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Thai Privilege Card

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I learned that the membership (lifetime) fees for Thai Elite membershiop increased this year to 1.5 million Baht and limited to 2 dozen the number of Spa treatments and free golf available to members.

I am under the old program, any service provided EVERYDAY.

My question, has anyone signed up recently and comment on any other changes.

Thank you

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I learned that the membership (lifetime) fees for Thai Elite membershiop increased this year to 1.5 million Baht and limited to 2 dozen the number of Spa treatments and free golf available to members.

I am under the old program, any service provided EVERYDAY.

My question, has anyone signed up recently and comment on any other changes.

Thank you

I also joined under the 1M pricing, I think that for 1.5M it's just not worth it.

The last two times that I went for a new 90 day stamp it took nearly 3 hours of sitting doing nothing but watching the girls at counter 1 share t-shirts, talk about shopping, talk on their mobiles and munch on coconuts, whilst the tourist visa extensions seemed to be taking 15 - 20 mins per person.

Not exactly my idea of "Elite" service !

Also even with Bank Accounts, your still classed as 'non-resident' therefore any internet banking that you want is about as hap hazzard as it is on a tourist visa.

What's new :o

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I learned that the membership (lifetime) fees for Thai Elite membershiop increased this year to 1.5 million Baht and limited to 2 dozen the number of Spa treatments and free golf available to members.

I am under the old program, any service provided EVERYDAY.

My question, has anyone signed up recently and comment on any other changes.

Thank you

I also joined under the 1M pricing, I think that for 1.5M it's just not worth it.

The last two times that I went for a new 90 day stamp it took nearly 3 hours of sitting doing nothing but watching the girls at counter 1 share t-shirts, talk about shopping, talk on their mobiles and munch on coconuts, whilst the tourist visa extensions seemed to be taking 15 - 20 mins per person.

Not exactly my idea of "Elite" service !

Also even with Bank Accounts, your still classed as 'non-resident' therefore any internet banking that you want is about as hap hazzard as it is on a tourist visa.

What's new :o


I must say that I found you somehow unfair

Regarding the waiting at the immigration you forget to say that one jumps the queue when holding such a card

As for the 90 day registering it is true that one has to get a ticket and queue but sincerely the waiting is not that harsh (of course holding such a card have us think that one is an "elite" but here you go I remind you that as a member one is entitled to a government agent -from Elite- providing one pays for the service)

The first time one uses the services of Elite at the immigration it is free of charge

Of course seeing one's privileges reduced doesn't make anyone happy but what do you expect with baht 1.OOO.OOO. A company cannot go on losing money (as I suppose that everytime a member uses a privilege the company has to cover for it)

After all, when one enrolls in such a programm, one has to show the colour of the money and live up to the title of "elite"

No offence meant and I certainly do not doubt anyone's status and ability to maintain it

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Hello again

I am not sure, but any service (therefore any modification) offered to the new applicants applies to every member (recent or not) but the safest way would be to enquire directly with Elite's center.

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I learned that the membership (lifetime) fees for Thai Elite membershiop increased this year to 1.5 million Baht and limited to 2 dozen the number of Spa treatments and free golf available to members.

I am under the old program, any service provided EVERYDAY.

My question, has anyone signed up recently and comment on any other changes.

Thank you

I also joined under the 1M pricing, I think that for 1.5M it's just not worth it.

The last two times that I went for a new 90 day stamp it took nearly 3 hours of sitting doing nothing but watching the girls at counter 1 share t-shirts, talk about shopping, talk on their mobiles and munch on coconuts, whilst the tourist visa extensions seemed to be taking 15 - 20 mins per person.

Not exactly my idea of "Elite" service !

Also even with Bank Accounts, your still classed as 'non-resident' therefore any internet banking that you want is about as hap hazzard as it is on a tourist visa.

