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  • 1 year later...
The Mrs just told me that there is an article on page 2 of today's Thai Rath newspaper that says that Johnny Howard is making it easier for Irish and English immigration to Australia and harder for Asians...

I have searched the Aussie Newspapers online but I cant find out what she is talking about.

Any clues?

I am a Vietnamese Australian permanent resident. Let me say something like this: whenever I come to the DIMIA office in Melbourne, I see a large panel on the wall of the office (of course this panel is published by the Australian government), the panel says that "if you was born in UK, you are Australian". So the English people don't need to follow any procedures to become Australian, they are Australian! Moreover, there have been many Australian Immigration Expos, but only one is hold in Asia (in Thailand). Have you got the answer, guy?


The Mrs just told me that there is an article on page 2 of today's Thai Rath newspaper that says that Johnny Howard is making it easier for Irish and English immigration to Australia and harder for Asians...

I have searched the Aussie Newspapers online but I cant find out what she is talking about.

Any clues?

I am a Vietnamese Australian permanent resident. Let me say something like this: whenever I come to the DIMIA office in Melbourne, I see a large panel on the wall of the office (of course this panel is published by the Australian government), the panel says that "if you was born in UK, you are Australian". So the English people don't need to follow any procedures to become Australian, they are Australian! Moreover, there have been many Australian Immigration Expos, but only one is hold in Asia (in Thailand). Have you got the answer, guy?

Geez, 2 year old post. You should learn some history however.

Got to say, the poster you mention sound a lot like a poster from the 40's, 50' and 60's, the era of assisted migration to Australia (the famous 2 pound pom's). In those days, up until the Australian Citizenship Act of 1948, there was no such thing as Australian citizenship. Anyone born in Australia was British, and vice versa. People could come and go between the two countries with no restrictions.

My fathers 'Australian' passport from 1968 still has 'British Subject' on the front cover. It wasn't until the UK wanted to join the EU and passed the 1971 Immigration Act that the British government decided that Australian's weren't British any more, and hence closed the door for automatic right of entry of Australians to live and work indefinetly in the UK.

As a result, this wake up call forced Australia to do two things. Firstly, it removed the automatic right for British nationals to enter Australia, and it expanded the immigratoin programme.

Today, the Australian immigration system is on paper non-discrimantory. Anyone meeting the criteria is eligble to apply to migrate. Obviously, given that English language ability is part of the process, and given that European and North American qualifications tend to be easily recognised in Australia, these people have an inherent advantage.

That being said, you wont' find too many Singaporeans, Malaysians or Hong Konger's complaning about the system.

Yeah, my post last night was made in the heat of the moment , mostly because problems with visa process . I know english skills and qualifications do play a part. My wife is Thai, a good middle class Bangkok girl who speaks reasonable english and studied two years in high school in Australia in the mid 90's (paying alot of money as well) , has a bachelor degree. But, still made to jump through hoops because of her nationality. I just wonder if a North American or Western European married to an Australian would have the same troubles. Oh well.

I agree that education for Asians in Australia is big business . Not only Universities, but private high schools as well . Don't get me wrong, wheni was at uni the Asian students would knuckle down studying and pass with honours, while most of the locals (myself included) spend most of the time at piss up society things or smoking buds. All that fun and still pay of the HECS debt:P

Well there you are you introduced two totally different reasons for immigration and tried to tie them together. If you are trying to get a spouse visa then your wifes education etc plays very little in the process. It is all about how genuine your relationship is with your wife. It doesn't matter if your partner comes from Thailand, the USA, UK or anywhere the issues are the same. That being said because of past history etc they may dig a little deeper with applications from high risk area's.

In relation to your other comments about education etc, then that would be more for a skilled migration visa in which case your relationship is of little relevance. In that their english skills, qualifications and area's where job vacancies are high come into play.

As for this whole article and the responses surprise me a little. The article is talking about migration to Australia, not tourist visa's, student visa's etc, it is talking about people who come here permamently. That would include spouse, skilled migration etc. To make a comparision we shouldn't be comparing the fact that migrants from the UK out number those from SE Asia, but maybe a comparision to previous years is in order. It may well be that the numbers are up for everyone and it just so happend the UK had more. We can always look at statistics in islolation and make comments, but that is hardly the way to do it unless of course you want to make a political statement.

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