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One of my small pet dogs was perfectly fine this morning until after she spent time in the garden. I usually hang around outside with them, since there are lots of trees and jungly-type foliage around. I'm usually afraid they'll poke thier noses where a snake might be sleeping or a toad is resting. Anyway, I let her stay out by herself for awhile...the garden is completely fenced off...stray cats are usually our only visitors. Shortly after she came inside my dog vomited several times, collapsed and started breathing in a very odd, fast way...not at all like she was panting. She could hardly open her eyes and didn't have the energy to stand up.

I took her to our vet right when they opened and they had a look, gave her an antibiotic injection, some intravenous fluids and sent her home. When we got home, she immediately vomited again, and then had dirrohea (with blood). I quickly took her back to the vet and they are going to keep her for awhile. I took the stool sample in, since my maid thinks the dog might have eaten something which had poison on it.

The reason she thinks this is that her father (who takes care of the garden and house) found a bone by the back fence, but he threw it away...He thinks perhaps the people at the construction site behind us were trying to get rid of pesky rats or cats or whatever and maybe one of the cats brought the laced bone over to our yard.

Buy what do I do? I'm pretty sure my pup will be alright...the vet is good and I trust him. He did admit that blood in the feces and the other signs might mean my pet was 'accidentally' poisoned. If this is the case...what should I do? I mean about the construction people? Who can I call? Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks and I'm really sorry this is so long...


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Accidental poisoning is highly unlikely , the first thing I would do is to get your yard cleaned up, (cut grass , remove rubbish if any ) so that you can inspect the area before letting your pooches free.

In Thailand ,dog poisonings are very often a prelude to your home being robbed , there are bound to be workers envious of your belongings on the construction site adjoining .

Accidental poisoning is highly unlikely , the first thing I would do is to get your yard cleaned up, (cut grass , remove rubbish if any ) so that you can inspect the area before letting your pooches free.

In Thailand ,dog poisonings are very often a prelude to your home being robbed , there are bound to be workers envious of your belongings on the construction site adjoining .

Thanks very much for your advice. I read some of the old postings on dog poisoning and many mentioned the 'robbery' theme. We'll be much more alert around here....I hope my pup gets better.

Accidental poisoning is highly unlikely , the first thing I would do is to get your yard cleaned up, (cut grass , remove rubbish if any ) so that you can inspect the area before letting your pooches free.

In Thailand ,dog poisonings are very often a prelude to your home being robbed , there are bound to be workers envious of your belongings on the construction site adjoining .

Thanks for the info on potential robbery, ozzydom. Sheesh. That gives me the creeps.

My dog was poisoned once and lived and I believe (but cannot prove) that my neighbor put the poison out. But, I doubt the neighbor intended the poison for my dog.

My dog lived, but it makes you worry, when the next time it may happen.

Best of luck.


Actually, I know of several accidental poisonings, including one of my own dogs. Some people put out poison for rats with little regard for other animals who might eat the dead rat. One of my neighbors did so, my dog followed my sister in law, found the rat and ate it. She died. The people were very apologetic about it, hadn't thought ahead that perhaps it might kill another animal.


That's awful, whether accidental or not.

Could you have your maid help build some bridges between you and the workers ? (Their fault or not, this may be worthwhile.) Oh, but perhaps that's a stupid idea. I don't know.

I am so sorry about your dog and hope she will be well. Do let us know here.

That's awful, whether accidental or not.

Could you have your maid help build some bridges between you and the workers ? (Their fault or not, this may be worthwhile.) Oh, but perhaps that's a stupid idea. I don't know.

I am so sorry about your dog and hope she will be well. Do let us know here.

Looking from the other side of the fence, I live on quite a nice housing area. However a few dog owners let their dogs roam all day long, others let them out early in the morning..result dog mess on the road and pavements. The Village Management have asked dog owners not to be so thoughtless but they ignore it...do you by any chance know what poison was used.

