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Ni Contribitons And Pension


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...This is a forum and as the name denotes is simply a place for people to offer opinions and suggestions, very few here ever profess to be experts but many have usefull experience.

Dumball you do not have enemies here.

Thank you for the time you expended and your concern , it is much appreciated , i have no feelings of insecurity as my last years are covered for security . My resentment is only held against a government agency whom i feel cheated me after guestimating my pension after i had supplied all they asked for , i am sorry if it came out to be against the members of this forum , i am just approaching 76 years of age , but still in good health and active .

Nice posts. :o

Group hug anyone? grupo_amistad.gif


P.S. 76?? Wow! Well done - hope I get there. :D

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Thank you for reply Dumball, it heartens me that at your age you are still able to do what you want in this life, good luck to you.

These forums can be a source of very usefull advice, especially for people who are expats for whatever reason, dont be afraid to ask questions, while there are a few idiots that occasionally muddy the posts most people are only too happy to try and help.

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am nearing retirement and about 6 months ago I wrote to the Charity, Assets & Residency Dept. (as above) to find out whether my Thai wife would classify as a "Dependant Wife". The answer was 'Yes' but I believe now treated as an "Adult Dependancy". If you can provide the documents required, then you will be entitled to an additional 60% of your Basic State Pension. Not to be sneezed at even if not increased annually. It may be that this allowance is being fazed out in the next 10 years or so along with all the other changes being made - I am looking into this. Even if it is, I will at least be able to enjoy it while I can.

the married couples pension as was is now ADI (Adult dependancy Increase) current weekly rate for married couple is £145.05, anyone who is 65 prior to April 2010 and qualifies for this can claim it and it will be paid until 2020 (assuming you are both alive ). From 2010 there is no ADI but couples in the uk can apply for means tested benefit, this will also apply to those receiving ADI up to 2020 when they will be means tested. the downside is of course if you do not live in the UK you cannot be means tested so one presumes you lose this benefit. The other point that has been missed on the post is that the basic state pension is £90.70 for a single person and £145.05 for a married couple however, due to the number of changes over the past 30 years or so many people will have accrued additional benefits due to serps, graduated payments etc this is the reason for getting a forecast as the older members will have contributed to various government schemes whilst employed in the UK, these payments were mandatory and deducted by your employer. The 2007 pension act does reduce the qualifying years from 44 to 30 from April 2010, any contribution years under 30 will be paid pro rata e.g if you have made nine years contributions you would qualify for around 25% of the bqasic pension, 15 years you get 50% and so on up to a maximum of 30. There will be no refunds for those people who have/will make more than 30 years contributions.

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...the basic state pension is £90.70 for a single person and £145.05 for a married couple however, due to the number of changes over the past 30 years or so many people will have accrued additional benefits due to serps, graduated payments etc...

Good point! That's why my previous forecast was near GBP 100, rather than 90.70 - I did a few years of both those additional benefits.

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...Are you surprised? They're the Civil Service.

Yes, and no doubt they're happily ensconced in their pushy jobs-for-life knowing that when they retire they'll be getting an index linked, tax-payer subsided pension. th_chainsaw.gif

Stop obsessing jetset. They dont provide estimates for overseas people online. They DO however respond very promptly to phone calls or letters to Newcastle. I've done it myself. It's an excellent service. Just write to them. You'll get a reply in a couple of weeks.

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...Are you surprised? They're the Civil Service.

Yes, and no doubt they're happily ensconced in their pushy jobs-for-life knowing that when they retire they'll be getting an index linked, tax-payer subsided pension. th_chainsaw.gif

Stop obsessing jetset. They dont provide estimates for overseas people online. They DO however respond very promptly to phone calls or letters to Newcastle. I've done it myself. It's an excellent service. Just write to them. You'll get a reply in a couple of weeks.

But I like obsessing.

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