What's new :o


I must say that I found you somehow unfair

Regarding the waiting at the immigration you forget to say that one jumps the queue when holding such a card

As for the 90 day registering it is true that one has to get a ticket and queue but sincerely the waiting is not that harsh (of course holding such a card have us think that one is an "elite" but here you go I remind you that as a member one is entitled to a government agent -from Elite- providing one pays for the service)

The first time one uses the services of Elite at the immigration it is free of charge

Of course seeing one's privileges reduced doesn't make anyone happy but what do you expect with baht 1.OOO.OOO. A company cannot go on losing money (as I suppose that everytime a member uses a privilege the company has to cover for it)

After all, when one enrolls in such a programm, one has to show the colour of the money and live up to the title of "elite"

No offence meant and I certainly do not doubt anyone's status and ability to maintain it

Errm No, "Regarding the waiting at the immigration you forget to say that one jumps the queue when holding such a card"

NO, You take a ticket at the counter and wait your turn just like anyone else unless your going to tell me anything different. I have been doing it for over a year and always the same game and the call center tells me that this is the way to do it.

90 Day reporting I do it by post.

The rest of your post was irrelevant.

I don't want to pay an agent to hold my hand in the same queue as everyone else and I don't believe in queue jumping.

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I learned that the membership (lifetime) fees for Thai Elite membershiop increased this year to 1.5 million Baht and limited to 2 dozen the number of Spa treatments and free golf available to members.

I am under the old program, any service provided EVERYDAY.

My question, has anyone signed up recently and comment on any other changes.

Thank you

I also joined under the 1M pricing, I think that for 1.5M it's just not worth it.

The last two times that I went for a new 90 day stamp it took nearly 3 hours of sitting doing nothing but watching the girls at counter 1 share t-shirts, talk about shopping, talk on their mobiles and munch on coconuts, whilst the tourist visa extensions seemed to be taking 15 - 20 mins per person.

Not exactly my idea of "Elite" service !

Also even with Bank Accounts, your still classed as 'non-resident' therefore any internet banking that you want is about as hap hazzard as it is on a tourist visa.

What's new :o


I must say that I found you somehow unfair

Regarding the waiting at the immigration you forget to say that one jumps the queue when holding such a card

As for the 90 day registering it is true that one has to get a ticket and queue but sincerely the waiting is not that harsh (of course holding such a card have us think that one is an "elite" but here you go I remind you that as a member one is entitled to a government agent -from Elite- providing one pays for the service)

The first time one uses the services of Elite at the immigration it is free of charge

Of course seeing one's privileges reduced doesn't make anyone happy but what do you expect with baht 1.OOO.OOO. A company cannot go on losing money (as I suppose that everytime a member uses a privilege the company has to cover for it)

After all, when one enrolls in such a programm, one has to show the colour of the money and live up to the title of "elite"

No offence meant and I certainly do not doubt anyone's status and ability to maintain it

Errm No, "Regarding the waiting at the immigration you forget to say that one jumps the queue when holding such a card"

NO, You take a ticket at the counter and wait your turn just like anyone else unless your going to tell me anything different. I have been doing it for over a year and always the same game and the call center tells me that this is the way to do it.

90 Day reporting I do it by post.

I don't want to pay an agent to hold my hand in the same queue as everyone else and I don't believe in queue jumping.

Sorry but either you have been misinformed or you never bothered to formally ask the Elite


The elite send you this letter (If you had told me that happened yhis month I would have said that things might have changed but you are talking about a year back: sorry I have applied twice this year and it did work that way: I go directly to the counter and present the letters, the necessary paperwork and the elite card -try it sometimes

As for "The rest of your post was irrelevant" On the contrary "PRIVILEGE" goes with status and/or money

So if you do not want to pay that

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Sorry but either you have been misinformed or you never bothered to formally ask the Elite


The elite send you this letter (If you had told me that happened yhis month I would have said that things might have changed but you are talking about a year back: sorry I have applied twice this year and it did work that way: I go directly to the counter and present the letters, the necessary paperwork and the elite card -try it sometimes

As for "The rest of your post was irrelevant" On the contrary "PRIVILEGE" goes with status and/or money

So if you do not want to pay that is you right but then again one cannot expect anything for free anywhere in the world just because one has a nice face or a platinum card (well it does't mean that there is money on it..) or any other cards

Thai people love privilege (and other nations too) and trust me I love them to but I understand that I can only get the kind I can afford

(sorry about the last post but wrong typing)

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I learned that the membership (lifetime) fees for Thai Elite membershiop increased this year to 1.5 million Baht and limited to 2 dozen the number of Spa treatments and free golf available to members.

I am under the old program, any service provided EVERYDAY.

My question, has anyone signed up recently and comment on any other changes.

Thank you

I also joined under the 1M pricing, I think that for 1.5M it's just not worth it.

