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Network 21/amway

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A friend of mine in Pitsanoluk told me that someone had recently tried to recruit her into the Network 21 family.

A few quick checks show that Network 21 is affiliated and heavily involved with Amway.

A few checks show that their have been various complaints lodged about the practices of Network21 in the UK and Australia.





My friend was told they needed to pay a Bt150 fee for the initial meeting and then Bt2,000 two weeks later for training from a farang.

Does anyone know anything about their operation/network in Thailand?

Has anyone had any dealings with them?


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  • 4 months later...

They are an international company, now spreading into asian markets (as they have saturated the other markets, and run out of people to scam). It is quite dangerous. There is money to be made (not for everyone), but do research first.

N21 Scam? has some helpful information to make a choice, and google obviously for lots more.

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So since this thread opened it has been some time. Since then has anyone dared to join? anyone actually made any money?

China has the brains to outlaw multi MLM's. Big jail time if caught.

Get a list of the upline before signing up. If there is only a few levels and a couple of hundred above you, jump on it. If there is a speaker at the meeting with diamond rings, gold necklaces and hundreds signed up under, it is TOO LATE.

The secret to MLM success is to be the first one in the world to starting a new one. PM me if you want a seconder. <<< hope ya know that's a joke :o


Edited by eggomaniac
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  • 1 month later...

Many Thai are very succesful at MLM's. It's given them a life beyond the 5500 baht monthly salary. I personally know of several who MLM's have made quite succesful relative to other Thais, and none that tried and gotten "ripped off" as many of you seem to think. Of course it's not for everyone, but neither is selling bananas 100 hours a week.

How about working at your local Tesco/Lotus... or McDonalds, talk about an F'n scam. These are the ultimate pyramid schemes. At least MLM's offer an opportunity to build for the motivated person.

Saturization is only a theory, passed around by the ignorant.

I wouldn't recommend Amway, there are far better compensation plans out there.

Edited by damian5000
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A friend of mine in Pitsanoluk told me that someone had recently tried to recruit her into the Network 21 family.

A few quick checks show that Network 21 is affiliated and heavily involved with Amway.

A few checks show that their have been various complaints lodged about the practices of Network21 in the UK and Australia.





My friend was told they needed to pay a Bt150 fee for the initial meeting and then Bt2,000 two weeks later for training from a farang.

Does anyone know anything about their operation/network in Thailand?

Has anyone had any dealings with them?


My wife just paid 5000 baht for some products I have warned her many times but what can I do

They are just some products we use at home and don't sell to anybody else I could get all that shit for half price any where else. But I am not Thai so I have no right to argue. :o

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I have been situation to see that Amway bussines in Finland and some people tried very hard to turn me to the Amway cult ! Last time they tried to offer some idea that I would start find customer in Thailand :o

My wife told me that Amway is not so new in Thailand and I have seen one quite big storage building in Bangkok too !

Products are too expensive ..... desperate !

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My wife told me that Amway is not so new in Thailand

Amway (Thailand) Ltd. began operations in May 1987. Through its Amway Business Owner organization, the company is mainly involved in the direct sales of products manufactured by parent company Amway Corp.

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I know of at least 3 Amway ladies here in my village and surrounding area They tired to hook my wife into it. She has managed to spend a few thousand on vitamins and some other stuff but I told her no more and now she has limited to some small things.

Amway like all MLM schemes is only for those that can get in early and make it to a top tier while the ones at the bottom suffer. I was involved in one in the US back in the early 80's and it's just another con game.

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When I was still living in Bangkok, I unexpectedly received a phone call from a young Thai lady I knew only vaguely, she wanted to come and visit me. It surprised me a bit, though in those days I still was a "hello sexy men" instead of the "hello pappa" I have developed into since.

She came with a friend, and very soon it became clear she wanted to talk with me about Amway, trying to recruit me.

On another occasion a German guy I was befriended with at the time complained his wife was heavily involved with Amway, rather spending money on it than making any.

Later, when I had a bar in Hua Hin, the Thai GF of one of my steady customers was continiously trying to flog Amway stuff to my staff. I was glad when the guy finally told her to stop to stop doing this.

A bit of simple internet research makes it clear pretty soon: the people way upline make the real money selling promotional material to those who are downline, the money mostly doesn't come from selling consumer products.

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the people way upline make the real money selling promotional material to those who are downline, the money mostly doesn't come from selling consumer products.

Yes and No........ There are plenty of people that are happy to sell products for a couple of hours a week, there are people that will hold a xyz party 1x per month at there house and earn all they need. others that have x amount of customers that return and buy time and time again.

As for 'way upline' NO because who will you talk to tomorrow/next week ??

