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其实查出病毒或查不出 对我们来说不是最重要的 因为我们感染的毕竟是 和HIV类似的病毒 而且抗病毒药 对我们有用

而在我们国家 由于查不出来抗体 甚至连给我们尝试性用药的机会都没有~~~有的时候自费也得不到治疗


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I am a father of a 7 year’s old boy from SICHUAN province china and I am 33 year’s old. I am so sorry to write this email to faze you and ask for help from you ,is due to I have no any ideal from Chinese doctor at the moment. I hope all the expert can reading all my story and can give me some help or ideals by the humanist, I will thank you forever.

The story as below: I have infected by a kind of virus which have similar symptoms as HIV after one high risk behave with a callet. At first , I thought I must be infected by HIV, but all the anti-body test are negative many times after 3-6 monthes. So some doctors from china thinks that it’s a new HIV virus and the others think that it’s a kind of epiphyte or animalcule, but all of these are can not be make sure by science.

But the awful things is that I have quit separate with my family members after I trust the doctors words and the negative test result.the next , my wife and my son begin show the similar symptoms follow me.

Iam afraid be infected by HIV, but I pay more attention for my wife and my son compare with myself, because I love them. Although I have not want to get pity from you by this way, but I really can not bear any more when I saw my wife and son be fazed by the unknown virus, I am not want to get the free medicine from you also but I want to exclude my son, because he is my all hope ,it’s more important than myself. Although I have separate with him carefully ,but unlikely, lot of symptoms has show up for example fever, pharyngitis ,rhinitis and so on.

I didn’t misadvise all expert by my ideal, but from all the symptoms of myself, some assistant test, family infection,my wife symptoms,son’s symptoms,the virus is very similar HIV. after almost one years,I have read too much information and have lot of lessons about HIV, and ask for many expert from china, I am sure I have be infected by one kind of new HIV virus Or other bad virus which can not be test by moment technical.Now I expect the science’s result.

I asking for help from you cause I believe you respect the life,and more believe the medicine technical of the first lever in the world. I expect you can get the result for the new virus by science’s technical by your helpless and will separate my son with the same way.

There are too much family like me in china, All of us very pain by the body and spirit ,we can not be diagnosed and can not be cured.I am sure you will help us ,help our chird, I will tanks for all my life if you can help us.

In order to all the expert can know more carefully and get a exactly judge, now I tell some true informations of myself. Pls check the attachment.

The process of be infected by the similar HIV virus

1.The brief introduction of myself: I am 33 year’s old , 1.71m , smoking 12years,drink wine 8 years. My heath is very perfect before the Nov of 2007 when infected the new virus. The weight keep always 72.5kg , no freak-out, and no pain all the time, all the family member are keep health all the times.

2.some information of the callet by recall

The callet, 25-28 year’s old, freak out ,she is from the HIV county of SICHUAN province, I told the information to the CDC of our district, and the CDC worker told me that the woman marry with the man from shangdong province and he died in freak out, then she translate to Shenzhen,Shandong,Sichuan and for bawdy more than two years. When I ask her all the process of the night, she told me I am stoned and in order to save me . in fact she have not get any money from me and refused to test on hospital for HIV with me . And late I have not get any contact information of her.

The callet looks bad health ,very thin and I remember she is couch ,tummy and so on.

3. The process of infected

On the Nov of 2007, after my stoned on a dinner with friend, during the road of return back to home and my eyes, palm, knee and arm are bled hard because by hit. then sleeping on road with heavy rainy,I remember one woman take me away by a tricycle and take me to a strange palce. I lost my memory bit by bit. And on the late night,because the dry of month,so I asking for water,then I found someone with me together who I thought is my wife, so I turn on my head but the glass hurt the women ‘s face ,and the blood bring in to my month and eyes. But I thought she is my wife and sleeping continue.

The next morning , I found I lie in a strange place and then asking all the process of last night from one shopkeeper . and know that one strange women take me to there. And then I take a taxi to home and found some blood during I wash my face and mouth.I recall I take the blood from her and next I go on sleep after throw up.

On the dusk of next day, I found maybe infected virus then I separate with my family member by dinner and sleeping. And give a call to china HIV center get some information and tell them the story of me by the NO is 01064266958. the staff told me relax and test after 3 month. Then , my body begin to show up lot of symptoms which cause the low immunity.

4.I doubt the cause of infected.

The disrepair of the mouth ,gum and lip cause dry and meet the blood of the woman.

5.Area of infected:canthus, mouth.

I and my family member ‘s symptoms after infect

1. Myself

a. after 6 days

------There are lot of ulcer in mouth and last more than 4 month, repeat usually, the ulcer show in the lip, gum, and below the tongue .

------mouth begin congest more than 2 weeks

b. around 15 days

-------fever: around 37.3, last 2 weeks

------- pharyngitis:very hard pharyngitis and last more than 3 month

-------diarrhea: more than 9 month

-------lymph swell: mandible

3, around 30 days

-----mouth is very dry: last several month

-----palate disrepair: just like be scald by hot water last more than 10 month.

----the edge of mouth is rankle: very pain when open the mouth, and can not open very fluently,can not eat fluently.

----There are too much tetter on the skin, the eye begin rankle last several weeks. The eyes are fine after take some medicine .

-----weight: 72.5kg it’s normal

4.around 50 days

-------Gum canker very much, Gum pain last several weeks.

-------hemorrhoids, stool with blood last several month

-------muscle pulsatile and pain, joint pain, back pain, impotent ,night sweat all of them last several month.