That's awful, whether accidental or not.

Could you have your maid help build some bridges between you and the workers ? (Their fault or not, this may be worthwhile.) Oh, but perhaps that's a stupid idea. I don't know.

I am so sorry about your dog and hope she will be well. Do let us know here.

Looking from the other side of the fence, I live on quite a nice housing area. However a few dog owners let their dogs roam all day long, others let them out early in the morning..result dog mess on the road and pavements. The Village Management have asked dog owners not to be so thoughtless but they ignore it...do you by any chance know what poison was used.

Hi Everyone,

My dog is stable and still at the vet for now. Thank you for all your advice and thoughts...and by the way, my dogs never leave our house except to go the vet. There's no place to take them for a walk around here, and I think they wouldn't have a clue what to do if they encountered a car or another dog. I took them to a friend's house once to socialize with her dog, and they didn't know what they were expected to do. Okay, my pups are only a year old, but still, I thought dogs were supposed to be social creatures.

The reasoning behind this, is due to their small size, our garden is big enough for them to chase balls and sticks and basically get their fill of exercise...plus I have four children who play with them a lot in what I thought was a safe environment...snakes and toads...that was about it.

Anyway, I had this idea that I should contact the policemen who stop by my house (we've got one of those red boxes they sign), but my maid and her family don't really trust the police to handle this the right way. After all, we don't know for sure what's happened. We're still speculating. My maid's husband thinks he should go over and just mention that one of 'his' dogs is sick and wondered if they have a problem with rats around their construction site and perhaps they poisoned a rat and one of our dogs ate it 'accidentally'...you get the drift. I don't know...it's been ever so peaceful for the more than two years we've lived here. What do you think? Talk to the police or to the construction guys...of course through my maid's husband.

Oh, the vet thought the blood in the stool could mean arsenic...but nothing has been confirmed.

Bonnie - Worried in Old Bangkok

Thanks very much for your advice. I read some of the old postings on dog poisoning and many mentioned the 'robbery' theme. We'll be much more alert around here....I hope my pup gets better.

They will poison the dog the same night they're going to break into you. Why give advance notice ? The poison they use acts within a few hours. Been robbed had my dogs poisoned.

Looking from the other side of the fence, I live on quite a nice housing area. However a few dog owners let their dogs roam all day long, others let them out early in the morning..result dog mess on the road and pavements. The Village Management have asked dog owners not to be so thoughtless but they ignore it...do you by any chance know what poison was used.

This is not a "how to poison dogs" thread. :o

Thanks very much for your advice. I read some of the old postings on dog poisoning and many mentioned the 'robbery' theme. We'll be much more alert around here....I hope my pup gets better.

They will poison the dog the same night they're going to break into you. Why give advance notice ? The poison they use acts within a few hours. Been robbed had my dogs poisoned.

My German Shepherd was poisoned to death several days before the robbers came.

*This was in 1988 in ChaingMai


I was told that a 3% solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide will serve as an immediate antidote to give you the time to reach the vet. I keep a bottle with a large plastic syringe nearby, as many dogs in the neighbourhood were poisoned 6 months ago. No indication of robberies, so no one seems to know the reason. My dogs never leave our 1 rai fenced enclosure unless on a leash, and with me. Some neighbourhood dogs for years had attacked motorcyclists passing by: possibly a reason. In any event, unsettling. :o

Buy what do I do? He did admit that blood in the feces and the other signs might mean my pet was 'accidentally' poisoned. If this is the case...what should I do? I mean about the construction people? Who can I call? Anyone have any ideas?

Send them some home made som tam, with a bone in the middle, AND with a sauce of your choice !

.do you by any chance know what poison was used.

Good one ! :o


I had a dog poisoned in Pattaya many years ago so they could get in and steal my Honda Dream motorcycle. Local police said it was a very common occurance in Thailand. My present dog stays in at night..sleeps on the floor at the side of my bed. She's far more valuable than any motorbike..and I'm not talking money here.

