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Suggest Me Some Non 9-5, Non Office Ways To Make A Living.

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Hi guys, need some suggestions on non-office, non 9-5 way of living. Next year, I am going to leave my job, throw out my clock and anything to do with alarms and live the way I want.

Some example of "jobs" that would suit my style of living are:

Novelist, not too realistic for me, I am no writer but can give it a shot.

Freelance journalist, maybe take a gig once in a while to pay rent?

Online poker player, tried this for a while, I am no good at all and I don't really want to depend on good internet connection

Private tutor, I hear Korea pays private tutors big bucks per hour. I can put in like 10 hours a week and still have time to live the way I want.

Ebayer, too competetive.

Okay, these are just examples. Basically if you have any suggestions that would fit my lifestyle that would be awesome. I don't believe in proper office fixed time jobs, they are creations of the modern society. No offense if that's what you want, we all have our own way of living.

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Hi guys, need some suggestions on non-office, non 9-5 way of living. Next year, I am going to leave my job, throw out my clock and anything to do with alarms and live the way I want.

Some example of "jobs" that would suit my style of living are:

Novelist, not too realistic for me, I am no writer but can give it a shot.

Freelance journalist, maybe take a gig once in a while to pay rent?

Online poker player, tried this for a while, I am no good at all and I don't really want to depend on good internet connection

Private tutor, I hear Korea pays private tutors big bucks per hour. I can put in like 10 hours a week and still have time to live the way I want.... :D ...on the poverty line

Ebayer, too competetive.

Okay, these are just examples. Basically if you have any suggestions that would fit my lifestyle that would be awesome. I don't believe in proper office fixed time jobs, they are creations of the modern society. No offense if that's what you want, we all have our own way of living.

Have you got a rich mummy and daddy ?? :o

If you are having ideas like this, think you should head home and start drawing unemployment..

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If you're from the UK, might I suggest you contact these posters:


Nope, not from UK. I'm from Asia.

you forgot

Bar Owner :D

Of course I forgot....the most sucessful business model for farangs in Thailand...easy hours, plenty of cash coming in, loyal and dedicated work force...wall to wall girls, free beer..never fails.. :o

Alright to narrow it down, opening a business is out of the question. I don't have the capital. All the examples I gave are all solo roles without the need to depend on anyone but myself. Something along these lines would be great, national geographic photographer, etc.

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Well if you can spare 10 hrs per week to work I'm sure there must be lots you can do.

And you don't really want to work online coz that sort of ties you down....


No office work....

H_ell, the world's your oyster.


AND no business :o

You're a troll, right? :D

Edited by OlRedEyes
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If you're from the UK, might I suggest you contact these posters:


Nope, not from UK. I'm from Asia.

you forgot

Bar Owner :D

Of course I forgot....the most sucessful business model for farangs in Thailand...easy hours, plenty of cash coming in, loyal and dedicated work force...wall to wall girls, free beer..never fails.. :o

Alright to narrow it down, opening a business is out of the question. I don't have the capital. All the examples I gave are all solo roles without the need to depend on anyone but myself. Something along these lines would be great, national geographic photographer, etc.

Come on this has got to be a wind up....you are dreaming...but stangely enough I am working with a guy who actually is a professional photographer on his time off from his real job and actually has had photographs published in National Geographic, just showed him your postings and suggestions and he nearly p*ssed his pants laughing at the NG suggestion...what ever hippy sh*t stuff you are smoking, think you should stop now and get back to reality..

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Look Soutpeel, if reality is a proper office job for you, that's fine. I don't want people defining my reality. Once again, all these are examples, they may work, they may not. If you think it doesn't, state your reasons and so be it. That's why we have a forum here, to discuss. You have your own goals which you want to achieve and I have mine.

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Look Soutpeel, if reality is a proper office job for you, that's fine. I don't want people defining my reality. Once again, all these are examples, they may work, they may not. If you think it doesn't, state your reasons and so be it. That's why we have a forum here, to discuss. You have your own goals which you want to achieve and I have mine.

Reality for me is not a proper office, in fact I agree with you and in fact I dont have an "proper" office job...The job I have allows me to work 6 months of the year on very good money and be able to take 6 months of year off....

Ok you want to discuss...

