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Dear TV Farmers,

I would like to ask if anyone has either installed a biodigester to handle animal manures, or knows of a working installation.

Most people use a pond system that I have seen but I want to make use of the processed effluent for a variety of uses. Any practical experience would be more than welcome.


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Not horse manure but cow manure - yes, I have one and use it to produce produce hot water and run generators.

The processed efluent (slurry) is sprayed onto forage grass fields.

I think it should be A-Maizing Farmer. Why did I think you would be amongst the candidates?

What type of digester and volumes are you running MF?

I am planning a dome system, with sand filteration/seperation of the effluent. Influent will be from the pig sty. I am interested in your gas storage and usage for both electricty and hot water, any details would help.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Dear TV Farmers,

I would like to ask if anyone has either installed a biodigester to handle animal manures, or knows of a working installation.

Most people use a pond system that I have seen but I want to make use of the processed effluent for a variety of uses. Any practical experience would be more than welcome.


Hi Isaan Aussie

See the attachment.If it is helpful to you let me know. I took it from 22nd September's some Thai newspaper.

best regards



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Hi Isaan Aussie

See the attachment.If it is helpful to you let me know. I took it from 22nd September's some Thai newspaper.

best regards


Thanks for the input Ali,

These plastic bag digesters are not what I am looking for. The thought of Thai supervision and a plastic bag full of pig sh-t and explosive methane gas, isn't something I care to fall asleep thinking about. For me concrete dome underground.


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I'm in Belgium, Holland and the UK for the next week or so - will chase this up with details for you when I get back on the 23rd (Sept).

Just afriendly nudge in the ribs. Hope it doesn't effect the bio digestion? ... Appreciate any guidance

Still in Europe - but just to give you a basic brief on my setup: first step is all the cow shit gets pushed into a pit, then augered into a slurry pit - which is sealed.

The methane that comes of the manure is vacumed into a what is effective a large bag, and then with a small compressor, slowly "pushed" into an old industrial gas storage tank, which s sunk into a pit behind the house. It really is that simple.

How much gas is produced? I don't know exactly, what I can say though is that it is enough to produce all the single phase I need to run the house and the diary equipment, and along with a diesel gennie, is enough to run the workshop - which is 3phase.

Thats the short of it. The big problem is the condensate that colletcs in the gas tank under pressure - its very acidic, and it slowly works its way into the piping. I don;t have all the fancy filters and other commericial equipment the professionals install. When I set it up I done so half heartedly - other than for the storage tank which represented a large part of the investment, as i knew i would have to store under pressure for it to be a viable usable product. Stil, its lasted very well and I am going to have to think about sorting out all the small problems sometime over the next few years - like proper piping and valves, condensate removal ect...

Is it worth producing? In my case yes - because I have between 150 and 300 cows to take it form on a daily basis, each one producing something like 1cubic m per day of methane gas (at 1bar). You need roughly 1cubic m to produce 500watts - so I am get roughly 100Kw's per day of electricity producing fuel.

is it worth the effort using household human waste from say a 4-5 member family? - I doubt it.

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