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Last Saturday I woke up, showered and dressed and went to work. Only thing is I thought it was Friday (love my job) :D

Decided to go to Tops at Kat Suan Gaew for supplies since I was out and about. After checking out, was directed toward the service desk. Handed my bill to them figuring some free trinket as usual but they asked for my Spot discount card after seeing my name at the bottom of it. Gave it to them, they looked at the computer and smiling, said something about 1000 Baht. They asked for me to copy my ID card and wait 5 minutes for them to do some paperwork.

Went to the copying machine and heard my name blaring on the PA system (fortunately they didn't have a clue as to how to pronounce it. I figured there must be a catch but when I went back they handed me two 500 Baht Gift Vouchers valid for 1 year. Had someone verify it and they are valid for purchasing anything at Tops. Appears like a lottery that my particular number came up as a winner. Anyone else have this happen? Guess I'll find out how valid it is when I try using it. :o

On another note: The main reason I went was to restock my Kingsford Charcoal Lighter fluid. Been getting it there for the last few years and it looks like they no longer stock it. Anyplace else I maybe able to get it? Checked Rimping where the BBQ grills are and didn't see any there either. Hate to have to go back using those sticks for starting it.

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Those sticks are natural pitch from pine trees. Why on earth would you prefer food tasting like lighter fluid??? Jack the BBQ guy I used to trust your judgement Tywais....The chimney style newspaper starters are also without taste

Edited by bunta71
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Those sticks are natural pitch from pine trees. Why on earth would you prefer food tasting like lighter fluid??? Jack the BBQ guy I used to trust your judgement Tywais....The chimney style newspaper starters are also without taste

Why would I want it to taste like pine? :o I assumed the sticks were treated to make them burn easier? Actually, by the time the charcoal is white hot the fluid will have burned away. After saying that, and the lazy git I am, where do I find the newspaper starters (or do I make my own)?

My judgment may be flawed, but my taste buds don't seem to notice it. :D

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Ty, we are having a discussion over on the gay forum, about a social group limited to age 45 and under. Scott wants to start a group for old farts. We have those already. As Ijustwannateach has often said, at least those of us who have been around the block a lot know stuff. Like whether charcoal smells of lighter fluid after a few minutes, how long the moat is, what it was like to see the Beatles live, or how to give up pretending we are 22 years younger. So, tywais, what was world war one like, anyway?

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*warning: boring rant!* :o (After i typed this, and read it, I laughed at how ridiculous it sounded and was about to delete it. But, in the interests of demonstrating how not to think, im gonna post it anyway.)

Tops was so mean to me today. :D

Usually I dont buy too much, but when i take my receipt to the counter, I generally always come away with a goodie. (Once even got a funky looking plastic flask, just for using my "save the earth" carry bag). Today, i spent a small fortune (Ok, not really, about 1500 baht), and what did i get? A voucher. But the girl in front of me got a voucher AND an item. Hmm..

*slaps self and moves on*

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On another note: The main reason I went was to restock my Kingsford Charcoal Lighter fluid. Been getting it there for the last few years and it looks like they no longer stock it. Anyplace else I maybe able to get it? Checked Rimping where the BBQ grills are and didn't see any there either. Hate to have to go back using those sticks for starting it.

Most charcoal lighter fluids are nothing more than plain kerosene repackaged and tripled in price.

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Tywais... not sure where I've seen the chimney types but have used several through the years, and they work well in two respects:

The chimney/convection column effect gets your charcoal/uling/taan going faster than most and

No aftertaste

Growing up doing lot's of hunting in Washington state we used pitch-pine all the time for starting out campfires. Never though about using it for BBQ back then in the olden days. IMHO the pine pitch leaves no taste and got to be better for you.

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BTW eek, who much was your voucher worth? I also didn't get any trinkets this time, but can't complain with the extra 1000 Baht worth of freebies.

50 baht cash coupon for any purchase of 400 baht or more. Well, im not gonna sniff at that. 50 baht saving, is still a saving. :o

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Tywais... not sure where I've seen the chimney types but have used several through the years, and they work well in two respects:

I have to thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have not heard of them before but a quick Google got a lot of hits. Looked a little further for a "do it yourself" version since they are probably not available here and found this > Charcoal Chimney Starters Now to find a large tin can. :o

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