Plan to work 10 hours a week and I quote "I hear Korea pays private tutors big bucks per hour"... what do you define as big bucks ?, what is the cost of living in Korea say around the Seoul area, do you think the average Korean has to work only 10 hours a week to live...think not..

Novelist...you actually have to have some talent and a lot of luck to become a novelist...posting on forums doesnt count...but based on what you have written to date you appear to have a good imagination....

Online poker player...Illegal in Thailand, and if you cant be bothered spending time "playing" games...then I dont know

Freelance journalist....see comments above relating to Novelist...to actually become a freelance journalist..you should actually be a journalist to start with...does that seem logical to you..

Ebayer...agree with you...

You state you have goals, to achieve any goal you have to work for it, to me it appears all you are looking for is an easy way out, or your goals are very low to start with...

Over to you...

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Yea, the National Geographic thing I seriously couldn't mention. Don't wanna break the lad's enthusiasm. :o

Interesting handle Soutpeel. Isn't it misspelt? :D

Dont think so, but its been about 12 years since I used the language to any extent, so could be wrong...

Norrad..bit of help mate, am I spelling Soutpeel correctly..been a long time since I used "die taal"

Edited by Soutpeel
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Hi guys, need some suggestions on non-office, non 9-5 way of living. Next year, I am going to leave my job, throw out my clock and anything to do with alarms and live the way I want.

Some example of "jobs" that would suit my style of living are:

Novelist, not too realistic for me, I am no writer but can give it a shot.

Freelance journalist, maybe take a gig once in a while to pay rent?

Online poker player, tried this for a while, I am no good at all and I don't really want to depend on good internet connection

Private tutor, I hear Korea pays private tutors big bucks per hour. I can put in like 10 hours a week and still have time to live the way I want.

Ebayer, too competetive.

Okay, these are just examples. Basically if you have any suggestions that would fit my lifestyle that would be awesome. I don't believe in proper office fixed time jobs, they are creations of the modern society. No offense if that's what you want, we all have our own way of living.

Sounds like your drivers are lifestyle and money. Personally, i like to pursue the things i love doing, my passions.Try it.

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Yea, the National Geographic thing I seriously couldn't mention. Don't wanna break the lad's enthusiasm. :o

Interesting handle Soutpeel. Isn't it misspelt? :D

Dont think so, but its been about 12 years since I used the language to any extent, so could be wrong...

Norrad..bit of help mate, am I spelling Soutpeel correctly..been a long time since I used "die taal"

From Google: Something from your military training in South Africa: "being called a white kaffir, uitlander (outsider), soutpeel and many more choice expletives that the Afrikaans corporals called all of us who were "foreigners".

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Yea, the National Geographic thing I seriously couldn't mention. Don't wanna break the lad's enthusiasm. :o

Interesting handle Soutpeel. Isn't it misspelt? :D

Dont think so, but its been about 12 years since I used the language to any extent, so could be wrong...

Norrad..bit of help mate, am I spelling Soutpeel correctly..been a long time since I used "die taal"

From Google: Something from your military training in South Africa: "being called a white kaffir, uitlander (outsider), soutpeel and many more choice expletives that the Afrikaans corporals called all of us who were "foreigners".

LOL...ah..the memories..the "definition" given to me for soutpeel was that somebody had one foot in England (or where ever else somebody came from) and one foot in South Africa and your c*ck and b*lls hung over the ocean hence the literial translation "saltly d*ck"...thought we couldnt use the K word anymore ?? :D:D

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Yea, the National Geographic thing I seriously couldn't mention. Don't wanna break the lad's enthusiasm. :o

Interesting handle Soutpeel. Isn't it misspelt? :D

Dont think so, but its been about 12 years since I used the language to any extent, so could be wrong...

Norrad..bit of help mate, am I spelling Soutpeel correctly..been a long time since I used "die taal"

From Google: Something from your military training in South Africa: "being called a white kaffir, uitlander (outsider), soutpeel and many more choice expletives that the Afrikaans corporals called all of us who were "foreigners".