The last two times that I went for a new 90 day stamp it took nearly 3 hours of sitting doing nothing but watching the girls at counter 1 share t-shirts, talk about shopping, talk on their mobiles and munch on coconuts, whilst the tourist visa extensions seemed to be taking 15 - 20 mins per person.

Not exactly my idea of "Elite" service !

Also even with Bank Accounts, your still classed as 'non-resident' therefore any internet banking that you want is about as hap hazzard as it is on a tourist visa.

What's new :o


I must say that I found you somehow unfair

Regarding the waiting at the immigration you forget to say that one jumps the queue when holding such a card

As for the 90 day registering it is true that one has to get a ticket and queue but sincerely the waiting is not that harsh (of course holding such a card have us think that one is an "elite" but here you go I remind you that as a member one is entitled to a government agent -from Elite- providing one pays for the service)

The first time one uses the services of Elite at the immigration it is free of charge

Of course seeing one's privileges reduced doesn't make anyone happy but what do you expect with baht 1.OOO.OOO. A company cannot go on losing money (as I suppose that everytime a member uses a privilege the company has to cover for it)

After all, when one enrolls in such a programm, one has to show the colour of the money and live up to the title of "elite"

No offence meant and I certainly do not doubt anyone's status and ability to maintain it

Errm No, "Regarding the waiting at the immigration you forget to say that one jumps the queue when holding such a card"

NO, You take a ticket at the counter and wait your turn just like anyone else unless your going to tell me anything different. I have been doing it for over a year and always the same game and the call center tells me that this is the way to do it.

90 Day reporting I do it by post.

I don't want to pay an agent to hold my hand in the same queue as everyone else and I don't believe in queue jumping.

Sorry but either you have been misinformed or you never bothered to formally ask the Elite


The elite send you this letter (If you had told me that happened yhis month I would have said that things might have changed but you are talking about a year back: sorry I have applied twice this year and it did work that way: I go directly to the counter and present the letters, the necessary paperwork and the elite card -try it sometimes

As for "The rest of your post was irrelevant" On the contrary "PRIVILEGE" goes with status and/or money

So if you do not want to pay that

Yes I know that the appointment has to be made, and if you READ the letter that they mail with the appointment it quite clearly states that you must go to reception, get a ticket for counter 1 and wait your turn.

The letter has remained unchanged for at least 12 months. If you ASK the call center, they will also tell you the same.

No, I'm not talking about a year back, I have used the 90 day Extension service without a break for over a year now and nothing has changed.

I'm not talking about any other privileges because I don't use them and never have, therefore I cant and don't comment about them and hence I used the word "irrelevant"

If you just storm into immigration and don't take a ticket and just throw the card and paperwork at counter 1, then that's just rude and slows down other people who are waiting in the line.

Oh I cant be bothered to argue the toss with you because you ramble on about "you cant expect this that and the other just because of a card".

As for your comment "one cannot expect anything for free anywhere in the world just because one has a nice face or a platinum card" ...................

IT COSTS 1.5 Million Baht !!! It's NOT FREE ! Doh ! And its called ELITE !

My only point was that waiting for nearly 3 hours when tourist visa extensions only take 15/20 mins was in my opinion, Not very Elite.

Good Luck

Edited by EmptyMind
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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

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I too seriously considered the program about a year ago...just before they raised the cost as it would surely have eased my visa status for the next decade till I reached 50. At 1M it made economic sense but when they raised it to 1.5 the numbers no longer made it economically worthwhile, as I was just interested in the visa privileges.

I have since found a way to get a multi-entry non-imm O visa that costs me about $2500 to obtain every 15 months (plus another $200 or so in visa runs). It works for me and is much cheaper than $ 44,000 up-front!

Actually, the $2500 would likely be spent anyway on a vacation back home in any case...so the actual visa cost is $175 and another $60 for return overnite mail.

Edited by NotNew2You
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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

Yes indeed Briggsy ! :o I am amazed this government sponsored scam has lasted this long

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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

There is certainly a correlation...

When a person buys something, then they must defend that purchase....more so when it is a blatant rip-off.

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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

There is certainly a correlation...

When a person buys something, then they must defend that purchase....more so when it is a blatant rip-off.

Oh come on - those that have bought it have so much money they say that

it doesnt matter one bit to them about being ripped off - so that cant be it ?:o

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Yes I know that the appointment has to be made, and if you READ the letter that they mail with the appointment it quite clearly states that you must go to reception, get a ticket for counter 1 and wait your turn.


