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Just posted this in the support forum, no offence to those involved, but didn't get much in the way of a response - is there nothing to reference out there? Are there enough of us out there to start something up?



Just wondering whether it might be relevant to have a forum for Foreign Women with Thai husbands. The rules seem to be different on every level - relationships, balance of wealth, visas, experiences, family influence.

The visa laws which concern foreign women married to Thai men, such as there not being a need to report her income, sometimes prevent a woman from getting to know what is going on in terms of immigration herself. I know my Thai husband feels it is his "duty" to take care of everything despite me having a brain and wanting to know what the law means to me.

I appreciate you already have a forum dedicated to farang women in Thailand, but I have searched the entire web trying to fnd answers to some of my questions on citizenship for women, cultural differences etc, but everything out there is aimed at foreign men married to Thai women.

So what do you think? Are there enough of us yet to get our own group? Is there a moderator out there who is willing to get us the facts as Thai law dictates them?


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Hi Naomisri, actually Thai visa does have that information available, you just have to really search for it! I have always found good answers to my questions by either posting here or on the Visas section. I don't think, frankly, there are enough of us to warrant a seperate forum. We are pretty rare!

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Hi Naomisri, actually Thai visa does have that information available, you just have to really search for it! I have always found good answers to my questions by either posting here or on the Visas section.  I don't think, frankly, there are enough of us to warrant a seperate forum.  We are pretty rare!

I appreciate that! Without sounding too creepy... I have seen loads of your posts as they are mostly relevant to me and you seem to be getting the kind of answers that I want (I am on Samui not in BKK), but I know that you are a long standing veteran looking for citizenship and I have been living here with my husband all of 2 years.

However I did get a PM from someone with the suggestion of starting a group as a friend of hers started one with foreign wives of Indonesian husbands which now has 200+ members. It might be the way to go for there are a few more of us around now than there were 2 years ago, and the numbers seem to be rising.

What is your general experience with the people outside of your relationship living here?

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Welcome to the elite club then!

What do you mean, thai people or farang? My husband is local (VERY local) so mostly people have accepted me, and esp after so many years I am held up as a shining example of farangdom here. :o I go to funerals, weddings, house opening parties, important tambuns at the wat. I dress politely and behave (fairly) modestly. I speak the local dialect fairly well so mostly, my experiences have been positive. Most farang are fine with it, think it's great that I live here.

As for the group, could be a good idea. I know a few here on Koh P, nobody on Samui. It would be good to have an islander meeting!

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Welcome to the elite club then!

What do you mean, thai people or farang? My husband is local (VERY local) so mostly people have accepted me, and esp after so many years I am held up as a shining example of farangdom here.  :o  I go to funerals, weddings, house opening parties, important tambuns at the wat. I dress politely and behave (fairly) modestly. I speak the local dialect fairly well so mostly, my experiences have been positive. Most farang are fine with it, think it's great that I live here.

As for the group, could be a good idea. I know a few here on Koh P, nobody on Samui. It would be good to have an islander meeting!

Seeing as we're veritably "out in the sticks" compared to the high flyers of BKK maybe we should get together. I've also been contacted by someone on Samui who knows quite a few who have joined the club. I think it's about time we got ourselves connected! We should be clear that marriage is not a qualifier though, relationships are just as valid!

Anyone interested can pm me.

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hey naomisri, how'd your storm go? FMP went on schedule last night (even tho, apparently the governer had postponed it). Today is lovely, bit cloudy, windy but the air is clear and not sticky. Very nice.

I don't get over to Samui much, but if we can schedule something after the New Year might be up for a day trip! Keep me posted. Too bad Boo is in the UK.

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My computer has been out of action so I haven't been on for ages.

The typhoon was really eerie. We were listening to Samui Radio being called by people in Tao, Phangan, Chumporn etc, but here it was deadly quiet. Not a drop of rain where we are between Chaweng and Lamai. We had filled up the car with Gas, got the butane refilled, bought dry and canned food and everybody had shut up shop before nine as the electricity was to be turned off on the whole island at ten.

