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Moving To Chiang Mai Need To Find A House


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My wife and I will be moving to Chiang Mai September 15 and need to find a house when we get there. We do not want to spend more than 8K a month. We have checked Chiang Mai House and Habitat and have seen a few but unfortunately most of the ones we saw and liked a month ago are no longer available. Are these two services our best bet on finding something? Should we try just driving around the housing estates looking for signs, though my wife and I do not speak Thai but might be able to get an old friend who does or is this a futile attempt? And can anybody give us a ball park on what to expect for utilities as we will only use an AC to sleep, many fans all the time, and one personal computer? The last question I have is what options are typically available for internet service? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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I would recommend you come here first, drive around, and determine what area of town you wish to live in. Then, drive thru all the estate developments and look for rental signs. They are all over, many to choose from. I would do this on your own or with someone who can speak/read Thai. If you use an agent, you will definately pay a higher rent because of comissions involved.

You didn't specify how large a home you would be looking for - single story or two level. Most are two level homes and farily good size. Utilities could run you between 1500 to 3000 baht a month, using A/C only to sleep.

We live out in SanKamphaeng and get decent internet speed, 1500/250 for 700 baht a mnth.

A major factor I believe is if you will have your own transportation or have to live within the city limits.

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Thank you for the info on utillities, and internet. We Were thinking about the Hang Dong area but are not dead set on it, just whant to be a bit out of town but not more than 15-20km, wich will be nice when I think about my hour pluss drive each way into San Francisco every day, we have no desire to be in town. As for bedrooms we just need 2, 1 level is fine but with some kind of yard.

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Have you been here before? I also think you should come first and look around. What are you looking for in a neighborhood/ What are you looking for in a house other than price factor? Will you be involved in any activities, work, clubs, church, social? Where would they be located?

There are many nice areas on the outskirts of town in any direction.

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Hello there,

I'm moving out of my house around 20th of September and am helping my landlady find new tenants.

The house is a little more than you want to spend at 9000 baht but it's in a beautiful very large secured village that has lakes, a fantastic restaurant, gym, swimming pool, tennis courts and many large open spaces situated in the Hang Dong area.

The house is also lovely with a large garden. It has 1 AC which I only use at night and I use 1 computer and fans during the day and my electricity bill is 750-1000 baht per month. I have high speed internet which is excellent and this is 1200 baht but I think you have other options which start from around 500 baht. I also have cable t.v with loads of movie, sport and news channels and this is 1300 per month. I also pay 300 baht to the village for it's upkeep and security and no more than 200 for water.

I think your right and the best thing for you to do is have a drive around with your friend and you'll see signs outside houses for rent. When you get to Chiang Mai I'll give you directions to my village and this could be a good place to start if you like.

Good luck house hunting !! :o

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Buripuk, it sounds like you are describing our gated community, Ban Wang Tan, which has all the same amenities. In fact we liked the village so much that we bought the house.

There seem to be many houses for rent in here in the 6-10k/Baht range and I am sure that some are furnished and include aircon. Midway between the airport and Hang Dong, tucked away from the main road and delightfully quiet and secure, we are almost next door to the new Makro and Big C, only 15 min max to the huge airport plaza and about 20 minutes into the center of town depending on the route you take and traffic.

There is an office on the grounds and they would likely know about most of the rentals or you could just cruise and check out the signs. Commissions are the norm here so shopping on your own is a money-saver. A fellow poster checked with us when they moved over, live just two blocks away and have just bought land here. Very nice place!

Like Buripuk, if you give a holler when you are arriving, we will be happy to guide you and help where we can. No commission, nor would one be accepted!

Good luck.

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Another US Refugee seeking information:

I have enjoyed reading the posts as my wife and I are considering a move to Chiang Mai or Hua Hin. Our needs are similar with an additional need to be close to an international school. (We have a new baby and are looking at long term plans for residency.)

We would consider renting on a temporary basis however a purchase is the long term plan. My wife is Thai so land ownership is not a problem either.

Can anyone provide some specific areas with directions in or around Chiang Mai that could accommodate the aforementioned criteria. Have noted Ban Wang tan, and Hang Dong already.


Steven H.

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Dustoff and Buripak, we will definitely give you a shout when we arrive. Buripak how many bedrooms, and does it have any furnishings? That is slightly more then we wanted to pay but if it is a nice enough place I might be talked into it, though I am a cheap bastard.

Dustoff from your description of the location, and price range we would vary much like to check out that housing community.

Scubadude I think you too have the idea, the <deleted> out of hear.

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I almost forggot do they care what Visa you have for renting a house??

Dustoff is right we do live in the same village.

The house has 2 bedrooms and an office and is fully furnished.

This does sound like what we are looking for, so if it is still available when we get there (sept 17th I think) we will take a look.

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