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What Religions Are Y'all Here At Thaivisa?


What is your religion or non-religion?  

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Prior to moving to Thailand I would have considered myself a Buddhist - in fact this was the main thing that interested me about Thailand.

What I believe in though is a bit different than a lot of what the local Buddhists believe so I see myself more as just a follower of the Buddha's teachings - although it doesn't really matter to me what you call it at the end of the day.

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After over 35 years of expat living and working and being exposed to vitually every reigion and belief on the face of this earth,,I am firmly in the belief that religion is a very personal thing.

A wise man once told me when I was a young traveller that politics and religion should never be discussed in public, I've yet to be dissuaded.

So why are you broadcasting this as a topic ?????

Curiosity. Like I said, we know that such a survey in the US would show 90 percent believing in God. I figured it was going to be lower than that for people living in/interested in Thailand. Some might also find it interesting. Perhaps you don't. Is that a problem for you? BTW, politics and religion are always popular topics, though probably not polite over mixed company at dinner, but this is an anonymous forum where people shoot the breeze.

Edited by Jingthing
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Interesting. Over 70 votes so far, and nearly half claim to have a religion. Yet most of the comments have been from atheists and agnostics. Not one believer has claimed his system to be the only way. Good.

Believers have certain things in common, yet they dwell a lot on their differences, at times. Me, I am a pacifist, gay Christian. Not typical.

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It still early but the spread ratio Atheists:Agnostics between expats and non-expats might make someone a great Master's thesis. Someone may want to tell the Tourism Authority this news as well. They could place targeted ads in Atheist publications.

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After over 35 years of expat living and working and being exposed to vitually every reigion and belief on the face of this earth,,I am firmly in the belief that religion is a very personal thing.

A wise man once told me when I was a young traveller that politics and religion should never be discussed in public, I've yet to be dissuaded.

So why are you broadcasting this as a topic ?????

There is no way to prove that something does not exist.

There is no way to prove god (or God, or gods) does exist either. Being agnostic is seeing no point trying to answer a question that doesn't have any statisfying answer.

Excellent posts.

Fifty years of traveling worldwide has left me with the same impressions.

Personal religion, politics, superstitions, et al., the list is as long as the number of people on this planet. IMHO, humans grasp onto the external, and fervently defend, when they feel a lack of belief in themselves.

I even had someone tell me that he totally believed in agnosticism.

Say what?? :D

Unwilling to stick labels on myself, I simply stand in awe of the incredible richness of human imagination.. :D

And I cannot help but suppose that someone would begin a thread like this, like many others, simply to open yet another opportunity to parade their own opinions.. :o

Edited by Dustoff
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And I cannot help but suppose that someone would begin a thread like this, like many others, simply to open yet another opportunity to parade their own opinions.

Hardly, D. Kind of insulting as well. I said I was an agnostic and I don't personally have an ounce of evangelical energy in me to convince other people to feel that way.

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And I cannot help but suppose that someone would begin a thread like this, like many others, simply to open yet another opportunity to parade their own opinions.. :o

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an exchange of opinions and ideas the whole point forums?

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And I cannot help but suppose that someone would begin a thread like this, like many others, simply to open yet another opportunity to parade their own opinions.. :o

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't an exchange of opinions and ideas the whole point forums?

That or advert revenue, you decide.

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JT you really like to stir the pot up on TV. I choose not to discuss the topic in mixed company. You never know who you are going to offend. And as one said before religion, sexual preference, and politics should not be discussed in public. Millions upon millions are buried in war memorials all over the world because they thought "God" was on their side.

And JT what's up with the McCain bashing? 5 years POW, 3 because he decided to stay in the Hanoi Hilton, oh yea you like to mix in politics too. So what's your sexual persuasion? Let's make it a tri-fecta.

A great quote to ponder from Kevin Smith's movie Dogma:

Rufus: "He still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, televangelism. But especially the factioning of all the religions. He said humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it."

Bethany: "Having beliefs isn't good?"

Rufus: "I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant."

And I couldn't agree more.

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Agnostics - Universal Fence Sitters

Agnostic - The term was invented by T. Huxley around 1890. He himself admitted fully that the term carried no creed with it, not even a negative one: "Agnosticism, in fact, is not a creed but a method. The essence of this method lies in the application of a principle: Follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard for other consideration. Do not pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or demonstrable."

Agnostics tend to make up the greater portion of people who have doubts about the existence of a supernatural and personal God. There are some things that it is perfectly reasonable to be agnostic about. The existence or otherwise of Aliens in outer space, for example, is a good thing to be agnostic about. But why is it not reasonable to be agnostic about the existence of a supernatural and personal God?

Agnosticism, as a method, can be invoked rationally when a situation with two possibilities - such as something existing or not existing - has an equiprobable probability involved. What does this mean? It means that if it is just as likely that something exists as that it does not exist, then agnosticism over that thing existing is entirely sensible. We can safely say that there is an equal amount of evidence on both sides of the debate. This is not the case with the existence of a supernatural and personal God. Indeed, there is no evidence whatsoever for his or her existence. It could be argued that it is far more probable that God does not exist, but it is certainly true that there is no equal probability either way.

For this reason, and others, many leading Theologians, Philosophers and Scientists over History have considered Agnosticism over God a regrettable position to take and one that almost deserves our scorn. It is the easy way out; a lazy and ill thought out conclusion to reach. People who consider themselves liberal will find it a comfortable position to employ given that it suggests they are open minded to all possibilities and that they want everyone to believe whatever they want to believe. This is a naive stance to take on something so powerful and influential as religious beliefs. One can never prove that God does not exist. One can never prove that a flying pig does not exist, but to be agnostic about the existence of a flying pig is exactly the same as being agnostic about the existence of God - irrational. Nobody concerns themselves with the possible existence of a flying pig, even though we cannot prove that it does not exist. God is in the same position.