It is all about how you know, from personal experience I have found that mostly the people that make the money are the people that joined xyz that are/were company Directors

Of course if you were a little no one that just happened to talk to someone that exploded the business then you would be set up for life, as this person would be in your downline.

The Company I tried in the UK was very good, I just did not know enough people in high enough positions, the best I got was a few shop owners that likewise got there customers interested...... The head of my area was a man that had just finished his 30years in the Royal Air force as a high ranking Officer, he went into Renault in his home City to but a new car, and was recruited, and made it his full time job... So his Upline was the owner of Renault Dealership in the City, in turn he was recruited by the ex head man of Renault UK.[he made more money per week then he did per year at Renault!!]

So most of the money made is from recruitment of high up people that can work the business..... My direct upline the ex Royal Airforce man held meetings in 4 different Cities per months and as a guest speaker earned 250 UK pound per meeting so that was 1,000 pounds for starters, he also went to Scotland, Belgium, and Holland to start and set up thye Company in these places.. as of last year he had over 31.000 people in his downline not bad for 5 years in the buiness

So it is all about who you know, how you deal with people, his whole mindset was for the MLM Company he talked it dreamed it, practiced it 24/7 as he said to me that within 10 year he wanted to have a personal network where he did nothing more that a odd yearly meeting and his downline eared him the money for the rest of his life.

The Company has been going for years, he my upline joined as it were late on.

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the people way upline make the real money selling promotional material to those who are downline, the money mostly doesn't come from selling consumer products.

Yes and No........ There are plenty of people that are happy to sell products for a couple of hours a week, there are people that will hold a xyz party 1x per month at there house and earn all they need. others that have x amount of customers that return and buy time and time again.

As for 'way upline' NO because who will you talk to tomorrow/next week ??

It is all about how you know, from personal experience I have found that mostly the people that make the money are the people that joined xyz that are/were company Directors

Of course if you were a little no one that just happened to talk to someone that exploded the business then you would be set up for life, as this person would be in your downline.

The Company I tried in the UK was very good, I just did not know enough people in high enough positions, the best I got was a few shop owners that likewise got there customers interested...... The head of my area was a man that had just finished his 30years in the Royal Air force as a high ranking Officer, he went into Renault in his home City to but a new car, and was recruited, and made it his full time job... So his Upline was the owner of Renault Dealership in the City, in turn he was recruited by the ex head man of Renault UK.[he made more money per week then he did per year at Renault!!]

So most of the money made is from recruitment of high up people that can work the business..... My direct upline the ex Royal Airforce man held meetings in 4 different Cities per months and as a guest speaker earned 250 UK pound per meeting so that was 1,000 pounds for starters, he also went to Scotland, Belgium, and Holland to start and set up thye Company in these places.. as of last year he had over 31.000 people in his downline not bad for 5 years in the buiness

So it is all about who you know, how you deal with people, his whole mindset was for the MLM Company he talked it dreamed it, practiced it 24/7 as he said to me that within 10 year he wanted to have a personal network where he did nothing more that a odd yearly meeting and his downline eared him the money for the rest of his life.

The Company has been going for years, he my upline joined as it were late on.

The moral of the story being that if you stick with it long enough and actually give it a good go, you'll be at the top of a downline, not just at the bottom of someone else's.

The object isn't too peddle vitamins and health products, it's to sell the business to someone else who wants to sell the business to others. That's how MOST of the money is made. It's not easy, not for everyone, and can take a while to build something. But, doesn't ANY business?

If the average person were to spend 60 hours a week for a year working this business as opposed to 60 hours a week working a restaraunt or TESCO or 7-11 for a year, you can bet your ass they'll be leagues ahead with the former option, will have far more freedom while and after doing it, AND have built a passive income for themselves. The real joke and swindle is on people working set hours for someone else for crap pay with little room for growth.

Edited by damian5000
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  • 4 weeks later...
the people way upline make the real money selling promotional material to those who are downline, the money mostly doesn't come from selling consumer products.

Yes and No........ There are plenty of people that are happy to sell products for a couple of hours a week, there are people that will hold a xyz party 1x per month at there house and earn all they need. others that have x amount of customers that return and buy time and time again.

As for 'way upline' NO because who will you talk to tomorrow/next week ??

It is all about how you know, from personal experience I have found that mostly the people that make the money are the people that joined xyz that are/were company Directors

Of course if you were a little no one that just happened to talk to someone that exploded the business then you would be set up for life, as this person would be in your downline.