  • 3 years later...

I was told that a 3% solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide will serve as an immediate antidote to give you the time to reach the vet. I keep a bottle with a large plastic syringe nearby,

Anyone else know ore about this?


it's a bit late to chip in but one of my dogs was poisoned because he was licking a toad. result: convulsions, partly paralysed hind legs and vomiting. 4 days in intensive care made him ok again and taught him a lesson.

i had no idea what happened till the vet asked me whether we have a pond with frogs and toads.


I had a dog poisoned in Pattaya many years ago so they could get in and steal my Honda Dream motorcycle. Local police said it was a very common occurance in Thailand. My present dog stays in at night..sleeps on the floor at the side of my bed. She's far more valuable than any motorbike..and I'm not talking money here.

i feel the same about our dog no money could buy,but me&mrs worry over what he could pick up we have a pond and there are toads coming in the ones y have to look for have small lumpy bodies,we also had some rats on our land but managed to cure the problem if y have drains cover with plastic fencing we have found this to be afective or if y find any holes put some broken glass down them cover with cement,ours sleeps with us also but we let him out before going to bed and he has encounted the odd snake and takab they worry us more their bite is rearly bad for dogs.please keep us posted on how your dogs progress.tomorrow ours goes for the chop not looking forward to it.

Yes, reading about the guy poisoning cats at will in another thread reminds me of my dog who found a dead rat, chewed on it and died. Poisoned by the neighbors, the rat found its way to my property before dying.

  • 6 months later...

Just a couple of hours ago one of my dogs ate some poison, this is the second time it has happened, first time to another dog (we have 4 dogs).

Our immediate action was to literally pour cooking oil and raw eggs down their throat to induce vomiting. A very scary experience watching one of your loved ones go through the horrors. Just checked and she is as good as back to normal now.

We live on 6 rai surrounded by farm land and as much as I hate to tie my dogs up, we have to do it. I try and let them go for runs whenever there are no farmers out working in the fields. I take them for walks, but is no comparison for exercise like the freedom to run.

There are a lot of stray dogs in the area that frequently kill chickens, so our next door neighbour has tried to bait these dogs and told us not to let our dogs free when he does this.

Unfortunately these strays are way too clever.

I am trying to train the dogs to just stay on our land when I let them free, but that's like telling your kids they can only go on one ride at Disneyland, and that's the merry-go-round.

But the poisoning didn't come from my neighbour, farmers nearby don't like dogs and also the wife says there are a few jealous Thais in the village who obviously don't like my presence and they just want to kill our dogs........didn't consider the robbery aspect until I read this thread....something else to consider.

BTW my neighbour has also had one of his dogs poisoned, but thankfully with cooking oil and raw eggs he is still with us.

Just thought I'd share that as most of us have those ingredients at hand for such emergencies. That's 3 lives saved with this method.


Just a couple of hours ago one of my dogs ate some poison, this is the second time it has happened, first time to another dog (we have 4 dogs).

Our immediate action was to literally pour cooking oil and raw eggs down their throat to induce vomiting. A very scary experience watching one of your loved ones go through the horrors. Just checked and she is as good as back to normal now.

We live on 6 rai surrounded by farm land and as much as I hate to tie my dogs up, we have to do it. I try and let them go for runs whenever there are no farmers out working in the fields. I take them for walks, but is no comparison for exercise like the freedom to run.

There are a lot of stray dogs in the area that frequently kill chickens, so our next door neighbour has tried to bait these dogs and told us not to let our dogs free when he does this.

Unfortunately these strays are way too clever.

I am trying to train the dogs to just stay on our land when I let them free, but that's like telling your kids they can only go on one ride at Disneyland, and that's the merry-go-round.

