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U.s. Banking Crisis: Capitalism "gone Wild"?

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Or perhaps Urainium? :o

Noooo That is unobtanium in these parts :D

Back on topic I wonder why Roubini says it may end in a ugly war but then says nothing as to why he thinks so? Is he considered a sensationalist type?

Yes, he is a bit on the eccentric side to say the least! But when you compare him to some of the people that I have seen quoted here on thaivisa, the good profesor seems quite normal :D

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Or perhaps Urainium? :o

Noooo That is unobtanium in these parts :D

Back on topic I wonder why Roubini says it may end in a ugly war but then says nothing as to why he thinks so? Is he considered a sensationalist type?

not always but once in a while in the past Roubini predicted gloom and doom and there were several cases where he was "right on the money" (as our american friends say) but also some where he was wrong.

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Congressman Ron Paul, in his weekly "Texas Straight Talk" column on his U.S. House of Representatives website on October 20th:

"Even limited government has a basic duty to defend against force and fraud. Some argue that force is somehow permissible just because the entity engaging in it is "economically significant." But one could use this reasoning to prop up slavery. It could be deemed unfortunate but economically beneficial, and indeed these arguments have been used historically to deprive people of their liberty. But slavery should never be tolerated regardless of any economic benefit, just as systemic fraud should not be tolerated. Some banks on Wall Street should fail. Fannie and Freddie should fail. They are perpetrating fraud against the people. Yet, government insists on rewarding behavior which should instead be investigated, prosecuted, and punished.

. . . and from Richard Russell, editor of Dow Theory Letters, in remarks posted on his website on October 22nd:

"The US has been leveraging ever since World War II. We are now in a massive deleveraging process. This will affect every nook and cranny of the economy. We've been living in a prosperous world built on leverage and debt. I believe what this bear market is about is deleveraging and putting our economy back in a stable, conservative, non-debt, non-leveraged state. Leverage and borrowing has allowed the US to live beyond its means ever since WW II. That plus the world's acceptance of US Federal Reserve Notes, which costs the US nothing to create. What I'm afraid of is that this bear market will ultimately attack the legitimacy and rationale of fiat money. That's when the insurance and reality of gold will enter the picture."

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Congressman Ron Paul, in his weekly "Texas Straight Talk" column on his U.S. House of Representatives website on October 20th:

"Even limited government has a basic duty to defend against force and fraud. Some argue that force is somehow permissible just because the entity engaging in it is "economically significant." But one could use this reasoning to prop up slavery. It could be deemed unfortunate but economically beneficial, and indeed these arguments have been used historically to deprive people of their liberty. But slavery should never be tolerated regardless of any economic benefit, just as systemic fraud should not be tolerated. Some banks on Wall Street should fail. Fannie and Freddie should fail. They are perpetrating fraud against the people. Yet, government insists on rewarding behavior which should instead be investigated, prosecuted, and punished.

. . . and from Richard Russell, editor of Dow Theory Letters, in remarks posted on his website on October 22nd:

"The US has been leveraging ever since World War II. We are now in a massive deleveraging process. This will affect every nook and cranny of the economy. We've been living in a prosperous world built on leverage and debt. I believe what this bear market is about is deleveraging and putting our economy back in a stable, conservative, non-debt, non-leveraged state. Leverage and borrowing has allowed the US to live beyond its means ever since WW II. That plus the world's acceptance of US Federal Reserve Notes, which costs the US nothing to create. What I'm afraid of is that this bear market will ultimately attack the legitimacy and rationale of fiat money. That's when the insurance and reality of gold will enter the picture."

You just had to find a quote that mentions FIAT money and GOLD :o Oh well, now that I have taken my hedge in the gold miners I guess that I am covered no matter which way this thing winds up going :D So here I go! Fiat! Fiat! Fiat! Gold! Gold ! Gold! I wonder if this is anything like sreaming fire in a crowded theater, when there really isn't a fire?

