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Bangkok And Phuket - Is It Safe?


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All airports have been re-opened, as i understand it and unless you intend to do any protesting things should be safe here in Bangkok. Phuket you wont have any problems at all, except for maybe a couple of aggressive umbrella drinks forcing you to do things you probably wouldn't do :o

Your name isnt Ras is it? A friend of mine is coming over to Thailand for his honeymoon next week :D

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Unless the OP goes into an area near the protests, he would probably not even be aware of them. I have not heard of one instance where the protesters targeted tourists. To the contrary, there was a report that tourists were allowed to walk past the picket lines at Phuket airport.

Edited by klikster
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It's not safe. Don't believe the poster above.

This situation could boil over at any minute and then there will be anarchy in the streets. Be careful!

Unless the OP goes into an area near the protests, he would probably not even be aware of them. I have not heard of one instance where the protesters targeted tourists. To the contrary, there was a report that tourists were allowed to walk past the picket lines at Phuket airport.

today my colleague just came back to singapore in one piece... :o

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I understand that several airports were closed a few days ago and that Thai International Airways announced it would delay flights in and out of Bangkok. I will be HOPEFULLY flying in to Bangkok on the 12th of September with Emirates Airlines from Dubai. How likely do you guys think they will shut down Suvarnabhumi Airport?

I was in BKK during the Thaksin riots and coup as well. I was there for a total of 8 months for my studies and never ventured to the protest areas and basically never realized a single thing. However if the government starts imposing curfews and checkpoints and so forth.. I don't know if it will be worth coming down. I only want to go to RCA and MBK! :o haha.

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I understand that several airports were closed a few days ago and that Thai International Airways announced it would delay flights in and out of Bangkok. I will be HOPEFULLY flying in to Bangkok on the 12th of September with Emirates Airlines from Dubai. How likely do you guys think they will shut down Suvarnabhumi Airport?

I was in BKK during the Thaksin riots and coup as well. I was there for a total of 8 months for my studies and never ventured to the protest areas and basically never realized a single thing. However if the government starts imposing curfews and checkpoints and so forth.. I don't know if it will be worth coming down. I only want to go to RCA and MBK! :o haha.

Don't worry mate, despite politcal tensions (sp), my experience has been that drinking, shopping and eating never is affected. :D

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I understand that several airports were closed a few days ago and that Thai International Airways announced it would delay flights in and out of Bangkok. I will be HOPEFULLY flying in to Bangkok on the 12th of September with Emirates Airlines from Dubai. How likely do you guys think they will shut down Suvarnabhumi Airport?

I was in BKK during the Thaksin riots and coup as well. I was there for a total of 8 months for my studies and never ventured to the protest areas and basically never realized a single thing. However if the government starts imposing curfews and checkpoints and so forth.. I don't know if it will be worth coming down. I only want to go to RCA and MBK! :D haha.

Don't worry mate, despite politcal tensions (sp), my experience has been that drinking, shopping and eating never is affected. :D

Thanks for your assurance mate... Lets hope my entry and exit to the country is as flawless and obstacle free as the drinking, eating and shopping that I want to do! :o I'm only looking to have a good time. I really hope for the sake of the Thai people, that these political problems boil over real soon.


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I understand that several airports were closed a few days ago and that Thai International Airways announced it would delay flights in and out of Bangkok. I will be HOPEFULLY flying in to Bangkok on the 12th of September with Emirates Airlines from Dubai. How likely do you guys think they will shut down Suvarnabhumi Airport?

I was in BKK during the Thaksin riots and coup as well. I was there for a total of 8 months for my studies and never ventured to the protest areas and basically never realized a single thing. However if the government starts imposing curfews and checkpoints and so forth.. I don't know if it will be worth coming down. I only want to go to RCA and MBK! :D haha.

Don't worry mate, despite politcal tensions (sp), my experience has been that drinking, shopping and eating never is affected. :D

Thanks for your assurance mate... Lets hope my entry and exit to the country is as flawless and obstacle free as the drinking, eating and shopping that I want to do! :o I'm only looking to have a good time. I really hope for the sake of the Thai people, that these political problems boil over real soon.


They are about to boil over don't worry, but the good news is that it will likely happen before you arrive.

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Im heading to bangkok next monday for my honeymoon and then on to phuket 3 days later

was just wondering if its safe enough i have seen on the news about the Protesters and phuket airport shut

also rioting in bangkok


The situation can change either way, on a daily basis, IMO. You'll have to keep checking, daily.

Best of luck.

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I just flew out of Suvarnabhumi Airport yesterday back to the states for a visit and had no problem at all. Before leaving I stayed a few days in BKK and the only time I new of the protests was on the news. I return in a week and things may change but thats life.


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The OP uses the word "safe" when I think a more appropriate word is "possible to travel via airport."

Yes, it's safe.

Airport? Hopefully it's be open and operating. Actually, too much is lost by a closed international airport, no matter what side folks are on.

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