LOL...ah..the memories..the "definition" given to me for soutpeel was that somebody had one foot in England (or where ever else somebody came from) and one foot in South Africa and your c*ck and b*lls hung over the ocean hence the literial translation "saltly d*ck"...thought we couldnt use the K word anymore ?? :D:D

Soutpiel, as described above, but only applied to Brits. In the same vein as Rockspider, a term from the Anglo-Boer war used by the Brits to describe Afrikaners (comes from the guerrilla-style warfare they used, moving around in the hills). Neither is an expletive or downright derogatory term.

Never ever heard the expression "white kaffir" being used by anybody. If used, this would be abusive. If the source from Googling returned Soutpeel (misspelt), then it can't be a reliable source.


1790, from Arabic qafir "unbeliever, infidel, impious wretch," with a lit. sense of "one who does not admit the blessings of God," from kafara "to cover up, conceal, deny." Technically, "non-Muslim," but in Ottoman times it came to be used almost exclusively for "Christian." Early Eng. missionaries used it as an equivalent of "heathen" to refer to Bantus in South Africa (1792), from which use it came generally to mean "South African black" regardless of ethnicity, and to be a term of abuse since at least 1934.

So yea, misspelt :D

Edited by OlRedEyes
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What is your skill set?

From the jobs you wannabe - I have the impression that you consider those 'jobs' are without a skills.

If that were the case you would be ebaying poker training videos while selling your book rights and doing the screenplay for the movie release.

There are easy ways to make money - but each has it's own special element of risk?

What is your attitude to risk?

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Yea, the National Geographic thing I seriously couldn't mention. Don't wanna break the lad's enthusiasm. :o

Interesting handle Soutpeel. Isn't it misspelt? :(

Dont think so, but its been about 12 years since I used the language to any extent, so could be wrong...

Norrad..bit of help mate, am I spelling Soutpeel correctly..been a long time since I used "die taal"

From Google: Something from your military training in South Africa: "being called a white kaffir, uitlander (outsider), soutpeel and many more choice expletives that the Afrikaans corporals called all of us who were "foreigners".

LOL...ah..the memories..the "definition" given to me for soutpeel was that somebody had one foot in England (or where ever else somebody came from) and one foot in South Africa and your c*ck and b*lls hung over the ocean hence the literial translation "saltly d*ck"...thought we couldnt use the K word anymore ?? :D:D

Soutpiel, as described above, but only applied to Brits. In the same vein as Rockspider, a term from the Anglo-Boer war used by the Brits to describe Afrikaners (comes from the guerrilla-style warfare they used, moving around in the hills). Neither is an expletive or downright derogatory term.

Never ever heard the expression "white kaffir" being used by anybody. If used, this would be abusive. If the source from Googling returned Soutpeel (misspelt), then it can't be a reliable source.


1790, from Arabic qafir "unbeliever, infidel, impious wretch," with a lit. sense of "one who does not admit the blessings of God," from kafara "to cover up, conceal, deny." Technically, "non-Muslim," but in Ottoman times it came to be used almost exclusively for "Christian." Early Eng. missionaries used it as an equivalent of "heathen" to refer to Bantus in South Africa (1792), from which use it came generally to mean "South African black" regardless of ethnicity, and to be a term of abuse since at least 1934.

So yea, misspelt :D

I hang my head in shame...shall wite it out a 1000 times....Soutpiel..Soutpiel...Afrikaans spelling was never my strongest attribute, then again my English spelling aint that good either... :D

On another point Soutpiel (Soutpeel) is/was intended as derogatory term, in the same vein as Afrikaans where described as "dutchmen" or "rocks"

On the white-kaffir issue..yes heard this term being used many times, and in addtion the term "sea-kaffir" related to people of Portugese origins living in South Africa, but think this term was restricted to around the Cape town area.

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May I suggest the job of roughneck or roustabout in the offshore oil & gas industry. Definately not 9 - 5 work and most definately not office bound. :D Money is good but not megabucks or I'd be doing it.

:D:D:D ...Phil, mate, the OP only wants to work 10 hours a week :o ...roughnecks and rousties are real jobs, based on his suggestions to date would think he would be frightened to break a nail if he got involved with offshore, seems to me he is looking for an easy way out, god forbid he would actually have to work for a living..

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What is your skill set?

From the jobs you wannabe - I have the impression that you consider those 'jobs' are without a skills.

