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Windows Installer Won't Install Java Update


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The Java site is telling me I'm in safe mode (not) or there is a problem with my Windows Installer. Most other utilities seem to install and run okay but not, unfortunately, this Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. It's a Catch-22 situation ...


I've tried some of the fixes advised on the Microsoft site (there are MANY) but none seem to work.

How would I remove my faulty Windows Installer, and critically, how would I download and install a replacement without it? Thanks.

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if you are saying that you can d/l the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility but cannot install it, I don't know how(other than re-installing the OS) to get by that catch-22. Sorry.

But.. after Abode reader 8 would not update and could not be removed, I used the utility to zap it. Then installed Reader 9. No problem. This was just last week and was the first time I had used it.

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Thanks for comments.

I have a version of Java which works adequately but is about 2 updates old (perhaps 6-9 months). I use charts a lot so it is important Java is kept up to date as the chart providers always recommend using the latest version.

My Windows Installer wants nothing to do with Java: neither installing nor uninstalling it. It does seem to work with all other programs though, and the computer is otherwise working normally. The Java help link provided is of no use as it prompts me to install Windows Installer as part of the remedy -- but that won't run either due to ... you guessed it ... a Windows Installer problem.

Can I safely remove Windows Installer somehow and still be able to download it again? Would this work ... ?


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I tried the above from Microsoft but nothing has changed. At the end, as I was installing Windows Installer 3.1, it merely stated that my current version is up to date (it has SP3).

The Windows Installer has become corrupted somehow and 'Cannot be Accessed' when I try to update Java, although most other downloads seem to go through okay, for instance Media Player 11.

I am not re-installing my operating system just for this but I will buy the latest disk next time I'm in Bangkok ... what do you recommend for stability ... Windows XP Pro 2008 ? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

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... I will buy the latest disk next time I'm in Bangkok ... what do you recommend for stability ... Windows XP Pro 2008 ? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

There is no Microsoft release called Windows XP Pro 2008. That disk is the hacked copy of the genuine version. (Who can tell what it might be infested with?) You ask for recommendations and suggestions? Well here's mine: Pony up and buy the real, genuine MS version so you can have a legitimate issue when something doesn't work.

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... I will buy the latest disk next time I'm in Bangkok ... what do you recommend for stability ... Windows XP Pro 2008 ? Any other suggestions? Thanks.

There is no Microsoft release called Windows XP Pro 2008. That disk is the hacked copy of the genuine version. (Who can tell what it might be infested with?) You ask for recommendations and suggestions? Well here's mine: Pony up and buy the real, genuine MS version so you can have a legitimate issue when something doesn't work.

You mean, like the Windows Installer recovery instructions I just followed twice to the letter on my genuine Home XP edition which totally failed to resolve the problem of downloading Java?

Everyone and your dog knows 'Microsoft products are fifth-rate' -- even Steve Jobs agrees since that's his quote. I can't understand why some entrepreneur doesn't step in and design something simple and stable from scratch for the average home and office user.

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1] Did you try both Methods 1 and then 2 above ?

If so get & run JavaRa ( http://raproducts.org/ ) to remove all old Java versions (these old Java versions attract malwares -Vundo etc). Then try un-/re-install WindowsInstaller(msiexec) afresh.

2] Check what Java install errors you got eg.1721 or 1722 here :


3] Better get latest Java offline exe installer (not the online installer) .



Edited by Indi
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1] Did you try both Methods 1 and then 2 above ?

If so get & run JavaRa ( http://raproducts.org/ ) to remove all old Java versions (these old Java versions attract malwares -Vundo etc). Then try un-/re-install WindowsInstaller(msiexec) afresh.

2] Check what Java install errors you got eg.1721 or 1722 here :


3] Better get latest Java offline exe installer (not the online installer) .



1) Yes, both. Didn't work. Microsoft drivel.

2) Java suggests disabling anti-virus and adware. I can't disable my Ad-Aware (won't be using that again once I get rid of the cr*p that it is), and can't remove it either because of the Windows Installer problem. Could I just delete the program files for Ad-Aware? I STILL need to fix the Windows Installer first.

3) I already tried the offline installer but it doesn't help the foregoing problems.

P.S. I successfully ran JavaRa & removed the old Java. Now I can't work because I have no charting software & can't install anything. Thank you very much.

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1) I managed to switch off the Ad-Aware & antivirus programs.

2) Repeated http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315346 (for the THIRD time, BOTH items).

3) Finally (it was just wasting my time):

"Setup has detected that the service pack version (I have XP SP3) is newer than the update you are applying. There is no need to install this update."

4) I still can't update Java or remove Ad-Aware (and perhaps some other programs; did install WMP 11 though). I don't even get to the dialog box where I can change the install folder for Java. It seems there is something wrong with Windows Installer whereby it works with some programs but not others.

5) Also downloaded and ran Windows Installer 4.5 redistributable. No improvement. Rebooted computer on every change or when instructed.

6) The weird thing is after 'removing' Java with the Javare utility, it is still there now ... my financial charts all load as before and show the Java logo as they do so! But Java has disappeared from the Add/Remove programs list. So much for Javare.

:D:D:D Can't any of you brains fix my Windows Installer ??? :o

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1) Running RegCure detected many registry and other minor faults but 'fixing' them did not help the Windows Installer problem.

2) PC works fine except Windows Installer selectively refuses to remove and install certain programs only, like Java updates. Even seems to prevent Javare (as recommended above) from removing Java entirely, even though it appears to have performed the appointed task.

3) I've been through all the fixes on the Microsoft site for Windows Installer problems, and nothing solves it. Most baffling problem I've had in a long while but I don't really want to re-install the operating system for this while everything else seems to be okay.

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just updated my java successfully on a whim.

went through perfectly.

only change made was to lower security criteria for directX for my charting software via check boxes and sliders.

there you go! if microsoft was a horse, you'd shoot it.

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