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Doctor Olivier


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Does anyone know if Dr Olivier (whose clinic is on Road 3 near South Road) is OK? His clinic is closed and there's a scrappy message on the shutter which says "temporarily closed". Most unlike Dr O. who is the model of Swiss efficiency!

I only know that his house which is for sale,for a long time already due to the booming real estate business but that's another topic,is empty for about a month now.Still there is movement some time but not seen him there.

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Does anyone know if Dr Olivier (whose clinic is on Road 3 near South Road) is OK? His clinic is closed and there's a scrappy message on the shutter which says "temporarily closed". Most unlike Dr O. who is the model of Swiss efficiency!

i went to dr Oliver about 2 tears ago for a sinus complaint ,to be honest he was not much use,went to a clinic on second road to see a thai doctor ,what a difference ,sorted my problem out almost immediatly. this might not be fair ,but as far as i was concerned dr Oliver is no great loss.

Edited by thaimate
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Last year I recall their was another thread concerning the disappearance of Dr. Oliver and his clinic closing.

Yes he did disappear earlier this year, and the clinic was closed. There wasn't even a sign saying what had happened. Then he suddenly reappeared again and everything was back to normal.

Someone said that he had had a personal emergency, but who knows for sure?

It certainly is stange behaviour - especially if there are patients who depend on him.

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I think Dr. O is pretty OK. Friendly guy. He diagnosed in about 5 seconds and easily cured me of one simple thing that two Thai hospital doctors failed at after expensive tests. The prices are a bit high and I have found his clerical staff shockingly rude. Oh well. I think he is just on holiday. I hope he continues to provide his services. I wouldn't go to him for anything very serious but for everyday tropical ailments, he has a good niche.

Edited by Jingthing
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Does anyone know if Dr Olivier (whose clinic is on Road 3 near South Road) is OK? His clinic is closed and there's a scrappy message on the shutter which says "temporarily closed". Most unlike Dr O. who is the model of Swiss efficiency!

he told me that his clinic will open on 16th because he need a few days of holidays. i am waiting for the results of a general check-up :o

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I think Dr. O is pretty OK. Friendly guy. He diagnosed in about 5 seconds and easily cured me of one simple thing that two Thai hospital doctors failed at after expensive tests. The prices are a bit high and I have found his clerical staff shockingly rude. Oh well. I think he is just on holiday. I hope he continues to provide his services. I wouldn't go to him for anything very serious but for everyday tropical ailments, he has a good niche.

i second that. but their negative attitude is cured in seconds when you tell both "receptionists" in a stern voice who the fàck you think you are?! :o

p.s. my uneducated guess is that the staff (not the nurse!) is used to deal with ooooold meek farangs age 50-59 who have no backbone and nothing in their mind but worrying about their prostate and general "pecker weakness". what the staff needs once in a while to make them sit up is a young Klingon warrior (age 65) giving them a good dressing down by drawing his sword and threatening "ELSE OR CIRCUMCISION!!! INCLUDING WHAT EVER THERE IS TO CIRCUMCISE ON A LADY!" :D

Edited by Naam
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  • 3 weeks later...

I just tried to call his office on the usual number (0-3872-3521) and was told by a Thai lady he was no longer there. I asked "what day Dr Olivier come back?" She said something to the effect that he wouldn't be back there.

His website's still up, showing the same contact details.

Anyone any further news?

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I just tried to call his office on the usual number (0-3872-3521) and was told by a Thai lady he was no longer there. I asked "what day Dr Olivier come back?" She said something to the effect that he wouldn't be back there.

His website's still up, showing the same contact details.

Anyone any further news?

Last time i was there after talking to his rude 2 front counter staff,I sat down and listened to a Music CD they must of had on repeat,a song i later found out named "dont come around here anymore" by Tom Petty,seems to be the only words to the song.

Anyway the good doctor was selling the building at the time and was planning on heading to the City downunder called shitty Sydney.

Now......this could be because the money may be higher ,.......or his partner is studying at Sydney University,and i imagine the good Doctor would be working could be working at either RNSH or to give you a hint maybe the.....St Vincets Hospital in Darlinghurst,Sydney,the latter specialising in HIV Medicine in which i know the good Doc was interested in.

I dont know if he will be back....you could try their number and have him paged if your desperate.

But he sold up so i imagine he bought or would buy a house/apartment in Sydney,i dunno everything,only what he told me and what i heard in my community travel in Pattaya.

The good Doctor seemed a bit "distant" on my last visit even though he was polite i had the feeling i may have beeb boring him to death almost like something else on his mind.\

As i walked out of his office and he shaked me my hand and wished me well for my stomach complaint and before i could say ,"ah no Doc it was my foot actually",he was off into the distance and i turned around and that song was still playing by Tom Petty,"dont come around here no more" and i found my self singing along to it as i slowly walked past the 2 sitting miserable receptionists one with a white face and black lipstick also singing along to it "dont come around here no more,whatever your looking for,dont come around here no more,dont wanna see you no more,dont come around no more,hey,dont come around no more"

And that was my last visit and i remember throwing a smile to the 2 miserable receptionists as i was singing and left and i remember their faces becoming more miserable when they saw me smiling.

"whatever your looking for,dont come around here no more"

Edited by traindriver
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I didn't realize this thread existed; I would have posted earlier.

