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Daily Motorbike Commuting: Bang Tao - Patong


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Despite extensive previous stays on Phuket, I've hardly been north of Patong. If I was to enter a project requiring daily motorbike commuting between Bang Tao and Patong, how bad would it be with regards to distance, driving time and road quality? I would appreciate any input - preferably first hand experience.



Edited by Arctic
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Road quality fine, but twisty (fun) and busy (not fun).. Also kinda hilly so OK on a motorbike but less so on a little scoot.

Driving time is about 20 mins if riding fast from edge of town to edge of town.. Probably 30 mins more realistic. Hardly a bothersome 'commute'.

Rains a lot here tho.. Not nice turning up for a days work wet through.

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Thank's a lot,

I'm very happy with your straight answers - exactly what I was hoping for.

If I dare to hassle you with a follow up question:

Could anyone shed some light on Bang Tao as such, with the perspective of working and possibly living there? I know the island pretty well from Patong and southwards, but no one I know seems to know anything about Bang Tao. What's it like? Is it comparable to any of the other, perhaps more well-known places on the southern part of the island? The fact that none of my normally well-informed sources has anything to tell me makes me wonder just how quiet it possibly could be.....

And furthermore, does anyone happen to know if I'm likely to find a Muay Thai gym (for training) in Bang Tao or nearby?

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Thank's a lot,

I'm very happy with your straight answers - exactly what I was hoping for.

If I dare to hassle you with a follow up question:

Could anyone shed some light on Bang Tao as such, with the perspective of working and possibly living there? I know the island pretty well from Patong and southwards, but no one I know seems to know anything about Bang Tao. What's it like? Is it comparable to any of the other, perhaps more well-known places on the southern part of the island? The fact that none of my normally well-informed sources has anything to tell me makes me wonder just how quiet it possibly could be.....

And furthermore, does anyone happen to know if I'm likely to find a Muay Thai gym (for training) in Bang Tao or nearby?

Be carefull especially in the rain the police our out in force make sure you where a helmet and have a license handy.

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Thank's a lot,

I'm very happy with your straight answers - exactly what I was hoping for.

If I dare to hassle you with a follow up question:

Could anyone shed some light on Bang Tao as such, with the perspective of working and possibly living there? I know the island pretty well from Patong and southwards, but no one I know seems to know anything about Bang Tao. What's it like? Is it comparable to any of the other, perhaps more well-known places on the southern part of the island? The fact that none of my normally well-informed sources has anything to tell me makes me wonder just how quiet it possibly could be.....

And furthermore, does anyone happen to know if I'm likely to find a Muay Thai gym (for training) in Bang Tao or nearby?

Bang Tao is nice man, your commute to Patong will not be that big a deal, just try to avoid it late at night. In your free time, a ton of nice beaches, Layan, Bang Tao itself etc.

The area is growing bigtime, sorry I do not know of a Muay Thai gym, not my thang.

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

Really when did this happen???

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Earlier this year..

The gazette knew about it.. They have to live in the area tho and didnt want to be too public with thier faces in papers etc. The Thais got away (the police then went and rounded up the 2 nearest guys on motorbikes.. But not the perps).. Never caught

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

Really when did this happen???

Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


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I have ridden this road from Patong to Bang Tao hundreds of times. I have never seen anything even half dodgy let alone a wild west shoot out like explained here. Late at night you rarely see anybody let alone gun toting bandidos.

I know people get kicked off bikes, this happens everywhere. In Nakhon Sri Thammarart this also happens late at night but if you keep sensible hours you will never see much trouble. I feel like mugging some of the farangs I see in Phuket so I can understand why some are singled out.

The biggest danger of this road is deep pot holes that often form suddenly. You hit one of them at high speed and you can be in big trouble. There is a perception it is only farangs who are targetted for robbery. Thais get mugged much more often than farangs.

The area to watch is Laem Sing, often a gang hangs out on the crest of the hill there late at night. The cops often set up a check point in Kamala and one of the foundations sits on top of the mountain late at night as well, so it is not as if nobody at all is around.

My bikes number plate says Nakhon Sri Thammarart. This probably helps given half the muggers probably come from there. The Phuket locals probably think I'm the mugger.

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

Really when did this happen???

Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


Ones British and ones American.. Yes I saw the blood and bullets..

Tell you what how about a little bet.. You want to call bullshit, lets make it interesting 1000 USD if its real or not ?? Got the courage of your convictions ??

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

Really when did this happen???

Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


It would be interesting to know what country Kimera is from?! All 300,000 Americans are blood and bullet freaks right !!?? Another clueless moran!!! Anyway..............................

