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Retinal Hole And Detachment


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I have been diagnosed with a retinal hole and retinal detachment in my eyes . Nothing to joke about .

Ratanie Hospital gets mentioned all the time by various eye doctors . Thata is supposedly the hospital where the Royal family goes to . If it is good enough for them - I am game . Has anyone personal experience with this hospital ,or even had a complicated procedure like retinal re-attachment done there .

Any input is highly welcomed .

Where is the place located in BKK?

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I am sure that Rutnin Hosp. is the one the OP meant. It is easy to reach by taxi ( on Asok, about 500 meters off Sukhumvit). It is also close by the MRT and BTS.

Rutnin is a great eye hospital in my opinion. I have used it for eye exams only and they were very thorough and professional. I have also heard many compliments about Rutnin for serious eye problems and it is used by the queen so that should be a good endorsement of it.

He definitely should be seeing the eye doctor ASAP with a detached retina.

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Rutnin is gfood; Samitivej and Bumrungrad would also be good choices, get a specialist in retinal disease who is board certified in a western country. and as others said, DO NOT DELAY.

Make sure your doc is a specialist in retinal diseases, this is a sub-sepcialty of opthmalogy, you do nto want just any ëye doctor"treating you. All 3 of these hospitals have such docs on staff.

Good luck.

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I have had a retinal detatchment and a scheral bucle repair. It is imperative that you get it fixed immediately or you can lose all sight in that eye permantly. Do NOT FLY. I am not sorry for shouting that is important the pressure changes will not help.

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Before I had my Lasik surgery I was referred to Runtin Hospital to have several small holes or thin spots on my cornea repaired. The procedure was mostly painless, pretty uncomfortable though. The only thing I didn't like about Runtin was how slow it is to get into see the doctor. Even with an appointment I had to wait several hours each time i was there. But on the flip side it was considerably cheaper than the some of the other hospitals.

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