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My wife is going on to her second large can of Anmum Materna powdered milk supplement. The company is owned by Fonterra. Fonterra has a large stake in the Chinese milk supplier that was spiking the milk with melamine to artificially increase the protein levels. I am sure you have seen it on the news.

My question is how the heck can I tell where the formula was manufactured? The labeling is all in Thai. The only clue I could find was a Halal certification from N.Z. I assume that's New Zealand. I still can't tell where the formula was produced. I have checked the Thai FDA website and no dice.

I should have checked into it earlier. I got a mass e-mail today from ACS of the US Embassy warning about baby formulas and I checked it out and this company Fonterra is right in the middle of it. And a batch of Anmum Materna was recalled by the company. :o

Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. This is the 3rd month that she has been drinking the supplement and right now I don't know whether the sh*t or go blind.


My wife is going on to her second large can of Anmum Materna powdered milk supplement. The company is owned by Fonterra. Fonterra has a large stake in the Chinese milk supplier that was spiking the milk with melamine to artificially increase the protein levels. I am sure you have seen it on the news.

My question is how the heck can I tell where the formula was manufactured? The labeling is all in Thai. The only clue I could find was a Halal certification from N.Z. I assume that's New Zealand. I still can't tell where the formula was produced. I have checked the Thai FDA website and no dice.

I should have checked into it earlier. I got a mass e-mail today from ACS of the US Embassy warning about baby formulas and I checked it out and this company Fonterra is right in the middle of it. And a batch of Anmum Materna was recalled by the company. :o

Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. This is the 3rd month that she has been drinking the supplement and right now I don't know whether the sh*t or go blind.


<deleted>?????????? Is this baby formula??????? I wouldn't chance it. NO WAY! Get rid of it. Thank God my wife breast feeds. I am sure that your baby is on formula because your wife cannot. Check to see where Enfa is made, or ask a competent pediatrician what is best. I would not trust ANY milk product from China no matter where it fall on the recall list.


It's for pregnant women. Anmum Malaysian Website I can't find a Thai website for these guys. My wife is 4+ months pregnant with our triplets. I just hope that the Halal seal from New Zealand means it came from cows in NZ and OZ. And formula isn't all they make Fonterra's Main Website They also make butter, ice cream, milk, yogurt, cheese, and pretty much anything dairy. If it wasn't for the E-mail from the embassy I wouldn't have checked the can closely and find the website address in very very small print.

Now I am just worried to no end... :o


I found the receipt for the can of Anmum and will be returning it to Carrefour tomorrow. At least I won't be out the 480baht I spent on it. Not that it's any consolation. Hopefully I will be able to find a comparable product imported from the US or EU. I have searched high and low and can not find any listing of the brands that could possibly be tainted with melamine. Boycott Fonterra until they go out of business. I just hope that my wife and our babies are OK. She already consumed a 800 gram can of Anmum and 2 dozen UHT boxes. <deleted> <deleted>. Too bad they can't extradite the Fonterra top brass to China for prosecution. They knew about this for months maybe over a year. Bastards. :o

And it seems that the Thai FDA is asleep at the switch. I checked their website and found no warnings about the melamine tainted formula. TIT.

Now I get to drive myself nuts for the next 5 months... :D


gunny , materna? israel also produces materna formula (they also make the formulas for baby animals to spec for the zoo); i think kibbutz maabarot but not sure... google...

no consolation but esimalac made here also a few years ago w/o niacin additives caused lots of damage, and we are supposedly with an international level of health and FDA type checks....

so first world or third world, doesnt mean much unfortunately...

well, here it is: wyeth company in montreal makes materna tablets prenatal which our govt health providers give to pregnant women; the importer is a large drug company here: neopharm in petach tikva...

maybe u can order over seas from here or from the states... i got the info from www.drugstore.co.il but info is in hebrew first pate, english and arabic second page in pdf format...




I hear ya. I was watching BBC News and saw that Oreos and Chocolates made in China have been found with melamine. I wouldn't eat anything out of China for a while. I checked the candies I had in the fridge and found the M&Ms made in China, well phuck me sideways. What kills me is that the Thai FDA seems to have done nothing... I hope someone gives the real criminals (the New Zealand and other foreign owners) justice. The sad thing is that it will not happen, and the Chinese execs will end up with a bullet to the back of the head. Not that I approve of China's justice system. They deserve life sentences and a diet of melamine laced food. Bastards.


I read the Forterra news bite and even watched the video. Frankly I don't care what these criminals have to say, I don't believe it. I see something new found with melamine made in China almost on a daily basis. I got rid of the stuff and am now reading the packaging of everything. Ended up spending at least 10 minutes today reading labels making sure the stuff I was buying wasn't made in China.

With the wife preggers I don't care who makes it or what they have to say. If it says made in China and it's food, I'm not buying.

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