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Brewer's Yeast

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Brewer's yeast I get at the pharmacy in the Makro. I assume you can get it at any pharmacy.

I haven't tried it out on cats, though. IMHO, when a cat or dog is covered in fleas (or ticks) then I first question its immune system. Sick/unhealthy animals are much more prone to parasites.

When healthy animals are bothered by many skin parasites then I would question the environment they live in followed by calling pest control.

Furthermore, cats are true carnivores. Garlic and brewer's yeast are not part of their natural diet. Therefore, I am very careful with giving cats these kind of supplements. Too much garlic can cause hemolitic anemia. How much too much is for a cat, I do not know.


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I have a recipe of garlic and brewer's yeast to feed to cats so that they can repel a few of the gadzillion fleas out there. Where can I get brewer's yeast?? Has anyone tried and does it help?? Tnx

Brewer's yeast is found at Rimping, Makro and tesco stores. It is also at the bakery supplies store but that is more complicated to find.


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I would have thought yeast would give your cat a hua of a guts ache, any way why does it have to be brewers yeast? I have used the granulated yeast that you get from Tesco in a small cylindrical clear plastic jar for making beer and wine and it works great. Should be good enough for your cat.......if that is what its really for lol. Other wise if it is for fleas, I would give him one of those 6 monthly drenches that you get from the vet, one I know is called spot on you apply it between his ears on the back of his neck between the fur. I am sure there are other ones as well. Even a dog one would be ok, just lower the dosage for his wieght. I used to do the old ladies cats on the farm when I did my dogs back in NZ.

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Brewers yeast has been a part of my daily regimen for all of my life and I never, ever have a problem with biting insects. It is also part of the diet for our dog and he rarely has any problem except when fleas/tics are 'in season' or when he hangs with the stray dogs that occasionally come around.

As much as I dislike using pesticides, I do rarely treat my pet with Frontline but use a dosage that is far less than recommended and it seems to work very well.

I purchase tablets in a big bottle of 1000 and, while I don't remember the price, it is way cheap. I tried the powder form but my dog snuffed and complained but wolf's down the tabs with his regular doggy food. Totally natural, very high in B vitamins and a health benefit to every living thing!

It seems that I got my last jug of brewers yeast tabs at the pharmancy immediately south of the Monti hotel but most should carry it - just avoid the little bottles of 'brand name' ones at rip-off prices.

Garlic? I would take a pass or at least do a serious search before giving it to a pet. Even simple things like raisins, grapes, garlic, chocolate, onions, raw salmon are toxic for dogs and who would have thought, eh?

Edited by Dustoff
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