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Living several kms outside of Chiangmai with only rice fields behind our house we have a large compliment of birds and types. Standing in the back of the house saw something fly over (large) and long hanging legs. When it landed in a tree I got my camera because I've never seen this type before. Long legs like you would expect a bird hanging around large bodies of water would have but not in CM. Can you identify it? (Yes, I'm bored and have nothing better to do then birdwatch) :o



We get this bird in the shallows out in front of our house every day. Also fishes in the stream next to us and in our fish pond out back as well

Sorry, don't know what he is tho (or she)

We get this bird in the shallows out in front of our house every day. Also fishes in the stream next to us and in our fish pond out back as well

I was thinking about you when I posted this, you're usually a pretty good wildlife/plant detective :D That's what I found odd because I would expect it in an area like yours, but the only large body of water is the rice paddy behind us. From talking with the sister-in-law appears it eats fish (which I suspected) and hoi (snails - which we currently have in abundance). But they don't know what it's called either other then "suay mak". :o

That be a Chinese Pond Heron, that be.

You may be right. Found these photos in Chiangmai Mail. They change colors during breeding period.

post-566-1221569228.jpg post-566-1221569243.jpg

That be a Chinese Pond Heron, that be.

And why not Javan or Indian Pond Heron? As a matter of fact, the Pond Herons are virtually indistinguishable in juvenile or non-breeding plumage and all three species occur in Thailand.

That be a Chinese Pond Heron, that be.

And why not Javan or Indian Pond Heron?

both highly unlikely in and around urban Chiangmai.. Javan more so.


True, Indian is extremely unlikely but I do believe that there are records of Chinese around Chiangmai. Saw a lot of migrating Pond Herons of indeterminable species migrating this morning.

That be a Chinese Pond Heron, that be.

Arrrr Jim lad that be right that be, I have them in my pond and am always amazed at how much his neck can grow when he wants to look around :o

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

True, Indian is extremely unlikely but I do believe that there are records of Chinese around Chiangmai. Saw a lot of migrating Pond Herons of indeterminable species migrating this morning.

Chinese Pond Heron is extremely common around Chiangmai & the north in general.. nearly every paddy, ditch, bit of water etc will hold more than a few of them..

i've never seen Javan or Indian up here.. :o Central (khao Yai, Bangkok area) to Southern Thailand yes.. :D


Over the last few days just after it gets dark I have what I take to be Chinese Pond Herons arriving in a formation of four, they circle the garden a few times then land close to my pond. In the morning I have maybe 2 or 3 partly eaten fish around the edge.

We have maybe one or two thousand talapia in the pond so it's no great loss just yet and whilst I've seen one of these guys fishing in the pond during the day I have never seen a squadron of them fishing in our pond at night before this week.

First one showed up then he brought a friend and so on up to four, now I'm getting a bit worried, my cat's won't go near them so that's not an option. Any ideas?

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

Over the last few days just after it gets dark I have what I take to be Chinese Pond Herons arriving in a formation of four, they circle the garden a few times then land close to my pond. In the morning I have maybe 2 or 3 partly eaten fish around the edge.

We have maybe one or two thousand talapia in the pond so it's no great loss just yet and whilst I've seen one of these guys fishing in the pond during the day I have never seen a squadron of them fishing in our pond at night before this week.

First one showed up then he brought a friend and so on up to four, now I'm getting a bit worried, my cat's won't go near them so that's not an option. Any ideas?


Beware, your cats are very astute! .. A friend of mine in the UK is a vet, he was called to free a heron from some pond netting, the bird was not very grateful and stabbed him with its beak, went right through his hand!!



from your location in Sattahip, possible any of the pond herons, or one of the egrets.. or bitterns.. or regular (hate to use that term) herons..

try to get a pic, or describe its size & colouring.. :o

from your location in Sattahip, possible any of the pond herons, or one of the egrets.. or bitterns.. or regular (hate to use that term) herons..

try to get a pic, or describe its size & colouring.. :D

Oh they are Chinese Pond Herons all right, (Ardeola Bacchus) same guys as the OPs picture (white wings in flight). I got egrets come visit sometimes also Curlews I did have one bittern come during the day a few months back, he liked to skulk in the ferns at the edge of the pond until he saw a fish, very difficult to see them on the ground right?

Ran down there last night clapping hands beating drums and shouting and generally making a noise and they flew off but I don't really want to take up residence next the pond. My books say they live in freshwater wetlands, mangroves and tidal pools. Doesn't say anything about ganging up on fish at night though. Strange behavior :o

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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