No, I'm not talking about a year back, I have used the 90 day Extension service without a break for over a year now and nothing has changed.

As for your comment "one cannot expect anything for free anywhere in the world just because one has a nice face or a platinum card" ...................

My only point was that waiting for nearly 3 hours when tourist visa extensions only take 15/20 mins was in my opinion, Not very Elite.

Good Luck

The letter has remained unchanged for at least 12 months. If you ASK the call center, they will also tell you the same

Wrong: 6 months ago the letter clearly stated the time and the name of the officer with whom a member had the appointment and yes I have called the center and was answered that was the new form

I'm not talking about any other privileges because I don't use them and never have, therefore I cant and don't comment about them and hence I used the word "irrelevant"

In that case you should have added "to me" after "irrelevant". May I ask you why you have enrolled in the program if you don't make use of the privileges

Oh I cant be bothered to argue the toss with you because you ramble on about "you cant expect this that and the other just because of a card".

You seem to be

If you just storm into immigration and don't take a ticket and just throw the card and paperwork at counter 1, then that's just rude and slows down other people who are waiting in the line.

That is the point: I just did what I was told (I present the dossier to the officer in charge)

As for storming ...well I cannot see the definition of this word fitting with my polite approach (whether you deem it appropriate or not) to the situation.

Furthermore I am not the one to complain

IT COSTS 1.5 Million Baht !!! It's NOT FREE ! Doh ! And its called ELITE !

Yes Yes Yes but I still do not understand you. I view this card as an entry fee. it is stated that it was aimed at people who can afford it in order to promote Thailand and encourage spending

Another question: you said that you were doing the residence's registration by mail; would it be too much asking you the details?

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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

Yes indeed Briggsy ! :o I am amazed this government sponsored scam has lasted this long

Briggsy Briggsy Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

You seem not to like "wasting" your money and still you also like to forcefully state your opinion

Well that maybe news to you but this is a forum and people (anyone) are supposed to post their opinions regardless of their position

As for the lenght of the existence of this program: it has been under scrutiny since its creation by the different governements and it seems to have passed at every change of government.

If one is not interested in enrolling that is one's decision and on the other hand when one decides to do so it is for different and (you might not agree) sound reasons

Of course there are some other ways to remain in the kingdom than spending such an amount on a card but has it occured to you that the content of the program has a nice ring to some people's ears ?

But again the program was not created to allow people to stay Ad Vitam Eternam but to attract currencies in the country: whether or not it has missed its aim is another matter

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As for the lenght of the existence of this program: it has been under scrutiny since its creation by the different governements and it seems to have passed at every change of government.

You canot be serious ??!! :o What kind of assurance is that ?!

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Sorry Emptymind i started a sentence and noticed that I had not finished it

The letter has remained unchanged for at least 12 months. If you ASK the call center, they will also tell you the same

Wrong: 6 months ago the letter clearly stated the time and the name of the officer with whom a member had the appointment

Three months ago I received the same letter but this time NO NAME and yes I called the center at that time and was answered that was the new form

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According to the Post a couple days ago, the head of Thai Priviledge Card Company recently resigned. More problems and low sales I guess. I certainly raised my eyebrows when the official applications I received and reviewed said the 1.5M membership fee was to be sent to a bank in SINGAPORE!

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As for the lenght of the existence of this program: it has been under scrutiny since its creation by the different governements and it seems to have passed at every change of government.

You canot be serious ??!! :o What kind of assurance is that ?!

I just resent the word scam when applied to this program: it will last what it will last

I don't get it:

when the investment visa is suppressed no one talks about a scam

When one has the possibility of staying in Thailand five year granting that one learns Thai for a mere 20 something thousands no one talks about a scam

But when one pays a (consequent) amount of money for privileges, including the previously cited one, this is a scam

I do insist on the word consequent as some people seem to think that it is peanuts to the applicants. it is a big amount of money whether one is wealthy or not (I give it to you it is easier for some than others) and therefore worry about the different changes in the privilege's list

As for the "assurance" it means at least that there was nothing suspicious (I know I am kind of gullible) and the different governements did not necessarily agree with the policies of the implementers of the program

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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

It isn't designed for everyone and since it's obviously not designed for you, when why do you comment ?