Needless to say we were watching hot news on ITV at 10:15 and blowing out the candles.

I hear you had some heavy rain, but not much else? It had downgraded to a depression by the time it arrived I think.

I'm going to be in London myself for Christmas, back on the 30th so I will try and organise something. Keep you updated! What are your plans for the New Year?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there!

I've just joined this forum and came across this thread and am happy to see i'm not the only farang girl out here married with a thai guy! and we are indeed a rare breed! I've been out here nearly 5 years and with my guy for 4 ( married for 2), Most of the farang girlfriends I had out here have moved on now and I spose I really just wanna talk to someone on the same level as me (opinion, humour, interest wise) as I find it very hard to get on a 'level' with thai girls as sweet as most of them are!

So indulge me if you will and get in touch via this thread! You don't HAVE to be married to a Thai guy to reply!

Bit about me:-

26 Yrs old



Live with Thai hubby and Family (Oh yes not the best set up!)

Thai hubby is fab and clever and a true soul mate :o

Involved with hubby in setting up a business with Virgin Coconut Oil

Talk to my mates on msn but miss the true fun of female company :D

Hope to hear from my fellow farang females!

Luv Shola


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Welcome to the forum shola & glad you finally found us, even though this farang girls section has been here quite a while already!

There are quite a few of us farang girls with thai hubbies here so you've definatly found a large network. Where abouts in Thailand are you living? As we have a lot of members spread out across the place


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Hi Boo,

Thanks for the welcome :o

Yeah I should have done this years ago! Well I'm in lovely noisy smelly Bkk! living in On Nut which is fab as Nut is my Hubby's name!

(Hey I know I know I'll keep it clean :D )

Where are you in this land of smells I means smiles!


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No longer in LOS anymore, we moved back to the UK in April last year for a few years & so far so good. I lived for 7 years in LOS in Koh Samui & then for a few months in Khon kaen with the mother in law! :o SO I know what your going though :D But I moderate this here section & keep the twatty bashers out, although we have a lovely bunch of blokes who are regular posters in here too :D

Feel free to post away & we don't keep it THAT clean in here, just clean enough not to shock the boys :D

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Boo you have a new friend?

She scared the others away Shola :o

No only kidding, we love Boo hereabouts.

Welcome Shola, I hope this forum/bb helps you out with your life here and your sense of humour.

Boo, I will be in London soon (was there the other day actually) and planning on staying a few days, perhaps we could "do lunch" :D I am in sunny Sweden right now.

Sorry for stealing the thread Shola. Back to Boo.

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Aaahh Yes 'The mother in Law'! Yeah It's been head numbing at times (As in I'm smashing my head on the wall trying to communicate with the woman)!

So your back in Engers with your Hubby then?

My dream totally to get there with Nut, but he won't go over there anything less than rich, so were still waiting (tap tap) for that to happen! but luckily our business looks set to take off, so it shouldn't be long!

Any plans on coming back this aromatic area?!



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Boo you have a new friend?

She scared the others away Shola  :D

No only kidding, we love Boo hereabouts.

Welcome Shola, I hope this forum/bb helps you out with your life here and your sense of humour.

Boo, I will be in London soon (was there the other day actually) and planning on staying a few days, perhaps we could "do lunch"  :D  I am in sunny Sweden right now.

Sorry for stealing the thread Shola. Back to Boo.

Tuky- When will you be in London?

Boo- shall be in town this week! :o

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Hello - bit slow on the uptake! Just wanted to say a quick hello Shola and let everybody who was interested know that I've put the plans to meet up on hold for a while - at least one person who wanted to come was caught up in the Tsunami so just waiting for everyone to get back on top of things. after PMai

I guess it's just nice to know you're all out there :o

Don't be a stranger Shola, I know exactly how you feel about getting that something different with your farang girlfriends. You'll definitely get it here, whether you're posting or just lurking... :D

Chok dee with the business - I know how that feels, just trying to buy some land/houses as the mo.