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From BBC's "Have I Got News For You"

That may not be as funny as you think :D The people who usually wind up jumping in situations like the one we are currently in are the ones who were the rank and file and just working hard every day, and now are out of a job with a family looking at them wondering if they will be thrown out of their house! You might want to take that sign to the homes of the hedge fund managers and Wall Street CEO's in Darien Conetucuit, Larchmont and Westchester N.Y. or to the homes of the real criminals, those who had the power to regulate and create oversight legislation but time and time again they killed that type of legislation instead initiating it because they were in the back pockets of the hedge fund industry and Wall Street. Some of the worst of those hypocrites are Senator's Chris Dodd (Conn.) and Charlie Schumer(N.Y.) and Rep. Barney Frank (Mass.). People need to hold these criminals accountable, but instead they will hold prominent and powerful positions in the halls of Congress under a Barrack Obama admistration :o

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From BBC's "Have I Got News For You"

That may not be as funny as you think :o The people who usually wind up jumping in situations like the one we are currently in are the ones who were the rank and file and just working hard every day

Actually I saw more original versions of that .

It was like picket signs & when they were done they stuck them up there.

Anyway what I wanted to say was the original signs also said lets see how your golden parachutes work or something to that effect. So it was obvious who these were directed at.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Credit-Default Swap Disclosure Hides Truth on Risk (Update1)

By Shannon D. Harrington and Abigail Moses

Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) -- The most comprehensive report on unregulated credit-default swaps didn't disclose bets in the section of the more than $47 trillion market that helped destroy American International Group Inc., once the world's biggest insurer.

A study by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. fails to include privately negotiated credit-default swaps that insurers such as AIG, MBIA Inc. and Ambac Financial Group Inc. sold to guarantee securities known as collateralized debt obligations. It includes only a ``small fraction'' of mortgage securities, according to Andrea Cicione at BNP Paribas SA in London.

New York-based DTCC's report, released on its Web site Nov. 4, showed a total $33.6 trillion of transactions on governments, companies and asset-backed securities worldwide, based on gross numbers. While designed to ease concerns about the amount of risk banks and investors amassed on borrowers from companies to homeowners, the study may have missed as much as 40 percent of the trades outstanding in the market, Cicione said.

The data are ``likely to underestimate the amount of net CDS exposure,'' he said in an interview. ``A broadening of the coverage to the entire market is what investors really need.''


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Actually to be exact

6.2% = SSA + same amount of employer matching of 6.2%

1.45% = Medicare

So that whoopping almost 8% off our paycheck and plus income tax too of course

I have heard we're paying out around 40% in all the taxes combined

Income tax +Ssa+ medicare + sale tax + gas tax + property tax , ects =======OUCHHH!!!! :D

count your blessings Teacup and be happy or ask a German or most Europeans how much he/she pays and weep with him/her! :o

living in Germany my income tax would be 47% and i'd pay i whopping 19% sales tax (VAT) on goods and services. social insurance is 19.7% (half paid by employer). can you imagine that a m³ (~265 gallons) of water is US$ 6.20, a kilowatt of electric energy 19.5 US-cents, a gallon of gasoline 7.80 dollars (most of it caused by indirect taxes and fleecing the citizen)?

why do you think a number of Europeans (and that includes me) claim they live a quite comfortable or even luxurious life in Thailand and it doesn't cost them a single copper penny? because all our expenses (except perhaps a Learjet, a Ferrari, a 60' yacht or the odd 1 carat blue-white flawless diamond for the Mrs) are indirectly paid for because the benevolent thai taxman does not bother us! :D

Naam I agree with you that in good old Europe we pay a lot more taxes than the US, but the other side of the coin is that we are socially well protected against the misfortunes of life and can benefit from an excellent health care and educational system.. And my Belgian pension make it possible to have a rather comfortable life in LOS. In fact its of the same level of an higher management income in Thailand. Even with the weak Euro this moment.

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Actually to be exact

living in Germany my income tax would be 47% and i'd pay i whopping 19% sales tax (VAT) on goods and services. social insurance is 19.7% (half paid by employer). can you imagine that a m³ (~265 gallons) of water is US$ 6.20, a kilowatt of electric energy 19.5 US-cents, a gallon of gasoline 7.80 dollars (most of it caused by indirect taxes and fleecing the citizen)?

why do you think a number of Europeans (and that includes me) claim they live a quite comfortable or even luxurious life in Thailand and it doesn't cost them a single copper penny? because all our expenses (except perhaps a Learjet, a Ferrari, a 60' yacht or the odd 1 carat blue-white flawless diamond for the Mrs) are indirectly paid for because the benevolent thai taxman does not bother us! :o

I would like to add some datas so our american friends can understand... what they are going to have with Obama...

