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Pattaya Sleeze: What Did I Miss? Why Don't I Like It?


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I went on my first more than a drive-by visit to Pattaya last week. I wanted the dirt- seedy places and lots of fun being unknown and not knowing anyone either. I expected ((Nana + Cowboy) / Patpong) x 10. But it didn't work out like that. Beach road was dirty and dusty, the beach itself full of rubbish and the water full of rubbish too. Walking street was very hot with no breeze and the establishments were very spaced out with more "normal" places like pubs and shops sporadically placed in between. We walked into about 5 very sub-standard fun-wise (compared to Bangkok) bars before finding one place which could fairly be compared which also happened to be completely devoid of any other customers.

Eventually, after trying to improve things by getting about 10 gogo dancers very drunk (which did help, Ill admit), we decided to move on and got some recommendations for a Thai style place 5-10 minutes in the opposite direction called "Noir", which was a large building with RCA style furnishings playing hip hop. It was at about 30% capacity and nothing special.

We left that place, and tried some other sois other than walking st. I thought walking st was were the real pattaya sleeze was, but we found a nearby (to walking) yaek with about 30 bars along it, again completely hit and miss. I guess we should have gone with a local person who knew the ropes. But our example is what most first time tourists would experience- and it wasnt that fun at all.

We then tried to keep the wagon rolling even though most bars were closing up, so we tried lucifers- well, I prefer the one in patpong I'll be honest. Then we tried Insomnia- Even Spiceys in Bangkok is cleaner and smells better! We also tried one other after hours place, the name of which I forget as I was by that point mao in more ways than one.

The most fun I had in the whole evening was riding with my friend on the one motorcy waving our beers around as policeman waved back.

I had expected so much more for my first visit!

Girls in all establishments looked bored, sad or even depressed!

I felt happy to be driving back to the capital and dont plan on returning to pattaya for "fun" anytime soon.

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So if I repeated your trip in reverse and came to Bangkok for one night, never been there before, sought no advice and sought no local guide I would have the time of my life? Just like that.

I don't think so.

Tourist type visitors to Pattaya usually stay a week minimum so have time to suss out the good places plus they usually have the common sense to ask advice from hotel doormen etc.

Also, as has been said, it is low season. On another thread it has been compared to Blackpool in December.

<edit : btw you missed Jenny Star Bar. You should be flogged to within an inch of your life!>

Edited by PhilHarries
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I went on my first more than a drive-by visit to Pattaya last week. I wanted the dirt- seedy places and lots of fun being unknown and not knowing anyone either. I expected ((Nana + Cowboy) / Patpong) x 10. But it didn't work out like that. Beach road was dirty and dusty, the beach itself full of rubbish and the water full of rubbish too. Walking street was very hot with no breeze and the establishments were very spaced out with more "normal" places like pubs and shops sporadically placed in between. We walked into about 5 very sub-standard fun-wise (compared to Bangkok) bars before finding one place which could fairly be compared which also happened to be completely devoid of any other customers.

Eventually, after trying to improve things by getting about 10 gogo dancers very drunk (which did help, Ill admit), we decided to move on and got some recommendations for a Thai style place 5-10 minutes in the opposite direction called "Noir", which was a large building with RCA style furnishings playing hip hop. It was at about 30% capacity and nothing special.

We left that place, and tried some other sois other than walking st. I thought walking st was were the real pattaya sleeze was, but we found a nearby (to walking) yaek with about 30 bars along it, again completely hit and miss. I guess we should have gone with a local person who knew the ropes. But our example is what most first time tourists would experience- and it wasnt that fun at all.

We then tried to keep the wagon rolling even though most bars were closing up, so we tried lucifers- well, I prefer the one in patpong I'll be honest. Then we tried Insomnia- Even Spiceys in Bangkok is cleaner and smells better! We also tried one other after hours place, the name of which I forget as I was by that point mao in more ways than one.

The most fun I had in the whole evening was riding with my friend on the one motorcy waving our beers around as policeman waved back.

I had expected so much more for my first visit!

Girls in all establishments looked bored, sad or even depressed!

I felt happy to be driving back to the capital and dont plan on returning to pattaya for "fun" anytime soon.

Obviously NOT the "higher class of tourist" that Pattaya is aiming for!!!!

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Haha, no I admit I was intent on not being a high class tourist. My first week off work in 5 years!

Yes I was very drunk and behaving like an idiot. Pattay, of all places in the world, could be the place I let off steam after 5 years with no holiday (or so I thought, how disappointed I was).

The trip was salvaged a little by our meeting a nice bargirl who had a plentiful supply of supplemental medicines to help me overcome the hangovers.

I did enjoy the sights to be seen from the top of the statue of the Thai commander near the naval communications station. But my point was, Pattaya has this image of being fun central, and that wasnt my experience. I should have been able to drop in without local guide and have fun, but it didnt happen.

Cant all be blamed on the low season.

Next time I will convince one of you gents to give us some tips before hand. But I dont have high hopes about having missed the "real" pattaya fun.

Naam - your responses are becoming predictable, I left that door open for you! :o

Edited by OxfordWill
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Next time I will convince one of you gents to give us some tips before hand. But I dont have high hopes about having missed the "real" pattaya fun.

