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Gold At 12500 Baht

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Dont know about some of the old hands that have been watching gold.................but since the late

1990's, gold has almost doubled in price.

Today's rate of 12500 is the lowest it's been in a while

My question for you guys is...................can you see it falling much further in the next 12 months??

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Dont know about some of the old hands that have been watching gold.................but since the late

1990's, gold has almost doubled in price.

Today's rate of 12500 is the lowest it's been in a while

My question for you guys is...................can you see it falling much further in the next 12 months??

Oil is falling, so gold is falling. It is anybodies guess what the current banking situation will bring.

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but gold has always been historically stable, unlike oil......

but i am sure it was around 14500 only a few months ago.....

if you looking to invest, you best bet is to keep a very close eye, thus when the fall stops it can only go up, and when it starts to go up BUY, and again, when it starts to drop again SELL :o

very easy trading...

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The downward trend from $1,000/ounce to $780/ounce is reversing. Inflation is rising (UK reported inflation over 4% today), people are losing faith in banks, money will begin to flow into gold again as a safe haven.

that goes without zaphodbeeblebroxnuttinplatonicaphrododisiamcumaxenophobemising. for sure! :o

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The downward trend from $1,000/ounce to $780/ounce is reversing. Inflation is rising (UK reported inflation over 4% today), people are losing faith in banks, money will begin to flow into gold again as a safe haven.

that goes without zaphodbeeblebroxnuttinplatonicaphrododisiamcumaxenophobemising. for sure! :o

Naam!!!!!!!!!!!..................and i was awaiting your thoughts on the subject

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The downward trend from $1,000/ounce to $780/ounce is reversing. Inflation is rising (UK reported inflation over 4% today), people are losing faith in banks, money will begin to flow into gold again as a safe haven.

that goes without zaphodbeeblebroxnuttinplatonicaphrododisiamcumaxenophobemising. for sure! :o

Naam!!!!!!!!!!!..................and i was awaiting your thoughts on the subject

Roooooob!!! how often do i have to mention that our dog "stoled" my crystal ball, buried it in the garden and even promises of his favourite treats (bavarian weisswurst with sweet mustard) can't make him find it again :D

on a serious note. look at the correlation of gold and crude oil. it seems to tell us an interesting story.



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The downward trend from $1,000/ounce to $780/ounce is reversing. Inflation is rising (UK reported inflation over 4% today), people are losing faith in banks, money will begin to flow into gold again as a safe haven.

that goes without zaphodbeeblebroxnuttinplatonicaphrododisiamcumaxenophobemising. for sure! :o

Naam!!!!!!!!!!!..................and i was awaiting your thoughts on the subject

Roooooob!!! how often do i have to mention that our dog "stoled" my crystal ball, buried it in the garden and even promises of his favourite treats (bavarian weisswurst with sweet mustard) can't make him find it again :D

on a serious note. look at the correlation of gold and crude oil. it seems to tell us an interesting story.

Tom McClellan (Sherman's son and purveyor of McClellan Market Letter) maintains the correlation is that Crude Oil tends to peak 11 months after Gold. I hope he's wrong in this instance.

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The downward trend from $1,000/ounce to $780/ounce is reversing. Inflation is rising (UK reported inflation over 4% today), people are losing faith in banks, money will begin to flow into gold again as a safe haven.

that goes without zaphodbeeblebroxnuttinplatonicaphrododisiamcumaxenophobemising. for sure! :o

Naam!!!!!!!!!!!..................and i was awaiting your thoughts on the subject

Roooooob!!! how often do i have to mention that our dog "stoled" my crystal ball, buried it in the garden and even promises of his favourite treats (bavarian weisswurst with sweet mustard) can't make him find it again :D

on a serious note. look at the correlation of gold and crude oil. it seems to tell us an interesting story.

Tom McClellan (Sherman's son and purveyor of McClellan Market Letter) maintains the correlation is that Crude Oil tends to peak 11 months after Gold. I hope he's wrong in this instance.

hmmm... he was wrong in 2006 and he is wrong in 2008 :D i didn't waste my time to check other periods.