But the poisoning didn't come from my neighbour, farmers nearby don't like dogs and also the wife says there are a few jealous Thais in the village who obviously don't like my presence and they just want to kill our dogs........didn't consider the robbery aspect until I read this thread....something else to consider.

BTW my neighbour has also had one of his dogs poisoned, but thankfully with cooking oil and raw eggs he is still with us.

Just thought I'd share that as most of us have those ingredients at hand for such emergencies. That's 3 lives saved with this method.

We have also used raw egg with success.

Wow. My dogs(GDS) love raw eggs, last week the female managed to get to the tray with 20 eggs and eat the lot. No problems, looked very happy after that



Used to let my dogs run free day and night and as a result lost 3 dogs over a period of 18 months.

Each time it happened while we were away in Bangkok but they were being fed and watered by a relative.

I now keep two dogs locked up at night and have been able to keep both much loved since.I had been told

that some people had been warned that baits were going to be laid because a particular person was losing

footware overnight.I fronted the people who I had suspected anyway and told them that I had lost three

dogs ( I didn't accuse them )and that it was not a pleasant sight to witness a poisoned dog die and also

that it was illegal to lay baits.Have not heard of anyone losing a dog since in the village.


Used to let my dogs run free day and night and as a result lost 3 dogs over a period of 18 months.

Each time it happened while we were away in Bangkok but they were being fed and watered by a relative.

I now keep two dogs locked up at night and have been able to keep both much loved since.I had been told

that some people had been warned that baits were going to be laid because a particular person was losing

footware overnight.I fronted the people who I had suspected anyway and told them that I had lost three

dogs ( I didn't accuse them )and that it was not a pleasant sight to witness a poisoned dog die and also

that it was illegal to lay baits.Have not heard of anyone losing a dog since in the village.

Besides of the poison-issue one has to be now-adays very careful with dog-stealing gangs!!!


Used to let my dogs run free day and night and as a result lost 3 dogs over a period of 18 months.

Each time it happened while we were away in Bangkok but they were being fed and watered by a relative.

I now keep two dogs locked up at night and have been able to keep both much loved since.I had been told

that some people had been warned that baits were going to be laid because a particular person was losing

footware overnight.I fronted the people who I had suspected anyway and told them that I had lost three

dogs ( I didn't accuse them )and that it was not a pleasant sight to witness a poisoned dog die and also

that it was illegal to lay baits.Have not heard of anyone losing a dog since in the village.

Besides of the poison-issue one has to be now-adays very careful with dog-stealing gangs!!!



Used to see 2 or 3 of these every week in our village but haven't seen one for quite some time now.

See the instument on the side That is what they catch them with.


Thanks for the Eggs trick - very useful indeed.

I keep charcoal pills and when I can get it keep a pot of adrenalin in the fridge just in case. Could have been poison, a snake, or even a centipede. Either way, not good. However, the Eggs and Oil trick is great knowledge and I must keep some in.

That's awful, whether accidental or not.

Could you have your maid help build some bridges between you and the workers ? (Their fault or not, this may be worthwhile.) Oh, but perhaps that's a stupid idea. I don't know.

I am so sorry about your dog and hope she will be well. Do let us know here.

Looking from the other side of the fence, I live on quite a nice housing area. However a few dog owners let their dogs roam all day long, others let them out early in the morning..result dog mess on the road and pavements. The Village Management have asked dog owners not to be so thoughtless but they ignore it...do you by any chance know what poison was used.

That's not funny.


The phantom dog poisoner has re-emerged in our village.I am a bit of a Pied Piper with a lot of the local dogs and this morning found one of the dogs that join me and my dogs on our morning exersize/latrine walk and she was frothing at the mouth.At first I thought it was rabies but after notifying the owner,they said it was poisoned and immediately brought out the egg and oil.It looks like I might have found it in time as it is improving after the treatment.The dogs brother was poisoned two weeks ago.they were/are beautiful dogs and spend much time with my dogs.I feel I know who is doing it but can't prove anything.

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