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I must commend JT on always finding a controversial topic that will provoke discussion ! :o

As a child, I went to Christian schools and even graduated from a Christian university. During those years I had to spend many thousands of hours studying not only Christian doctrine but also took courses in comparative religions of the world.

After all my years of study as a child, my current view of Christianity and all other religions can be summed up very simply in a quote from

from the Bible 1 Corinthians 13:11 which is "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become a man, I have put away childish things."

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One can never prove that God does not exist. One can never prove that a flying pig does not exist, but to be agnostic about the existence of a flying pig is exactly the same as being agnostic about the existence of God - irrational. Nobody concerns themselves with the possible existence of a flying pig, even though we cannot prove that it does not exist. God is in the same position.

A flying pig is something that can be seen by the human eye.

God is not.

We have thousands of years of written human record and today we have youtube and thaivisa. No reports of a flying pig, except as a graphic creation or photoshop manipulation. Also, I have not met one person who believes in flying pigs. A few may exist in asylums. Yet, most people in the world believe in at least one deity. Granted, there are also many religious people in asylums. However, this flying pig logic doesn't quite pass the pig poop test.

I think it is true that liberal minded people are often agnostic and I also accept that it can be seen as intellectually lazy. Laziness ain't always bad or wrong though.

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Sadly, although I am loathe to quote the bible; which I believe is nothing more than a book of fairy tales, however you wanna read them, I must concur with the poster: "jetlock".

Or better yet, as Morgan Freeman summed it up so succinctly in the 2003 Stephen King movie; Dreamcatcher: "God is just an imaginary friend for grown ups..."

Try to see whatever you want to call the power that governs the universe is INSIDE you, not outside you, not wrapped in some book (no matter what book you happen to call your 'bible').

As an aside; I've always found the X-Files motto of: "TRUST NO ONE" to work well for me (your results may vary)

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After over 35 years of expat living and working and being exposed to vitually every reigion and belief on the face of this earth,,I am firmly in the belief that religion is a very personal thing.

A wise man once told me when I was a young traveller that politics and religion should never be discussed in public, I've yet to be dissuaded.

So why are you broadcasting this as a topic ????? I guess it has something to do with freedom. Do you believe in freedom?

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After over 35 years of expat living and working and being exposed to vitually every reigion and belief on the face of this earth,,I am firmly in the belief that religion is a very personal thing.

A wise man once told me when I was a young traveller that politics and religion should never be discussed in public, I've yet to be dissuaded.

So why are you broadcasting this as a topic ?????

Ridiculous opinion. Whether you like it or not religion matters a great deal in the world, and should be discussed. You can't be the president of the most powerful nation on Earth unless you claim to be a church going christian. And to say politics should never be discussed in public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fancy living in North Korea? Think about what you've said please and, i hope, return and apologise for spouting such ludicrous nonsense!

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i worship the greek gods..it is back in vogue.

I am Greek and I am very glad you say this (even for joke)!!!!!!! :D

Although in Greece there must only around 1000 people who follow this... :o

99% are Greek Orthodox Christians

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There is no way to know for sure that God is not real!

If real, he certainly has a weird sense of humor.

We're possibly the product of a science project from Godland -- some kid god out there who wanted to experiment. He's no doubt moved on, possibly revisiting here periodically to see how his evolution thing has panned out. That it's mostly gone sideways should give him a laugh. As would most of the world's religions.

So, if I think there is a god -- but he's out-to-lunch -- does that make me a true believer? Or just a heretic........

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So, if I think there is a god -- but he's out-to-lunch -- does that make me a true believer? Or just a heretic........

It makes you creative! :o

I'm probably too naive to really comment on this, but maybe it doesn't matter if there is/is not a God. We'll be fine either way.

Live once, take no prisoners. God exists = Good! God doesn't exist = Good!

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The fact that even the meanings of words describing persons who are not part of the mainstream religious obsession are defined in terms of that obsession (atheist: doesn't believe in god; agnostic: doesn't have a firm position on the issue of god) shows how our socialization traps those who would escape into modes of thinking that, as Nietzsche would have said, make them at best apostates of systems from which they are not actually yet free.

I don't think religious issues are important enough in my reality to yoke myself to any of these labels, so I have chosen 'other.' That doesn't mean religious issues are not important real concerns when one deals with others, or with social, political, or economic reality: it means they don't matter in MY reality, and it is our personal opinions that are being consulted here.

This is also not to say that I have no opinions or beliefs about morals, ethics, spirit- but that religion is not what defines them for me personally.

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I am agnostic.

I don't believe in organized religion of any kind. They are like exclusive clubs. The want more members to spread their views, and to gain more power and financial clout and influence.

Human are not meant to know what happens after the invevitable, if anything happens at all.

I do tend to believe in a spiritual realm, however.

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Conscience - everybody has got one.

Mine is developed enough so that I know right from wrong.

I have no need of any religious dogma, which I believe to be the antithesis to free thought.

In resonse to OxfordWill...

"But why is it not reasonable to be agnostic about the existence of a supernatural and personal God?" - very reasonable to do when 'god' is lumped in with aliens, little green men & all the other mumbo-jumbo, just because billions of people believe 'something' does not make it right or true.

I voted for 'agnostic' simply because it is "a regrettable position to take and one that almost deserves our scorn". Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to be 'almost' scorned by zealots (religious or otherwise). So sure that they are correct in their own beliefs, they arrogantly disdain any contrary views.

"It is the easy way out; a lazy and ill thought out conclusion to reach." - equally applicable to any belief or opinion held on any subject whatsoever, especially if you don't agree with said opinion.

JingThing- great subject. I hope TV have the decency to pay you at least 1 satang per click. :o

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