If that were the case you would be ebaying poker training videos while selling your book rights and doing the screenplay for the movie release.

There are easy ways to make money - but each has it's own special element of risk?

What is your attitude to risk?

start to live from a piece of land.... grow your own food, pump your water, and build your own house.... no watches, no tv's, no electricity... now that's freedom!

I admit, I have similar thoughts to the OP - to gaining some income while not doing a 9 to 5 gig.

I've written books, had some published and a couple taken on by Asia Bookstores. However, the income is peanuts - unless you break through like a locomotive.

You might try tutoring English for Thai students.

I've done many different odd things here: bought avocados wholesale and sold them (didn't work so well), also spent awhile making and selling potting soil in bags - hand in hand with propagating plants and selling them. Such things can work in fits and starts, but probably won't make reliable money unless stuck with for many months - built up customer base, etc.

Some farang are doing things with making bread (yeast and flour type), pickling things, humus, and other such deli things you don't find in good quality here in Thailand. .....or make fat sandwiches and sell to g.houses/ trecking outfitters, delis, etc.

just some free association thoughts. . . . . . .

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Ok guys i never said I will just work for 10 hours max. In that example I said I COULD work 10 hours and still get by good. But it's not a good example because perhaps thats not the case. Stop basing my requirements on that. So far the best suggestion I got is porno actor which is kinda out because I don't have the looks and it's not really much of a long term plan. Private tutoring Thai students sound ok as well, I'll learn some Thai first to give me an edge. However, I'm of Chinese descent, perhaps they would rather take a western tutor. Some really good examples by brahmburgers. Keep em coming.

Edited by stanny
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Basically if you have any suggestions that would fit my lifestyle that would be awesome.

My experience is that rather lifestyle is determined by profession and not the other way around.

In my case, when I still was a bar owner, my lifestyle was very different than it is now, being the owner of a small resort. When I was a restaurant owner in Europe, again I had a different lifestyle.

Stanny you should just do what interests you the most, then your lifestyle will automatically adept to it. Do you have anything coming close to a vocation?

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OK, you wanted some suggestions, so here goes. Why don't you take up my old profession? The money can be very good, you can be freelance, you can choose your hours, and your clients never complain! You have to do quite a bit of training and be capable of working under trying conditions, as well as having a good sense of humour. I would have thought that with the amount of foreigners dying in Thailand that your services could be in great demand. Go on; give it a try. I dare you!

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OK, you wanted some suggestions, so here goes. Why don't you take up my old profession? The money can be very good, you can be freelance, you can choose your hours, and your clients never complain! You have to do quite a bit of training and be capable of working under trying conditions, as well as having a good sense of humour. I would have thought that with the amount of foreigners dying in Thailand that your services could be in great demand. Go on; give it a try. I dare you!

Think he still has his heart set on being a National Geographic photographer... :o:D

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Hi guys, need some suggestions on non-office, non 9-5 way of living. Next year, I am going to leave my job, throw out my clock and anything to do with alarms and live the way I want.

Some example of "jobs" that would suit my style of living are:

Novelist, not too realistic for me, I am no writer but can give it a shot.

Freelance journalist, maybe take a gig once in a while to pay rent?

Online poker player, tried this for a while, I am no good at all and I don't really want to depend on good internet connection

Private tutor, I hear Korea pays private tutors big bucks per hour. I can put in like 10 hours a week and still have time to live the way I want.

Ebayer, too competetive.

Okay, these are just examples. Basically if you have any suggestions that would fit my lifestyle that would be awesome. I don't believe in proper office fixed time jobs, they are creations of the modern society. No offense if that's what you want, we all have our own way of living.


IF (and its a BIG "IF") you are serious about this, you must have had some thoughts about what you are going to do, or how you are going to live next year?

You have a list that is predominantly made up of "intellectual" pursuits: novelist; journalist; tutor. You must have a reason for this based on some past experience....at least I hope you have.

The questions I would ask you are:

how old are you?

work experience (as in FULL-Time paid employment)?

education level?

amount of money you envisage needing per week/month/year?

your level of health?

your interests?

Without any of these, how can anyone give you an idea that is either realistic or practical ?

Please let us know, then perhaps you may get a relevant response.

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