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Reflections On A Simple Isan Girl


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You are very lucky indeed Shrek. The odds of marrying an Issan prostitute and the relationship working out is very rare indeed.

You say she has never asked for a penny? and that she earns her own money?

How does she support her family back in Issan? with "her" money?

Does she contribute to the household budget with "her" money? or does she send it all back to moma in Issan?

Err fuc_kwit when did my wife become an Isan prostitute

She sends around 30 % of her wage to her mum


Offensive post get outa my face or meet me

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This topic tells me more about the posters here than about Issaan girls.

What a bunch of prejudiced losers.

A good girl/woman is a good girl/woman no matter where she's from or what her occupation was/is.

My 2 cents


kop kun marg khrap

you are sooooooo right

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This is a general comment related to some of the other posts but not directed at the OP specifically.

I strongly feel that any successful marriage is a match of like minded people. Therefore, it's hardly surprising that so many farang in Thailand find 'love' with women too lazy and immoral to work for an honest living. BGs have zero respect from greater Thai society and only find acceptance from peers. Farang who marry them are viewed conditionally by Thai society: 'he's a good farang but...'.

Get away from the bars and try to enter the world of the other 99% of the population and you'll find a world of educated and honest beautiful women who are respected within their own society. Marry one and you join Thailand not thailand.

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This topic tells me more about the posters here than about Issaan girls.

What a bunch of prejudiced losers.

A good girl/woman is a good girl/woman no matter where she's from or what her occupation was/is.

My 2 cents


kop kun marg khrap

you are sooooooo right

You're very welcome.



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The OP is most likely worked up about all the negative TG posts. I really don't care where or what the girl does in Thailand. I spent time with TGs I enjoyed and that worked for me. Met a TG 9 years ago an have been married for 6. Hasn't been all bliss, but the good times greatly outnumber the bad.

Thai dating is Darwinism at work. Only the strong survive with their emotional and financial well being intact. If you lack confidence and common sense, you are doomed and this applies in any country, but in Thailand there are more women that make a profession out scamming the weak.

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What are you trying to do with your misguided OP, Shrek?

Did you consider the amount of perceived wisdom you would tear down from this Forum with your propaganda?

All the "experts" who constantly say such a relationship can never work, left without credibility.

Age old clichés such as "you can take the girl out of the bar ............" exploded as myths.

Naysayers and advice givers having to re-examine their prejudices.

Shame on you.

whoopi shreks 1 in 1000 so the f-- what!!...........99% of those esan monkeys are grubbers,they coach each other,then again their prey is looser city(greeny,ugly, mad.gif fat or old)t's an industry don't you read the bangkok post?

I rest my case!

So unforgiven, in your last two posts you have admitted you are 20 years old, and you read the Bangkok Post. I reckon your credibility is 0 :o

buddy your either some loser newby with your head up your asshol_e or your a Thai mole :D

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What are you trying to do with your misguided OP, Shrek?

Did you consider the amount of perceived wisdom you would tear down from this Forum with your propaganda?

All the "experts" who constantly say such a relationship can never work, left without credibility.

Age old clichés such as "you can take the girl out of the bar ............" exploded as myths.

Naysayers and advice givers having to re-examine their prejudices.

Shame on you.

whoopi shreks 1 in 1000 so the f-- what!!...........99% of those esan monkeys are grubbers,they coach each other,then again their prey is looser city(greeny,ugly, mad.gif fat or old)t's an industry don't you read the bangkok post?

I rest my case!

So unforgiven, in your last two posts you have admitted you are 20 years old, and you read the Bangkok Post. I reckon your credibility is 0 :o

buddy your either some loser newby with your head up your asshol_e or your a Thai mole :D

After the isaan monkey remarks it is more than clear exactly who the loser is around here

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What are you trying to do with your misguided OP, Shrek?

Did you consider the amount of perceived wisdom you would tear down from this Forum with your propaganda?

All the "experts" who constantly say such a relationship can never work, left without credibility.

Age old clichés such as "you can take the girl out of the bar ............" exploded as myths.

Naysayers and advice givers having to re-examine their prejudices.

Shame on you.

whoopi shreks 1 in 1000 so the f-- what!!...........99% of those esan monkeys are grubbers,they coach each other,then again their prey is looser city(greeny,ugly, mad.gif fat or old)t's an industry don't you read the bangkok post?

I rest my case!

So unforgiven, in your last two posts you have admitted you are 20 years old, and you read the Bangkok Post. I reckon your credibility is 0 :o

buddy your either some loser newby with your head up your asshol_e or your a Thai mole :D

After the isaan monkey remarks it is more than clear exactly who the loser is around here

Listen Mr.THailand.The monkey remark was directed at the vampires.I have many friends that are Isan .I assume your english is to poor to understand that the comment was directed at the vampires only. :D

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Kirsty Jones


Murder of Kelvin Bourke and rape of his girlfriend Sheri McFarlane


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Some of the many, are you next???


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From another forum:

Internet dating...




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Some of the murdered...

Jules Odekerken...