I know a little of Dr. O's story (I called him right after I heard his clinic was closed), this was after it had been dark for a two-week holiday. It seems his marriage has ended ... badly. He shut his practice down because of disputes over control of the clinic. He expressed regret that he was not able to support his patients at that time and went on to say he hoped to stay in Pattaya and open a new clinic when possible. He wanted all his patients to know what happened, of his regrets and his plans. I passed the word to those I knew that used to see him. A few days ago a friend received an email from Dr. O in which he again apologized to his patients and wrote that he was opening a new clinic on November 8. He didn't state its location.

Hope this helps.

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A few days ago a friend received an email from Dr. O in which he again apologized to his patients and wrote that he was opening a new clinic on November 8. He didn't state its location.

Hope this helps.

Good news that Dr Olivier will be continuing! Thanks for the information.

It would be great if you could post here on ThaiVisa the details of his new clinic once it's up and running.

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Dr O ? Strange guy, I always thought he was one baht short of a nung phan ?

You're welcome to your opinion of course.

When I took my girlfriend to his clinic he spoke the best Thai I have ever heard from any falang. She understood him perfectly and he her. VERY impressive.

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latest news from yesterday: after several futile attempts to obtain the results of my annual blood tests (test was done sept 4!) my wife declared 10 days ago [former] Dr. Olivier's clinic "off limits" for me. her fear was to visit me daily in the slammer because of premeditated murder and torture of at least one of his staff. yesterday she finally managed after 10 minutes explaining to the rude bitch behind the reception counter ("you want test? no farang doctor! thai doctor only. you no like thai doctor, you go!") that she has not come for a test but would like to collect my results :o

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Dr O ? Strange guy, I always thought he was one baht short of a nung phan ?

You're welcome to your opinion of course.

When I took my girlfriend to his clinic he spoke the best Thai I have ever heard from any falang. She understood him perfectly and he her. VERY impressive.

i can't judge his Thai but i conversed with him in English, French and German without any problems. no wonder. after all... he is Swiss. should have checked his Italian too but did not dare :o

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I used the good doctor on a couple of occasions and found him thorough, professional and charming in a Swiss sort of way.

He was a refreshing change to the Thai medical principals of doing every test under the sun, and prescribing every medicine known to mankind for even the mildest of ailments, in the hope that one of them might work.

The only real GP I would trust in Pattaya.

He has developed this funny habit of disappearing without notice - but now we know that even behind an upright, eminently sensible Swiss Doctor there is trouble lurking in the guise of a brown eyed she- devil. :D

Poor fellow :o

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Dr O ? Strange guy, I always thought he was one baht short of a nung phan ?

You're welcome to your opinion of course.

When I took my girlfriend to his clinic he spoke the best Thai I have ever heard from any falang. She understood him perfectly and he her. VERY impressive.

Sure because to get a license as doctor in this county you need to pass a language test in spoken and written Thai.

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Sure because to get a license as doctor in this county you need to pass a language test in spoken and written Thai.

So I take my hat off to Dr Olivier.

I for sure wouldn't pass despite all my efforts with the language!

I can only second Mobi's other positive comments.

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Sure because to get a license as doctor in this county you need to pass a language test in spoken and written Thai.

So I take my hat off to Dr Olivier.

I for sure wouldn't pass despite all my efforts with the language!

I can only second Mobi's other positive comments.

me too! he takes his time, answers questions and his fees are very moderate. anybody complaining about them should try Pattaya International or Bangkok Pattaya for comparison.

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I know D. O quite well. He is a friendly guy and a good Doctor. But personally i never understand why a "swiss educated" Doctor works here in LOS and waisting his time with low fees and low income.

Perhaps in Mobi's reference to brown-eyed she devils, might reside a clue? :o

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Advert in Pattaya People Weekly 11-18 October edition page 17.

Imortant Announcement

Dr. Oliver regrets to inform you that he does not work anymore in the medical clinic situated Soi LK Pavillion, due to personal problems. He will open very soon a new medical clinic in Pattaya.

Meanwhile,Dr Oliver can be reached with

Tel 08 6827 6922

and [email protected]

I guess that is how to get your test results. Or to find the location of the new clinic.

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Advert in Pattaya People Weekly 11-18 October edition page 17.
Imortant Announcement

Dr. Oliver regrets to inform you that he does not work anymore in the medical clinic situated Soi LK Pavillion, due to personal problems. He will open very soon a new medical clinic in Pattaya.

Meanwhile,Dr Oliver can be reached with

Tel 08 6827 6922

and [email protected]

I guess that is how to get your test results. Or to find the location of the new clinic.

I looked just now and Dr Olivier's website has been updated and is now giving the same information as this post.

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Advert in Pattaya People Weekly 11-18 October edition page 17.
Imortant Announcement

Dr. Oliver regrets to inform you that he does not work anymore in the medical clinic situated Soi LK Pavillion, due to personal problems. He will open very soon a new medical clinic in Pattaya.

Meanwhile,Dr Oliver can be reached with

Tel 08 6827 6922

and [email protected]

I guess that is how to get your test results. Or to find the location of the new clinic.

I looked just now and Dr Olivier's website has been updated and is now giving the same information as this post.

maybe he got problem with a greedy chinese landlord

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