The first time i came to Patty i worked out the best places to go within 3 days - just by walking around on my own.

But tastes change, and what i like now for a night out is very different to say 5 years ago.

Pattaya is what it is - and you will find what suits you by spending a little time there

Mr B

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I went on my first more than a drive-by visit to Pattaya last week. I wanted the dirt- seedy places and lots of fun being unknown and not knowing anyone either. I expected ((Nana + Cowboy) / Patpong) x 10. But it didn't work out like that. Beach road was dirty and dusty, the beach itself full of rubbish and the water full of rubbish too. Walking street was very hot with no breeze and the establishments were very spaced out with more "normal" places like pubs and shops sporadically placed in between. We walked into about 5 very sub-standard fun-wise (compared to Bangkok) bars before finding one place which could fairly be compared which also happened to be completely devoid of any other customers.

Eventually, after trying to improve things by getting about 10 gogo dancers very drunk (which did help, Ill admit), we decided to move on and got some recommendations for a Thai style place 5-10 minutes in the opposite direction called "Noir", which was a large building with RCA style furnishings playing hip hop. It was at about 30% capacity and nothing special.

We left that place, and tried some other sois other than walking st. I thought walking st was were the real pattaya sleeze was, but we found a nearby (to walking) yaek with about 30 bars along it, again completely hit and miss. I guess we should have gone with a local person who knew the ropes. But our example is what most first time tourists would experience- and it wasnt that fun at all.

We then tried to keep the wagon rolling even though most bars were closing up, so we tried lucifers- well, I prefer the one in patpong I'll be honest. Then we tried Insomnia- Even Spiceys in Bangkok is cleaner and smells better! We also tried one other after hours place, the name of which I forget as I was by that point mao in more ways than one.

The most fun I had in the whole evening was riding with my friend on the one motorcy waving our beers around as policeman waved back.

I had expected so much more for my first visit!

Girls in all establishments looked bored, sad or even depressed!

I felt happy to be driving back to the capital and dont plan on returning to pattaya for "fun" anytime soon.

You'll be missed i'm sure. :o

Edited by davethailand
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I thought about doing what you did once. Was having a chat with a long time Bkk expat and asked him if he wanted to come along? He said what for? I haven't f---ed all the the girls in Nana plaza yet. Made sense to me

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I'll take Patts over Bkk anyday. Nana and Cowboy are closed by 2am, you can go all night in Pattaya. There's plenty of other areas than Walking Street and even on WS there are plenty of sois off it with bars.

This low season does sound kind of quiet tho...arriving this w/e but I'm sure there's a good time to be had!

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Will - no worries mate fun can be had, but just depends on you. Never had a boring night in Patters ever. I think its all more of a mindset than anything else and perhaps you just needed to be with the right company. :o As you can see Patters isn't as bad as its reputation - that is blatantly obvious. :D

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I have to admit, I've only been to Patters once and that was about 7 years ago. I was not deeply impressed either. However before going to Patters I had been in BKK about 5 or 6 times and enjoyed every night I had out on the town, either by myself or with friends. In fact the first night in BKK I felt like I had had one of the party's of my life.

What did the OP miss in Patters? From what I have been reading:

A murder

A suicide

A robbery

A knife fight

Being accosted by a drunken farang

Being felt up by a hungry Ladyboy

...and much more....oh so much fun Patters can be.... :o

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Im bored so il add my tuppence.............

yes its low season so that didnt help but pattaya has gone down hill every year.seemed to be more fun and more fun good looking girls around in previous years especially over 3-4 yrs ago. the girls here now tend to be uglier or if slightly good looking then tend to think they are supermodels!!!

generally the gogo girls here have always been lazy grumpy fcukers but as with most of them anywhere you need to get them drunk and they cheer up a bit.

the ratio of guys to girls here just gets higher every year.

for a top night anywhere it generally depends on the company you are with ....in your case the friends you came with!

generally bkk people like it there,pattaya people like it here .....what im trying to say is that dont expect a super night here if you like the bkk scene. ive never had a really goodnight in bkk ever.

i went to spicey and thought it was real crap......really cheap looking club full of guys and boringly dressed girls. old music but hey thats down to matter of taste anyway.

i wont talk about patpong as obviously a load of poo

nana ....gogos no fun,disco a joke.

maybe if i went with regular bkk residents then i may have had more fun but i would still say that pattaya offers more in any entertainment you may be looking for .......even though it may not live up to the hype that its been given.

i have had some of the best nights of my life here but also a share of just ok ones too........bit of luck involved too,but generally any time im drunk here with a group of friends i have a good night.

hope this clarifies a few things and better luck next timeif there is a next time.

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First mistake,going to walking st,its a dive.Many many great beer bars to drink in,you dont need to go to that shithole,touristy thingy place.

one needs a bar to enjoy a drink? :o

Naam - don't be inflammatory. :D One needs a bar to provide the female company that makes abeer more enjoyable - chai mai ?

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The most fun I had in the whole evening was riding with my friend on the one motorcy waving our beers around as policeman waved back.

I'm sure we are all happy that you regard waving at policemen seriously good fun. :o

Be careful that the Pattaya door doesn't hit you in the ass on your way back to Bangers.

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