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Is Viagra Legal Without A Prescription?


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Being able to possess Viagra without a prescription is not necessarily a good thing.

A medical consultation would highlight the risks of use and make the user aware of the dangers of this drug when taken with existing medical problems and with existing medication.

Proceed with caution. I have personally known one young healthy man {Aged 31} who died using Viagra recreationally.

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selling viagra and similar performance enhancement drugs requires a license ie from a chemist/drug store or medical practitioner. In theory they should not had it over without at least checking your medical history and blood pressure

As per Libya 115's post above - these are drugs with some serious side effects and should be taken with caution. If you need or want them best to get a proper medical examination to establish the reasons why you need them. Brewer's droop is not a valid medical reason.

It concerns me that people including friends of mine, are scarfing these medications like candy without any consideration of long term effects


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I think it would be pretty safe to assume it is legal to possess, or we'd hear more stories of people getting busted. The stories we do hear are usually people (not pharmacies) selling it illegally (and often selling cheap knock-offs bought outside the country).

Never heard of anyone getting busted for having a pack of (Viagra or whatever) on them for their personal use.

As mentioned though, use with caution. If you are buying from someone in a bar or off the street, you never know what you are getting. There have been a few cases of people croaking in the middle of "the act" due to taking too much.

Earlier this year, a Canadian died upcountry in just such a case. He arrived, went on a date, took the woman home and popped a couple of viagra (maybe thinking it would get him up faster, or longer, or stronger, or all three) and then died in mid-act.

Not sure what the long term effects of Viagra could be. Ole Hugh (Hefner) seems to still be chugging along and I think he was one of the first to use it on a regular basis (one of his ex-wives blamed Viagra for the break up of their marriage, and he's still running around with the 3 blown-up blondes).

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It is a controlled substance and legally cannot be purchased without a Prescription. It is illegal to have it in your posession without a prescription as well.

Good that it does not stay in one's possession for long, usually. :o

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There have been a few cases of people croaking in the middle of "the act" due to taking too much.

Earlier this year, a Canadian died upcountry in just such a case. He arrived, went on a date, took the woman home and popped a couple of viagra (maybe thinking it would get him up faster, or longer, or stronger, or all three) and then died in mid-act.

Ahh....what a way to go! I always find it mildly amusing when someone dies in an embarrassing predicament because I get these pictures in my head of the officials explaining to the family how the guy kicked off.

I tried viagra and really didn't think it did too much. In fact, if anything it only prolonged the act because there was less sensation. Not for me.

Still, it is a nice thing to have the Rx give you stuff on the spot that will actually cure your ailment whatever it is. I might have had to cut my trip short if it weren't for pharmacies and medical attention.

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Just remember that Viagra was 'discovered" during human trials of a heart drug.

Pfizer were getting a heart drug ready for market and were doing human trials. One of the reported side effects of the drug was male potency. As a result of many people in the test not wanting to return their test samples, Pfizer did a little more research and came up with the magic blue pill. They did not bother with the limited scope heart drug. :o

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Just remember that Viagra was 'discovered" during human trials of a heart drug.

Pfizer were getting a heart drug ready for market and were doing human trials. One of the reported side effects of the drug was male potency. As a result of many people in the test not wanting to return their test samples, Pfizer did a little more research and came up with the magic blue pill. They did not bother with the limited scope heart drug. :o

Wasn't that how Regaine (now called Rogaine?) was discovered also? As a heart drug?

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It is a controlled substance and legally cannot be purchased without a Prescription. It is illegal to have it in your posession without a prescription as well.

I totally agree to JimSiam, just go to a small clinic in pattaya, get your prescription - written with the exact dose - and you are free of hazzle

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It is a controlled substance and legally cannot be purchased without a Prescription. It is illegal to have it in your posession without a prescription as well.

I think you might be misreading Thai law a bit...i understand a pharmacy can issue it...but they should have some form of diagnosis......do scrip's actually exist in Thailand? - as in a legally required note from a qualified GP?

If you were in possession of a large amount of the spurious versions available I would imagine you'd be in a different situation as you'd have to explain why you were carrying a substance not legally available in Thailand.

Edited by kedawi
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It is a controlled substance and legally cannot be purchased without a Prescription. It is illegal to have it in your posession without a prescription as well.

even if you have a prescription it is illegal to ingest Viagra or Cialis in one-way streets on odd calendar days :o

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It is a controlled substance and legally cannot be purchased without a Prescription. It is illegal to have it in your posession without a prescription as well.

even if you have a prescription it is illegal to ingest Viagra or Cialis in one-way streets on odd calendar days :o

Hmmm, that could be a problem, as almost every day here can be an "odd" day. On the other hand, we don't have any one-way streets (technically there are some of course, but in reality, "one-way" is just a guideline).

Glad to hear that all those pharmacies are operating illegally here as well. Dispensing controlled substances without prescriptions to unsuspecting tourists ! It's a wonder they don't get raided by the BiB more often.

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BIB getting kickbacks??? :D


Can't be ! I heard from a guy that made (1) ten day trip to Thailand that the police are reputable and can't be bribed ! But then again, he only went to Phuket and hung out in bars. Maybe things are different over there. :o

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I just read a terrifying tale in another forum (one for that kind of tourist) about an old man being shaken down by the cops at Ekamai because he had a few Kamagara on him. They apparentely lay in wait there to catch, frighten, browbeat, and shake down the hated farang - this old man had to pay 10,000 baht to be let go! Perhaps the economic collapse and dire lack of tourists has made them hungrier, or the political crisis has given them totally free reign to attack the foreigner.

I suppose the best policy is to buy Kamagra one at a time and consume them immediately inside or just outside the pharmacy, or possibly to get a 'prescription'. I wonder, however, if this prescription would really work as the cops could simply tear it up when you showed it to them.

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If you check the back issues of Pattaya People Weekly you will find an older farang got busted recently for having a quantity of viagra on him, he was not delaing he bought them to take back home. He was locked up, his car impounded and it took 15 days to sort outhe argued you can buy them across the counter in any pharmacy, the BIB disagreed, he said give me a 1000 baht and follow me to any pharmacy and I will prove it, thye declined. He was eventually released without charge. BUT the warnings are there!

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I he had a few Kamagara on him.

can you be a bit more precise, how much exactly is "a few"?

A few Boxes, Cartons, or sachets?

If sachets, how many?

It has become a new trade amongst foreigners for some extra income and maybe concerning some deaths related to these "enhancements", maybe the coppers got the orders to crack down, however this is partly an assumption of mine and can't really belive that one gets busted for a 'few sachets'!

Edited by Samuian
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I know an expat here who regularly walks into his favorite registered pharmacist, and he merely holds up his fingers to order how many packets he wants, at 400 baht for a packet of Kamagra. Four 100 mg tablets. He could hold up five fingers and get twenty 100 mg pills, no problem. He often carries them in a faded old prescription bottle from back home, that shows his first script was legal.... about seven years ago.

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If sachets, how many?

...can't really belive that one gets busted for a 'few sachets'!

My understanding from the post in question was that it was just a few sachets, like maybe three. The purpose obviously is not to 'bust' the hated farang but to shake him down for whatever they can get.

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