with it, accept it, and try to change their minds about us individually.

Let's face it, why should they like us?! Their women flock to any old (falang) man who's going because he's got more money than they can hope to have!

Christ, the old saying about the yanks of 'overpaid, oversexed and over here' has got nothing on the falangs here!!

LOL .. I hate to tell you this, but it really IS just you they don't like :o

Sorry to disillusion you, but I get on VERY well with the Thais I meet. That's probably because my attitude is always that I have to apologise for the average 'farang' here and show them that we're not all like that!

I also keep well away from the (s)ex pat and sex tourist hangouts!

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This thread is hilarious and what thaivisa is all about. You know when common sense is a high priced commodity when people can't figure out why other people in this strange FOREIGN country won't all speak english to him. Boy howdy, I bet tod or whatever his name is must lead a frustrated life!

Some people just don't want to make friends with the foreigner. boo hoo. Ask a new immigrant in the U.S. or U.K. how he is treated when he doesn't speak perfect english sometime. If it bothers you that much i'm sure one of those Thai co-workers will be kind enough to direct you to the correct bus for the airport. Judging by your general personality and shit posts i'm sure they would all be willing to answer that one in English :o

Edited by wintermute
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80% of Thais are myopic, self-absorbed, hedonistic, lascivious, arrogant and primitive little creatures that of course aren't going to show the OP any social respect ...but don't forget, those adjectives describe the majority of people in any other country in the world as well :D . Fact is, most people are dumb$hits in any population,

:o Thanks I got a laugh out of that!

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a quick update (for those interested)

though i decided to go my own way for lunch for a few days this week, i'm still very much interested in this strange behaviour at work, so i also lunch with them every other day to monitor any development, and see if anything changed between us. today we went to the usual cafeteria, and i walked past the table before sitting down. as i did so i let out the foulest trouser cough around them. :D as i sat down another colleague (who doesn't sit with us) walked past in the other direction, helping to stir the air up around the outside of the table.

now we have a new thai guy who joined us last week. his english is also excellent, but has so far prefered to participate only in the thai conversation (though he has been polite enough to do some translation - that's very cool, and already shows he's a bit different from the group). when the people at the table detected the smell, they initially looked at each other (trying not to), but the alpha female in the group passed noticeable glance straight at the new guy, of course without saying anything. from that moment on, the dye was cast and they ignored him for the next half an hour. strange.

very odd behaviour going on here, i'd say. basically, what i'm observing is that my farting showed how quick they were to outcast one of their own. i have to say, though, that i am sensing this new guy to be a bit more sociable towards us farangs. perhaps him being temporarily outcast will draw out more from him.

more beans, eggs and cabbage with next weeks kaao pad perhaps.... :o

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a quick update (for those interested)

though i decided to go my own way for lunch for a few days this week, i'm still very much interested in this strange behaviour at work, so i also lunch with them every other day to monitor any development, and see if anything changed between us. today we went to the usual cafeteria, and i walked past the table before sitting down. as i did so i let out the foulest trouser cough around them. :D as i sat down another colleague (who doesn't sit with us) walked past in the other direction, helping to stir the air up around the outside of the table.

now we have a new thai guy who joined us last week. his english is also excellent, but has so far prefered to participate only in the thai conversation (though he has been polite enough to do some translation - that's very cool, and already shows he's a bit different from the group). when the people at the table detected the smell, they initially looked at each other (trying not to), but the alpha female in the group passed noticeable glance straight at the new guy, of course without saying anything. from that moment on, the dye was cast and they ignored him for the next half an hour. strange.

very odd behaviour going on here, i'd say. basically, what i'm observing is that my farting showed how quick they were to outcast one of their own. i have to say, though, that i am sensing this new guy to be a bit more sociable towards us farangs. perhaps him being temporarily outcast will draw out more from him.

more beans, eggs and cabbage with next weeks kaao pad perhaps.... :o

Nice one, Mr. Monk. Now it's very clear why they don't talk to you...

... you need a bottle of Listerine.

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Mate, just have your lunch and move on.

You're most likely not to fit into their system. You will try all you can, from drinking your beer from a glass half-filled with ice, to walking around in sandals and socks.

You will most likely not fit into their lunch system.

Eat and walk.

At least you've got your farang mate near you.

On a lighter note, you may try talking to them, if you feel you must interfere with their Thai-speaking routine. There sure must be someone who would be willing to talk.

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