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just my personal opinion: anyone who sells "Market Letters", books such as "How to...." or "The way to financial success" in order to make a living is not credible in my eyes.

if i knew where to find gold just under the surface i wouldn't tell anybody but buy the land and dig myself :o

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just my personal opinion: anyone who sells "Market Letters", books such as "How to...." or "The way to financial success" in order to make a living is not credible in my eyes.

if i knew where to find gold just under the surface i wouldn't tell anybody but buy the land and dig myself :o

I subscribe to none myself. That said, the McClellan Oscillator and McClellan Summation Index are probably 2 of the best market indicators, ever.

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The downward trend from $1,000/ounce to $780/ounce is reversing. Inflation is rising (UK reported inflation over 4% today), people are losing faith in banks, money will begin to flow into gold again as a safe haven.

that goes without zaphodbeeblebroxnuttinplatonicaphrododisiamcumaxenophobemising. for sure! :o

Naam!!!!!!!!!!!..................and i was awaiting your thoughts on the subject

Roooooob!!! how often do i have to mention that our dog "stoled" my crystal ball, buried it in the garden and even promises of his favourite treats (bavarian weisswurst with sweet mustard) can't make him find it again :D

on a serious note. look at the correlation of gold and crude oil. it seems to tell us an interesting story.

Your oil-gold correlation fell apart in the last 48 hours, because it is based on technical strength of the dollar. Right now, fundamentals are taking over, because of the crisis in the financial sector.

In the last 48 hours, crude oil down 6%, gold up 6%.



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on a serious note. look at the correlation of gold and crude oil. it seems to tell us an interesting story.

Interesting as I write this (Wed morning pacific time ) ....Gold went up 84 USD/ounce & Crude Oil is up 4 USD a barrell

Edited by flying
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on a serious note. look at the correlation of gold and crude oil. it seems to tell us an interesting story.

Interesting as I write this (Wed morning pacific time ) ....Gold went up 84 USD/ounce & Crude Oil is up 4 USD a barrell

16 out of the 80 dollars is nothing but USD weakness. the rest does not coincide with but is direcly related to more negative news from financial institutions and of course the DOW nosediving. but whatever... it is interesting and relaxing sitting on the fence watching what is going on :o

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but whatever... it is interesting and relaxing sitting on the fence watching what is going on :D

Very true :D

Although there are moments when I think hmmmm what if :o

But I know 20/20 hindsight is the cause :D

Im not going in there & will stick with what works for me.

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but whatever... it is interesting and relaxing sitting on the fence watching what is going on :D

Very true :D

Although there are moments when I think hmmmm what if :o

that kind of thinking goes with human nature. i have discarded that thinking (did not manage it completely) several years ago. if i had not i would have gone crazy. even now i get quite upset when i discuss finances with friends and have to listen to "if only..." because it does not lead to any meaningful discussion and do not change results.

absolutely necessary is to analyse and evaluate wrong moves immediately after they happened -respectively after they became known- thus learning to avoid mistakes as much as possible.

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that kind of thinking goes with human nature. i have discarded that thinking (did not manage it completely) several years ago. if i had not i would have gone crazy. even now i get quite upset when i discuss finances with friends and have to listen to "if only..." because it does not lead to any meaningful discussion and do not change results.

absolutely necessary is to analyse and evaluate wrong moves immediately after they happened -respectively after they became known- thus learning to avoid mistakes as much as possible.

Yes all true :o I know what you mean about the if only's :D

The analyze & evaluate part is good advice for all facets of life.


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that kind of thinking goes with human nature. i have discarded that thinking (did not manage it completely) several years ago. if i had not i would have gone crazy. even now i get quite upset when i discuss finances with friends and have to listen to "if only..." because it does not lead to any meaningful discussion and do not change results.

absolutely necessary is to analyse and evaluate wrong moves immediately after they happened -respectively after they became known- thus learning to avoid mistakes as much as possible.

The Way of the Klingon.


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