- Just get yourself a really good rain coat

- Stay to the far left incase a cement truck driver high on yaa baa comes over the top of a hill in the middle of the road

- A motorbike is enough power to get you up those hills if you don't weigh over 100Kilos and don't ride double. Otherwise get a Honda Phantom 200CC. You can find them in the Gazette with really low mileage for about 65,000.

- And like everybody says it's not a good idea to ride a bike late at night on that road.

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

Really when did this happen???

Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


It would be interesting to know what country Kimera is from?! All 300,000 Americans are blood and bullet freaks right !!?? Another clueless moran!!! Anyway..............................

MB don't let Kimera's anti-U.S. sentiments get you worked up, we're a popular bash these days.

I'm still waiting for her response to the B.S. proposition, as I see it, put up or shut up.

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

Really when did this happen???

Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


Ones British and ones American.. Yes I saw the blood and bullets..

Tell you what how about a little bet.. You want to call bullshit, lets make it interesting 1000 USD if its real or not ?? Got the courage of your convictions ??

You are American then :D

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No I am not..

But it seems so easy to be snarky and a keyboard warrior.. So you up for this then ?? You maintain it didnt happen, with your little roll eyes and digs.. I maintain it did. As they said above put up or shut up ??

1000 USD buys the right to be proved right or wrong.. I am game !!

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No I am not..

But it seems so easy to be snarky and a keyboard warrior.. So you up for this then ?? You maintain it didnt happen, with your little roll eyes and digs.. I maintain it did. As they said above put up or shut up ??

1000 USD buys the right to be proved right or wrong.. I am game !!

There once was a poster named Kimera

Who some think is from North Korea

she called a post bullsh*t

then with a proposition she was hit

and now will lose her shorts to a guy she thought was from America

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Earlier this year..

The gazette knew about it.. They have to live in the area tho and didnt want to be too public with thier faces in papers etc. The Thais got away (the police then went and rounded up the 2 nearest guys on motorbikes.. But not the perps).. Never caught

Ok they've now opened a security station heading out of Kamala I believe there hasn't been any problems since. Also Chang pub is open till 5 or 6 so more traffic in the area.

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No I am not..

But it seems so easy to be snarky and a keyboard warrior.. So you up for this then ?? You maintain it didnt happen, with your little roll eyes and digs.. I maintain it did. As they said above put up or shut up ??

1000 USD buys the right to be proved right or wrong.. I am game !!

There once was a poster named Kimera

Who some think is from North Korea

she called a post bullsh*t

then with a proposition she was hit

and now will lose her shorts to a guy she thought was from America

You need to change your coat and your pro's :o

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

Really when did this happen???

Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


Ones British and ones American.. Yes I saw the blood and bullets..

Tell you what how about a little bet.. You want to call bullshit, lets make it interesting 1000 USD if its real or not ?? Got the courage of your convictions ??

What you have posted will have to be authenticated, every detail, to both of our satisfaction's can you tell me how we will do this ?

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Yeah be aware... the road between Kalim and Kamala and Kamala and Surin are both well know hotspots for being held up, kicked off bikes, robbed..

2 of my mates were held up at gunpoint.. 2 guys on a bike come screaming alongside pointing thier gun at them.. Mad mate leapt off the back of thier bike, onto the gun wielder.. Obviously they then crashed.. They fired it but it went off over his shoulder.. He then disarmed and beat the gun guy up while the bike pilot was 'detained' but the 2nd farang.. Blood bullets and bits of bikes all over the road..

Never a dull moment in Thailand.

Its fine in daylight.. Just be wary in the wee small hours.

Really when did this happen???

Bet your friends where Americans, even if not they are real heroes, you saw all the blood and bullets then ?


Ones British and ones American.. Yes I saw the blood and bullets..

Tell you what how about a little bet.. You want to call bullshit, lets make it interesting 1000 USD if its real or not ?? Got the courage of your convictions ??

What you have posted will have to be authenticated, every detail, to both of our satisfaction's can you tell me how we will do this ?

How about we meet with a 3rd party. Both drop 1000 USD to the 3rd partys hands. They can look at all I bring.

I will then provide a series of mobile phone picture snaps, documenting the gun, the bullets, the bullets on the road, the injured knuckles from fighting, the bloodstained shirts, the huge belt buckle the thai used as a flail to fight back with. All taken in Bang Tao police station (and on the roadside site for the bullets) on the morning of 7th Feb. The EXIF data on the photos will show the phone make, and time and dates taken.

Evidence like that, fitting in perfect unity with my statement, would be compelling enough for any sane person I would think ??

Of course I could be bluffing, making the whole thing up, just to be a forum hero, and you could walk away with 1000USD.. Either that or you could be a snarky keyboard warrior who has to eat crow and lose the contents of thier wallet..

So I am still game.. Where we do this ??

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