Here is a very simple example, in France.

You have a salary of 2700 euros.

-you'll pay on this salary 561 of "social taxes" (health care, unemployment insurance, taxes for retirees... the total list has 10 items for the employee and 14 items for the company !)

-but wait... your company will pay (over the salary) 1235 euros of "social taxes" too

-therefore, in net, you get 2180 euros in your bank account...

-and your job costs in total to your company 3935 euros !

Now you start to understand what is socialism...

But wait of course it's not finished... after you have to pay income tax... :D

3440 euros per year (if you're not maried, no kids)....

So to summarize ; on the 2700 per month you "earn".... Net net, you'll have 2700-561-286 (3440/12) = 1853 euros.

Here are the official tax rates for 2008 in France :


-up to 5 687 euros 0 %

-from 5 687 to 11 344 euros : 5,5 %

-from 11 344 to à 25 195 euros : 14 %

-from 25 195 to 67 546 euros : 30 %

-over 67 546 euros : 40 %

Plus as Naam said, the VAT at 19,6... Plus a dozen of other taxes (on property, for the cities, even... on hard disks, USB keys and blank DVDs/CDs, yes !)

Are we making a revolution against this serfdom ? Of course not ! People are like veals willing to be slaughtered and totally brainwashed.

My point : the american people have a huge margin left .. toward the top... to be taxed more.

And it will happen. The Messiah Obama will take care of it (plus the fact that the US are screwed... too much debts).

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Weak Euro ? :o ?

I suppose our Belgian friend means this:

post-13995-1225992001_thumb.png 12 months'chart EURO<>THAI BAHT

The Euro dropped 17% in buying power versus it's height in Baht in July, from 53.725 to 44.570 Baht per Euro now.


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Weak Euro ? :o ?

I suppose our Belgian friend means this:

post-13995-1225992001_thumb.png 12 months'chart EURO<>THAI BAHT

The Euro dropped 17% in buying power versus it's height in Baht in July, from 53.725 to 44.570 Baht per Euro now.


True, but to call the Euro weak, would be as inaccurate as to say the $USD is strong. The Euro still in the upper half of it's 9 year range against baht. It may become weak however.

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Actually to be exact

6.2% = SSA + same amount of employer matching of 6.2%

1.45% = Medicare

So that whoopping almost 8% off our paycheck and plus income tax too of course

I have heard we're paying out around 40% in all the taxes combined

Income tax +Ssa+ medicare + sale tax + gas tax + property tax , ects =======OUCHHH!!!! :D

count your blessings Teacup and be happy or ask a German or most Europeans how much he/she pays and weep with him/her! :o

living in Germany my income tax would be 47% and i'd pay i whopping 19% sales tax (VAT) on goods and services. social insurance is 19.7% (half paid by employer). can you imagine that a m³ (~265 gallons) of water is US$ 6.20, a kilowatt of electric energy 19.5 US-cents, a gallon of gasoline 7.80 dollars (most of it caused by indirect taxes and fleecing the citizen)?

why do you think a number of Europeans (and that includes me) claim they live a quite comfortable or even luxurious life in Thailand and it doesn't cost them a single copper penny? because all our expenses (except perhaps a Learjet, a Ferrari, a 60' yacht or the odd 1 carat blue-white flawless diamond for the Mrs) are indirectly paid for because the benevolent thai taxman does not bother us! :D

Naam I agree with you that in good old Europe we pay a lot more taxes than the US, but the other side of the coin is that we are socially well protected against the misfortunes of life and can benefit from an excellent health care and educational system.. And my Belgian pension make it possible to have a rather comfortable life in LOS. In fact its of the same level of an higher management income in Thailand. Even with the weak Euro this moment.

and you Henry have to admit that our system in Europe is deliberately exploited by a minority of people who are getting a free ride at the cost of the hard working majority.