The Company I tried in the UK was very good, I just did not know enough people in high enough positions, the best I got was a few shop owners that likewise got there customers interested...... The head of my area was a man that had just finished his 30years in the Royal Air force as a high ranking Officer, he went into Renault in his home City to but a new car, and was recruited, and made it his full time job... So his Upline was the owner of Renault Dealership in the City, in turn he was recruited by the ex head man of Renault UK.[he made more money per week then he did per year at Renault!!]

So most of the money made is from recruitment of high up people that can work the business..... My direct upline the ex Royal Airforce man held meetings in 4 different Cities per months and as a guest speaker earned 250 UK pound per meeting so that was 1,000 pounds for starters, he also went to Scotland, Belgium, and Holland to start and set up thye Company in these places.. as of last year he had over 31.000 people in his downline not bad for 5 years in the buiness

So it is all about who you know, how you deal with people, his whole mindset was for the MLM Company he talked it dreamed it, practiced it 24/7 as he said to me that within 10 year he wanted to have a personal network where he did nothing more that a odd yearly meeting and his downline eared him the money for the rest of his life.

The Company has been going for years, he my upline joined as it were late on.

The moral of the story being that if you stick with it long enough and actually give it a good go, you'll be at the top of a downline, not just at the bottom of someone else's.

The object isn't too peddle vitamins and health products, it's to sell the business to someone else who wants to sell the business to others. That's how MOST of the money is made. It's not easy, not for everyone, and can take a while to build something. But, doesn't ANY business?

If the average person were to spend 60 hours a week for a year working this business as opposed to 60 hours a week working a restaraunt or TESCO or 7-11 for a year, you can bet your ass they'll be leagues ahead with the former option, will have far more freedom while and after doing it, AND have built a passive income for themselves. The real joke and swindle is on people working set hours for someone else for crap pay with little room for growth.

Now I agree I was spectical at first, no I am not doing it, my wife is, she started only 1 month ago and yes we already seing the benefits. Ok she pays to go to the seminars but does not every body else pay for university fees get a master degree and at the end many years later they have nothing. I must admid most people start thinking they can make a lot of money, no you can not. Unless you put all your efforts in to it and don't give up when you down. Not many people know about passive income and never will. You guys will work your ass of all your life for some one else and what about after that?

Ok it sound like I am promoting it but I am not I am not involved ( well sort of because I am the partner of my wife) but I am silent up to now. and network 21 is not about selling Amway it is a support systems

to that company just like you have an accountant to do your books or an sports person who has a coach or trainer. But I guess I better write no more or I will get kicked of by the moderators for advertising.


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  • 4 months later...
I have been situation to see that Amway bussines in Finland and some people tried very hard to turn me to the Amway cult ! Last time they tried to offer some idea that I would start find customer in Thailand :)

My wife told me that Amway is not so new in Thailand and I have seen one quite big storage building in Bangkok too !

Products are too expensive ..... desperate !

They have on big store in Pakkret also,a my wife told me that they are expensive but sell very high quality. one of this day's I will go to look anbd find out by myself, its only 2Km from home.

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I have been situation to see that Amway bussines in Finland and some people tried very hard to turn me to the Amway cult ! Last time they tried to offer some idea that I would start find customer in Thailand :)

My wife told me that Amway is not so new in Thailand and I have seen one quite big storage building in Bangkok too !

Products are too expensive ..... desperate !

They have on big store in Pakkret also, the parking is always filled with cars, my wife told me that they are expensive but sell very high quality. one of this day's I will go to look and find out by myself, its only 2Km from home.

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  • 3 months later...

I've just had a "Family friend" of My wife's round at the house to recruit her into Amway. It took me 5 minutes research on the net to decide that it's basically just a pyramid selling scam. They had even had an Amway plastic card made for my wife... like a credit card... I put my foot down, and told them that we wanted nothing to do with it... I cut up the card in front of them and said "Mai Ao".

My wife wasn't best pleased, but she believed their first rung sales pitch that it would only involve selling to friends and family... later they would have told her about the "Training seminar" for which I would have had to pay, along with the sales kit and the promotional and motivational sales material... by the time six months had passed, my wife's friends and family would all be trying to recruit other Amway agents, as that's the only way to make any real money, and we would have a mountain of stock sitting around the house, all of which I would have had to pay for. The house is full enough, without turning it into Dell Boy's flat, and my wife see's her friends seldom enough, without driving them further away by hitting them with sales pitches every time they meet.

I'll have to cope with a bit of cold shoulder for a while I guess, but I'm convinced that I did the right thing.

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My Wife does a bit for Amway, but mostly it's selling their Air Purifiers which are actually very good :D

People need such things in Chiang Mai during March and April, so thats really the only time she does any work.

She never had to shell out for training or any kits though :)

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