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Hi !

Yes that is a cockroach ! You could find millions ones in dirty water pipes, or any wet and dark places as under the sink in the kitchen.

Sometimes very big and always very speed. And they have a pretty strong health ! It needs a special insect killer for them !

You can find many produces in all shops, and if you have a house and a garden, you'd better to use a specialist who will put strong produce at least once per month.

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I'm am not sure about using something too strong because of my 4 yr old girl, is their a safe alternative?

I use just ordinary bug spray(like Raid) , kills even those huge mothers that are prevelant in Thailand , do not have to drown them , the spray on their bodies does the job of extermination just fine .

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.... too strong because of my 4 yr old girl, is their a safe alternative?
Use something strong where the 4yr old does not venture but the dark creepy places that the bugs love. Behind cupboard spaces etc. If you don't have such places in your nice new place - create one with an old cardboard box.

We had some in the past but one of the dogs now gets them on sight.

From my own experiance - beware some off the shelf sprays are really nasty - even for adult humans - spray then leave the room, don't breath it in.

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