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Actually to be exact

6.2% = SSA + same amount of employer matching of 6.2%

1.45% = Medicare

So that whoopping almost 8% off our paycheck and plus income tax too of course

I have heard we're paying out around 40% in all the taxes combined

Income tax +Ssa+ medicare + sale tax + gas tax + property tax , ects =======OUCHHH!!!! :D

count your blessings Teacup and be happy or ask a German or most Europeans how much he/she pays and weep with him/her! :o

living in Germany my income tax would be 47% and i'd pay i whopping 19% sales tax (VAT) on goods and services. social insurance is 19.7% (half paid by employer). can you imagine that a m³ (~265 gallons) of water is US$ 6.20, a kilowatt of electric energy 19.5 US-cents, a gallon of gasoline 7.80 dollars (most of it caused by indirect taxes and fleecing the citizen)?

why do you think a number of Europeans (and that includes me) claim they live a quite comfortable or even luxurious life in Thailand and it doesn't cost them a single copper penny? because all our expenses (except perhaps a Learjet, a Ferrari, a 60' yacht or the odd 1 carat blue-white flawless diamond for the Mrs) are indirectly paid for because the benevolent thai taxman does not bother us! :D

Naam I agree with you that in good old Europe we pay a lot more taxes than the US, but the other side of the coin is that we are socially well protected against the misfortunes of life and can benefit from an excellent health care and educational system.. And my Belgian pension make it possible to have a rather comfortable life in LOS. In fact its of the same level of an higher management income in Thailand. Even with the weak Euro this moment.

and you Henry have to admit that our system in Europe is deliberately exploited by a minority of people who are getting a free ride at the cost of the hard working majority.

I don't know about Germany Naam but in my own country the laws are getting stricter and stricter and the mesh of the nets are getting smaller and smaller to remove those disgusting exploiting lice out of the system. :D

And, what's more: it works, more and more and rightly so. We even have (although I don't like it) so called snitch telephone lines where someone can call anonymous to inform the authorities about ''misty'' people, driving around in expensive cars or having a lush lifestyle without working....

But, it seems to function.


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  • 5 months later...
I wonder if a few States could actually pull this off?

If they did how would it affect the debt? I wonder if they would still get a bill :D


Perry called his supporters patriots. Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

some governors have to much cheap booze and then talk ^*%^^ :o

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I wonder if a few States could actually pull this off?

If they did how would it affect the debt? I wonder if they would still get a bill :D


Perry called his supporters patriots. Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

some governors have to much cheap booze and then talk ^*%^^ :o

Oh I see - so we have at least 11 alcoholic state governors - I dont think so :D



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I wonder if a few States could actually pull this off?

If they did how would it affect the debt? I wonder if they would still get a bill :D


Perry called his supporters patriots. Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

some governors have to much cheap booze and then talk ^*%^^ :o

Oh I see - so we have at least 11 alcoholic state governors - I dont think so :D



in my view it's not exactly a sign of wisdom to rely on a website's information which starts:

"http://supportbordercontrols.blogspot.com/ BLOG is appropriately CAPTIONED as; "The Most Dangerous Website/BLOG in America." Since it PULLS NO punches as far as identifying the TRUE EVIL of Zionism that is DESTROYING America and led by antichrist George Bush and his minions of Demons! A site that will NOT lose focus & is NOT for commercial or entertainment value like many of the other BLOGS. But gives viable suggestions of how to HELP."


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HATS OFF Midas! you presented a most interesting website. some of the main topics are listed below. but i am still looking for a detailed report about aliens who put Obama in power :o




911 B - ZIONIST ROTHSCHILDS ARE BEHIND THE BAILOUT BS OF AMERICA'S TAX DOLLARS http://clifylq.livejournal.com/93980.html

THE SATANIC ROTHSCHILD DYNASTY http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/rothschild.htm






THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS ASSISTING ILLEGAL ALIENS http://clifylq.livejournal.com/23312.html



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HATS OFF Midas! you presented a most interesting website. some of the main topics are listed below. but i am still looking for a detailed report about aliens who put Obama in power :D

I'm so happy you got off your chest ! :o

I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the web site.

I hope you'll find this more credible but then again

no one is ever right except Naam

List of U.S. state secession proposals


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Remember this link posted back in Feb 09?

I think they are going in the right direction.

I fully expected States like Montana & Idaho etc to head that way as they were always separatist in some way.

But New Hampshire I think is very level headed in their direction & response.

They were also one of the original 13 colonies.

It will be interesting to watch if this trend continues.

I find New Hampshire's mention of the illegal use of the National Guard interesting too.

Since it is true & totally logical for them to now demand their National Guard be returned.