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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

Yes indeed Briggsy ! :o I am amazed this government sponsored scam has lasted this long

What on earth are you talking about ? Just because you can't afford it or don't like it, does it mean its a scam ?

It's been working pretty well for a few years now, How is that a scam ?

You need to learn some new words.

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According to the Post a couple days ago, the head of Thai Priviledge Card Company recently resigned. More problems and low sales I guess. I certainly raised my eyebrows when the official applications I received and reviewed said the 1.5M membership fee was to be sent to a bank in SINGAPORE!

And your point is ?

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I too seriously considered the program about a year ago...just before they raised the cost as it would surely have eased my visa status for the next decade till I reached 50. At 1M it made economic sense but when they raised it to 1.5 the numbers no longer made it economically worthwhile, as I was just interested in the visa privileges.

I have since found a way to get a multi-entry non-imm O visa that costs me about $2500 to obtain every 15 months (plus another $200 or so in visa runs). It works for me and is much cheaper than $ 44,000 up-front!

Actually, the $2500 would likely be spent anyway on a vacation back home in any case...so the actual visa cost is $175 and another $60 for return overnite mail.

Well yes, Good point. however, what happens when they crack down on the non-imm O visas etc like they did with the tourist visas ? It seems these days that people are just buying a non-imm O to remain in Thailand for 15 months as a tourist. That can't last forever and no doubt will go the same way that the 90 stamps went for people abusing the system.

Isn't it illegal to apply for and obtain a visa that your not using for the purpose that it was issued ?

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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

Yes it does always turn into a row of some sort because people like your self who have no interest in either the post or the card simply can not resist from typing stupid comments like the one you left here.

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According to the Post a couple days ago, the head of Thai Priviledge Card Company recently resigned. More problems and low sales I guess. I certainly raised my eyebrows when the official applications I received and reviewed said the 1.5M membership fee was to be sent to a bank in SINGAPORE!

And your point is ?

Don't you find it a little bit strange when the official application materials for the Thailand Elite Card sponsored by the Thailand Privilege Card Company wants applicants to remit payment for memberships to a bank account in Singapore?

Maybe someone is skimming something off the top before the funds are remitted back to the company's accounts in Thailand or maybe the whole set-up is run out of accounts in Singapore (trying to dodge Thai taxes or something?). Just seemed odd to me.

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Well yes, Good point. however, what happens when they crack down on the non-imm O visas etc like they did with the tourist visas ?

I am hoping that by the time they get around to closing that loophole, I'll already be 50 or will have become so bored that I will have already relocated on my own volition :D

Isn't it illegal to apply for and obtain a visa that your not using for the purpose that it was issued ?

Yes...but like I said, mine is a non-imm "O" visa, which stands for "other" and covers a variety of purposes. Luckily for me, my circumstances qualified me for this visa and my home country counsel happily issued one to me :o

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According to the Post a couple days ago, the head of Thai Priviledge Card Company recently resigned. More problems and low sales I guess. I certainly raised my eyebrows when the official applications I received and reviewed said the 1.5M membership fee was to be sent to a bank in SINGAPORE!

And your point is ?

Don't you find it a little bit strange when the official application materials for the Thailand Elite Card sponsored by the Thailand Privilege Card Company wants applicants to remit payment for memberships to a bank account in Singapore?

Maybe someone is skimming something off the top before the funds are remitted back to the company's accounts in Thailand or maybe the whole set-up is run out of accounts in Singapore (trying to dodge Thai taxes or something?). Just seemed odd to me.

Well there you go !! I think it very strange to have such a banking arrangement.

Sounds even more of a scam than ever !

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As soon as somebody mentions the Elite Card, a row of some sort always develops within 10 posts. Is this because people who like to 'waste' their money on these cards also like to forcefully state their opinions? Is there some correlation?

Yes indeed Briggsy ! :o I am amazed this government sponsored scam has lasted this long

What on earth are you talking about ? Just because you can't afford it or don't like it, does it mean its a scam ?

It's been working pretty well for a few years now, How is that a scam ?

You need to learn some new words.

I can easily afford it but I worked too hard for my fortune to squander it away.

How can it be working well if they had to impose such a substantial increase

for the joining fee while at the same time the " benefits " are evaporating on almost a

monthly basis. :D

And it certainly has all the signs of a scam - in particular when the money is sent to an account

in another country :D

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