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Hello - bit slow on the uptake!  Just wanted to say a quick hello Shola and let everybody who was interested know that I've put the plans to meet up on hold for a while - at least one person who wanted to come was caught up in the Tsunami so just waiting for everyone to get back on top of things. after PMai 

I guess it's just nice to know you're all out there  :o

Don't be a stranger Shola, I know exactly how you feel about getting that something different with your farang girlfriends.    You'll definitely get it here, whether you're posting or just lurking...  :D

Chok dee with the business - I know how that feels, just trying to buy some land/houses as the mo.


Wow can't wait for the day that me and my hubby have the $$ to buy a house! Good luck with that and thanks 4 the hello! I'm surrounded by people all day long but do feel a sense of lonliness (big sigh!) when I think about my mates back in engers, so I'm glad i've stumbled on to this site! have read many LOL posts!

If there are any Farang meet ups happening let me know!

lub Shola


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Welcome! It can be difficult with the mother-in-law, fortunately for me, mine speaks lightning fast southern Thai and I hardly understand a word she says (probably for the best really). And I do speak southern Thai, just can't understand her, she can't seem to slow down at all. We have had our head buttings over the years but she has finally backed down on trying to run our lives and relationship :o . Guess she didn't quite what she hoped for with her youngest son's wife :D . Luckily for me, my father-in-law and I get on great, he is a very blunt spoken, honest man (very weird for a Thai, scares the heck out of everybody because they never know what he is going to say) who admires my wysiwyg atttiude (what you see is what you get).

Anyway, welcome to the forum, glad to see another new face. If you are ever down south pop in for a visit.

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Brit, you know I'd love to see you :D , pm me with the dates your around & I'll pm you my number. Maybe me, you & tuky can have a Thai Visa meet up :D

It will be around the beginning of March for me, I am due to demob from Sweden on the 9th March but hopefully I will get the guys to work a bit faster  :o

Lets speak more as the time draws near???

Shame tuky- guess I'll have to catch you in LOS matey!!! Alone with Boo now!!!!! :D

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I'm sure my mother in law thinks I am great for bragging to the neighbours. I am a lot younger than my husband and she guides me round like a child holding my hand telling them her son has been to England twice, she met my Mum last year and was silent for the whole day, not sure what she made of that.

I speak a bit of Thai, mostly BKK but some South, it took me 5 minutes sitting in the family home to realise that Mui was where I lived. Mostly they seem to shorten words ie. pai lad mai na? is pai talad lamai na? The tones are all different too. It's even harder when you are taught half BKK Thai and half South Thai and don't know the difference between the two. I've got a lot to learn anyway. Got any tips SBK??

My husband lived with his aunt from an early age so he could go to school in the town so he detatched himself from his mother early. He's very much his own person - as I am - we write our own story luckily. I think it would be very different if I lived on the mainland with the rest of the family though.

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Oh yeah.... it's a completely different story surrounded by the ten million relatives :D

I speak thai south, it was a conscious decision on my part since everyone around me spoke Thai south and I spend almost no time in Bangkok (and I have no desire to watch thai tv :o ). Naomisri, the proper pronunciation should be "Pai laht mai-uh?" :D . Koh Phangan and Koh Samui have some of their own words seperate from the mainland. The surefire way to mark yourself as a local is to ask "kay baht-uh?" (how much?) instead of "Ki baht?" or "Towrai?" . . I always pay the Thai price for the taxis etc in Samui. :D

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Good tip, must remember that next time I pai laht :o)

I love the way it's so sing song, but I'm also surrounded by loads of Issan as all the staff at the spa where my husband works are from Nakhon and thereabouts. So we speak Laos a bit too. Cow Jai Boh? How mixed up can you get??? Husband from Phun Phin so speaks Surat. Barely able to understand even him when we "go home".

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