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Why Thailand


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I've been in Thailand now for 5 and a half years, give or take some time out to earn cash. Originally came to do some dive training during a transition between being employed in the UK to starting my own company in the UK. I fell in love with the way of life and diving everyday, and decided I didn't need all the hassle of a Western style life (with the exception of earning loads of money and eating bread). After the Tsunami getting work was hard, and i found myself in Iraq, but I have always come back to Thailand. I have never felt the erge to move on. The thought of having to go back to the UK sends shivers down my back.

I am a regular reader of TV and get dismayed at the amount of people who only see the negative in Thailand. I see the differences and, yes, many seem a less that efficient ways of doing things, many also seem better. I often thank my UK education and life opportunities for allowing me to live away from my country of birth. I have a few foreign friends who berate everything thai, yet continue to live here. Fortunately, I find I move further from these friends with every episode and outburst.

Anyhoo, the question.

What reason brought you to Thailand and why do you stay?

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It was always our (Thai wife and farang me) intention to stay in Thailand after many many years in the West.

Got a job...don't want to return. Nothing is perfect, but I am not complaining too much about the Thai way. I am getting along quite well.

Sabai, sabai.

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I came to marry one of them University level educated Hi-So types that crave older balding beer bellied farang. I'm not married yet but everyone else here found one. Jokes aside a fly to OZ tonight for 8 days. That's 6 days too long (minus flight time) already missing LOS

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I came here to experience a different culture, climate, environment etc after having spent most of my working life to that point in Western and Eastern Europe.

Whilst I still very much like the climate, culture, people and food in Thailand I honestly couldn't say that they are any better or worse than anywhere else that I have lived, just different. There are pluses and minuses to living in any country and Thailand is no exception. Ultimately I think a person's happiness depends much more on the particular individual than the country.

As for my reason for staying, well that is because I met a fine young lady, got married and have a young family here now and so I guess I am here for the long term, which is a prospect that neither excites nor depresses me. I am as happy to spend the rest of my days here as I would be anywhere else.

My ideal would be to alternate my time between Thailand, the Czech Republic, Italy and travelling to new countries but with a young family it isn't really a practical option at this time but maybe when they have grown up it will become more of a possibility.

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People back home ask "why" do I come to live here. What is the motivation?

I often ask this question before I answer:

"Why, and what motivates you to live in a suburb with strip malls, with little time, and high expenses?"

Both question are fair.

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A lot of the reasons I came here in 1979 are no longer extant. Then, there was no pollution, no traffic jams, no yuppies ,a lot less materialism, cheaper cost of living, slightly cooler weather ( about 3-4 degrees ) a slower pace of life, no urban sprall, no sky scrapers, friendlier , more sincere locals etc etc. I still like it here but the gf and are are thinking of moving to England for a year to use as a base for sniffing out the mediteraenean. The trouble is that there seems to be nowhere in the world that has not undergone the above list of changes. The only place I have been to recently that is getting nicer is Penang. A lot quieter than it used to be for various reasons.

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i prefer Thailand's moderate cool weather to the year round heat in Europe. but what i like most is the percentage of thai income tax retirees are asked to pay.

opposite day :o

I came here for thailand super fast interent. Fresh Bangkok air. Those really tall chicks that mutated an Adams apple.

Girlx. That was pretty funny, you almost made me laugh.

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I came after working in the Gulf of Thailand. I stayed after meeting my wife and I remain because I like living up country where the clock is running 15 years (or more) behind the times.

I will continue to stay because I can get out any time I choose (if that makes sense).

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After spending most of my working career travelling and working around the worldI have had the taste of the positives and negatives of lifes comforts. From the arsehol_e of the world ( from Warri Nigeria to the beautiful island of Bali).

I first discovered Thailand in the early 80's and vacationed here on a regular basis until retiring here several years ago..

Why Thailand?. My home home country England I find to be over bearing with rules and regulations were everyone seems to be dashing through life as though there was no tomorrow. This is without a doubt the only country that I have found were it caters for all ages and desires whatever they are.

What can be beter than waking up in a nice warm climate and being able to follow your hobby or passion for the day.

No matter were you go you are sure to get a smile or two from the freindly Thai's.

Of course it is not paradise as the constant whinners keep reminding us. Why they continue to stay here beats me. If they were to broaden the horizons a bit more they would learn about real negatives in life and appreciate all that Thailand as to offer.

I'll be here until scotty beams me up for the last adventure.


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In a nutshell!!!!

The west....too overbearing and expensive

Central America............Too dodgy

South America...........even more dodgy

China..............give it a few years

Middle east............forget it

Most of SE asia............too backward

Thailand seems to be just right at this point in time

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A divorce from an Amerikan feminazi sent me to Asia and ended up in the Philippines...tried to make a go of it there and decided it was too backwards and getting worse. While making visa runs to Thailand, i discovered that life was much more falang friendly, less ploution and the people had the same smiles that I went to the philippines for.

So, i moved here and after 8 yrs, have no regrets and no desire to move back to Amerika, but sometimes miss the phil, where you at least have the illusion that they understand your English.

What I love here is the beauty of the people [girls esp.], smiles, positive attitudes, cost of living a decent lifestyle and the ever increasing falang friendliness [better breads, foods and infrastructure].

now, at 60+ yrs, i can't see myself going anywhere else.......

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Worked offshore in Asia and had to choice on where to relocate for UK tax reasons? KL, Singapore, Bangkok etc. Having visited most Far East ports during my Merchant Navy days, Thailand got the nod 4+years ago.

Tried Phuket first (too small)

Bangkok second (Too smoggy and packed)

Pattaya last and now live here.

Met a lovely Thai lady after a couple of years of candy store/sweet shop living?????

Here for good until they put the zippo to my feet. Feel at home and at ease here during my leave.

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Thanks for all the replies.

Seems most people who responded have all had good experiences here compared to elsewhere.

Nice to get positive replies, even the whoremongers :D are happy this time. :D

Denboy, your summery of the UK is spot on. I wish I'd found Thailand 15 years ago.

Thailand certainly has a lot to offer. It's just being open enough to see it. There are idiots in every country and the differences often make amusing watching :D .

Despite all the fun and games on the political front, and the harsh Pound to Baht rate :D , I will continue to live here, marry my g/f, and pray for happier visa regulations.


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I came to marry one of them University level educated Hi-So types that crave older balding beer bellied farang. I'm not married yet but everyone else here found one. Jokes aside a fly to OZ tonight for 8 days. That's 6 days too long (minus flight time) already missing LOS

You mean like these?


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