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Number Of Thai Staff Required

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We're just renewing a visa for the managing director at the company I work for and the immigration department are suddenly saying that we don't have enough Thai staff, despite the fact that the number hasn't changed and they approved it last year. This has led me to wonder just how many staff are required per farang?

Does anyone know? Does the number change dependant upon the visa? We have one farang on a non-o and another on non-b visa.

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Do you mean they were attempting to renew the "extension of stay" based on business? I haven't heard of the number of Thai staff mentioned for the issue of a visa. But, there are requirements for a minimum amount of Thai employees, and capitalization per foriegn employee, etc. Last time I read about it, was 2 million baht, and 4 Thai employees. There were some adjustments if the foriegner was married to a Thai.

Edited by beechguy
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The was an extension of stay requirement for 4 Thai and believe that has now, under new regulations, been adopted by Labor for work permits also. There was a Sunbelt Asia post several months ago that outlined the new regulations so if you check his posts suspect you will find the current regulations.

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We're just renewing a visa for the managing director at the company I work for and the immigration department are suddenly saying that we don't have enough Thai staff, despite the fact that the number hasn't changed and they approved it last year. This has led me to wonder just how many staff are required per farang?

Does anyone know? Does the number change dependant upon the visa? We have one farang on a non-o and another on non-b visa.

For the extension of stay of business you will need 8 ( even if one is on a non-o and married to a Thai ) Both foreigners count towards the criteria required for the one foreigner applying for the extension of stay based on business.

As for the Labor Dept just depends what area the MD will be working. Could be anywhere from zero to 8 required( as you have two foreigners employed)

The reason it could have worked last year at Immigration, the foreigner with the extension of stay based on marriage applied after the foreigner with the extension of stay based on business had already been accepted. Now as they are both still working, they both count towards criteria of the foreigner with the renewal of the extension of stay based on business.


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