------eardrum pain during in night, tympanitis last several month and repeat usually

5. after 3 month

____catch a cold all the time and diarrhea,

-------the parotid have nostoc and last more than 7 month and take lot of medicine and can not be fine.

6. after 6 month

----- the parotid begin swell, it’s very pain after smoking or drinking

-------- lot of lymph appearance one by one , lie on neck , ear and mandible. All of them are pain.

--------weight : lot of friend found that lost too much weight,and I found that lose more than 9 kg after check by balance.

-------eczema: around the hip,very itch last several month ,it’s disappear after use medicine

2. My wife’s information

A wife’s brief information

( a). My wife and son are health during the separate time with me . I give it up separate with them after 4 month anti-body test of the negative result below the advise of CDC ‘s leader. And there is two times sex behave without condom then my wife have lot of symptoms of virus infected.

(:o. around two weeks

-----fever, gum rankle last two weeks

----- The cun_t be infect by nostoc. Leucorrhea un-normal

-----throw up and diarrhea two days, it’s become fine after use the anti-virus medicine

©.around 3 month

-----cough: we didn’t pay attention at first , we had to live in hospital after some days, the doctor thinks that it’s infected by virus and become pneumonia.all the symptoms be fine after two month treat but cough also. It’s last more than 6 month. Now we use some Chinese medicine and it looks not good.at last the doctor thinks that it’s infected by UU and virus.

4. after 3 month

----back and leg are pain are show .

3. My son’s information

My son is 7 year’s old , he is very health after 5 year’s old.

Our family live in a small house together, so we contact nearly very much example play together and sleep together and base for him and so on after my high risk behave. especially after give up the separate after 4 month result ,we eating and washing clothes together even include kiss each other. Because my son is young so the hand and foot has some hurt during he play. And even the gun with blood because change the tooth normally.

2.My son have some symptoms after 4 month which we live together

-----high fever more than 39.9 five times, It’s about half month each tim.be sure it’s infected by virus by doctor. It’s fine after use some anti-virus medicine

------It’s the same symptoms with me about six weeks

The information of my test

-----HIV anti-body test: it’s about 10 times, the shortest time is 2 weeks, and the last time is 190 days. The reagent is 3 and 4 generation ,elisa and quick way and WB. All the result are negative

------gloomy test: I have test three times gloomy test during 3-6 month by the advise of doctor but the result is no big problem .

------STD test: more than two times all of them are fine.

But the doctor of 3 class hospital thinks that a little problem on prostate, but no big problem so I have not test any more.

-----the first blood test : the first blood test on the 6 month and the result show that the monocyte is 0.51 a little high, blood platelet is 80 low than standard. The doctor thinks that it’s infected by virus.

-----the second blood test: the blood platelet is 147 become normally compare with the standard

-----tooth and mouth test: The doctor thinks that cause by immunity is too low but not function after take medicine by vitamin.

-----stomach test: the CDC doctor thinks that is stomach foul-up and the doctor of hospital think is by the low immunity ,not gastritis and gastric ulcer.

-----kidney test: it’s fine.

The doctor of hospital and CDC ‘s judge and ideal

1. Most of doctor think that sure be infected by kind of virus or bacilli, animalcule, and advise drinking some yoghurt food and fine-tune.

2. few doctor thinks that I should make the anti-body test after one year,and we ‘d better take my wife togther.and my son is no problem. Although it’s HIV, the son be infected the rate is very low.

3. someone doctor think it’s cause myself immunity is low and advise we pay more attention of the CD4 for treat.

Myself’s ideal for doubt

1.lmyph and mouth symptom is not cause the scare is lot of doctor and expert ‘s ideal , so they think that it must be infected by virus or bacilli, but it’s very similar with the HIV infector. So I think we should think HIV as first.

2. My wife’s information show that surely the virus or bacilli can translate by sex .

3. if it’s a normal bacilli should not last so long time and can not be fine even become worse and worse. Almost no doctor know which virus is so similar with the HIV. And for all my family can not be fine by function of medicine.

4.I am from army before and have a good heath, we have no any immunity disease almost 5 generation from my family, although I have , it’s should not show up after take the blood from the person who take narcotics. I think it’s unreasonable.

All the information of my family, I hope all the expert can note it and pay more attention it. The child is so young, and it’s take all of my family , three person. I hope can get the result and cause soon and we can arrange the day life of my family.

My several requests

1. I hope can use the more advanced method or country lab for exclude HIV, if really be test is HIV, I hope can use the method for my family member. I will take my family and most of family in china thanks forever to you.

2.if really not hiv, I hope can be test for find the reason for us , in order to let us get off from the puzzled .we can treat by ourselves and begin our normal life.

This is sad story. I hope you get some relief

The contents of the above is true and I was also linked to him,all the time, and my situation look like his situation, with such symptoms of HIV, but are not recognized, my family is infected, the disease because there are drugs, Thailand as long as a doctor for me to try this medicine, self-responsibility. I will be with family problems when family members and long-term record of the detection of CD4, I need is a bold attempt to medical workers.


As I point out above, a combination HIV 1/2 test is more likely than not able to detect group O. An alternative would be to get

a viral load test or a CD4 count. But you should consult with a physician about reliably ruling out any HIV group O infection

We have proved to be infected with a CD4 count


For the convenience of the general readership I am closing this thread. Discussion with OP continues via PMs and emails.

If anyone is able to provide help with Chinese translation iod medical terminology please let me know.

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