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HATS OFF Midas! you presented a most interesting website. some of the main topics are listed below. but i am still looking for a detailed report about aliens who put Obama in power :D

I'm so happy you got off your chest ! :o

I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the web site.

I hope you'll find this more credible but then again no one is ever right except Naam

List of U.S. state secession proposals

when people run out of arguments they take ridiculous sidesteps and use accusations drawn from thin air. this applies especially to those who -instead of formulating and argueing their own opinions- rely on websites which they carefully select to adopt or suit their views, respectively their wishful thinking. what they forget is that nowadays any clown can claim and write whatever he/she pleases.

ThaivisaForum provides evidence par exemple that there are "believers" in abundance who take all the fairy tales "Illuminati, Bilderbergs, zionist global conspiracies, et al" at face value. and that no matter that some of these stories are as factual as articles in the National Enquirer such as "Hitler Lives On Mars, Man Pregnant With Quintuplets and Vladimir Putin's Secret Marriage To Oprah Winfrey".

back to secession. my opinion: an [excre]mental product of hallucinating wet dreamers who should protect their mattresses with a rubber mat.

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Debt, it's a killer:

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage delinquencies among the most creditworthy homeowners rose 50 percent in a month as borrowers said drops in income or too much debt caused them to fall behind, according to data from federal regulators.

The number of so-called prime borrowers at least 60 days behind on mortgages owned or guaranteed by the companies rose to 743,686 in January, from 497,131 in December, and is almost double the total for October, the Federal Housing Finance Agency said in a report to Congress today.




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Just curiou but as the day goes on here his death is being reported as.....

1) Suicide by hanging

2) Suicide by gun shot

3)"We're not going to give you details of the condition of the body, except to say it was an apparent suicide."

A medical examiner will determine the cause of death

&lt;deleted&gt;???? Apparently No Suicide note?

41 years old lots of money & a young daughter ...happily married pillar of society?

This tells me things are probably a lot worse than they ( Freddie & Fannie ) have said....Big Surprise there...Not !!

Also makes me wonder if he shot himself then hung himself or is it just a case of Dead Man tells no Goldman Sachs Tales?

Mai Bpen Rai but I am curious

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when people run out of arguments they take ridiculous sidesteps and use accusations drawn from thin air. this applies especially to those who -instead of formulating and argueing their own opinions- rely on websites which they carefully select to adopt or suit their views, respectively their wishful thinking. what they forget is that nowadays any clown can claim and write whatever he/she pleases.

ThaivisaForum provides evidence par exemple that there are "believers" in abundance who take all the fairy tales "Illuminati, Bilderbergs, zionist global conspiracies, et al" at face value. and that no matter that some of these stories are as factual as articles in the National Enquirer such as "Hitler Lives On Mars, Man Pregnant With Quintuplets and Vladimir Putin's Secret Marriage To Oprah Winfrey".

back to secession. my opinion: an [excre]mental product of hallucinating wet dreamers who should protect their mattresses with a rubber mat.

What an astonishingly unscientific response from someone who claims to be a scientist :D

Now you are choosing to concentrate only on ridiculing a web site I found very quickly

which talks about other U.S. States threatening action after your ridiculous comment

that " some governors have to much cheap booze and then talk ".

Your flippant comment has no substance whatsoever. After I watched and listened carefully

to the words of the Texas Governor during a TV interview, I would be more inclined

to reach an opinion based on this persons claims as well as others like Flying

( an American citizen actually living in USA ) and not someone living in Pattaya. :D

You made no reference to the subsequent Wickpedia web site which also confirms

there are several U.S. States that warn they would defend their independence

if the Federal Government starts to encroach too much on the States

OK Mr. Scientist - my argument is that an increasing number of U.S. citizens feel they are

being threatened by Washington and starting to lose the rights given to them

under the U.S. Constitution (e.g. to bear arms ). A growing number of States

are reminding the Federal government is an agent of the States and not the other way around.

In my opinion the anger is building up and if they are pushed too far

States could end up breaking away -in one form or another.

You have not given any evidence to show why you think it's so unlikely ?

When you say " back to secession. my opinion: an [excre]mental product of hallucinating wet dreamers "

I can only concur with your own staement that " any clown can claim and write whatever he/she pleases "

because you very often do in this forum. :o

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