Hanna Charlotta Backlund


Katherine Horton



Adam Lloyd & Vanessa Arscott


Dale Henry


Mark Jay Keffer


Tatiana Tsimfer & Liubov Svirkova


Toby Charnaud


Jon LaChappelle


Michael Beavis


Michael Witt


Kirsty Jones


Murder of Kelvin Bourke and rape of his girlfriend Sheri McFarlane


Erikki Aal Tonen


Ivor Chandler



Leo Del Pinto shot dead & Carly Reisig seriously wounded


Some of the many, are you next???


Admittedly, I haven't even bothered to read all of the 'links', but, I'd seriously question the relevance to the OP.

Unsurprisingly, despite the good intentions of the OP, I think it's clear where this thread is going.

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Interesting video.

It's sad all these over 50 men in England thinking that they have found true love when all the woman wants is a UK passport and their kids into England.

Why do they pick a girl from a Pattaya bar with kids??? These are the ones that are already married to a Thai man.

Silly old fools.

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It seems that a positive topic is not allowed on this board.

Each and every time someone tries to tell us something nice, warm, or about a happy feeling, some tossers will have to come along and say that it is not possible and it cannot be so.

What is the matter with these people? Did they get burned themselves, don't they have the ability to run into a problem and solve it, so everything in their own life automatically leads to disaster?

Are they used to high divorce rates back home and maybe experienced that themselves ( maybe several times). Or are they just very discontent people who have to moan and bitch about everything.

Do they come from countries where there is a negative outlook on the world and life altogether, and where negativity and for instance violence is so present that the thought of someone just being happy is almost impossible to grasp?

Or are they just not capable of putting 100% in their own relationship to make it work because they don't know how to do it, and therefor will drag others down who can.

I feel sorry for some of you, I really do.

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It's sad all these over 50 men in England thinking that they have found true love when all the woman wants is a UK passport and their kids into England.

Why do they pick a girl from a Pattaya bar with kids??? These are the ones that are already married to a Thai man.

Silly old fools.

This is not aiming at you p' Neeranam"

Just general question:

I still don't understand of......."What is sooo special about England?", and why thai girls are HoopHoop LaLa and wanting to be there about it?"

---- beside better school than in thailand - for her thai kids that is

Well still mind boggling to me :o

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It's sad all these over 50 men in England thinking that they have found true love when all the woman wants is a UK passport and their kids into England.

Why do they pick a girl from a Pattaya bar with kids??? These are the ones that are already married to a Thai man.

Silly old fools.

This is not aiming at you p' Neeranam"

Just general question:

I still don't understand of......."What is sooo special about England?", and why thai girls are HoopHoop LaLa and wanting to be there about it?"

---- beside better school than in thailand - for her thai kids that is

Well still mind boggling to me :o

From my perspective there is no longer anything special about England. However, for a Thai the economics are mind-bogglingly simple:-

18 years ago my friend married an Isaan Thai. Her prospects were limited in Thailand and she had little more than basic education. However, her samong was sound and she had a good husband who helped her find employment with an international fast food chain. She became manager. Earnings now circa 1,300,000 Baht per annum and house value circa 20,000,000 Baht. Would she have achieved that inThailand - I seriously doubt it. She has been able to support her family in a way they could not have imagined 20 years ago.

On the other hand, I am one of those over 50's who found a girlfriend in Pattaya. I have no intention of bringing her to England (except for a 2 week holiday!), it is the culture, climate, economics etc of Thailand that will persuade me to do the reverse of my friends wife.

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It's sad all these over 50 men in England thinking that they have found true love when all the woman wants is a UK passport and their kids into England.

Why do they pick a girl from a Pattaya bar with kids??? These are the ones that are already married to a Thai man.

Silly old fools.

This is not aiming at you p' Neeranam"

Just general question:

I still don't understand of......."What is sooo special about England?", and why thai girls are HoopHoop LaLa and wanting to be there about it?"

---- beside better school than in thailand - for her thai kids that is

Well still mind boggling to me :o

From my perspective there is no longer anything special about England. However, for a Thai the economics are mind-bogglingly simple:-

18 years ago my friend married an Isaan Thai. Her prospects were limited in Thailand and she had little more than basic education. However, her samong was sound and she had a good husband who helped her find employment with an international fast food chain. She became manager. Earnings now circa 1,300,000 Baht per annum and house value circa 20,000,000 Baht. Would she have achieved that inThailand - I seriously doubt it. She has been able to support her family in a way they could not have imagined 20 years ago.

On the other hand, I am one of those over 50's who found a girlfriend in Pattaya. I have no intention of bringing her to England (except for a 2 week holiday!), it is the culture, climate, economics etc of Thailand that will persuade me to do the reverse of my friends wife.

Well that may be just handful of the minority.

However what I have found, on the majority,

-most thai girls with their farang partner (in Thailand that is) - they don’t like working much and spending time watching TV, eating, chatting, shopping, phoning - basically DO NOTHING all day - except spending money. And I doubt it by taking them to England will change on their mindset much!!!

just Me think

Edited by teacup
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It's sad all these over 50 men in England thinking that they have found true love when all the woman wants is a UK passport and their kids into England.

Why do they pick a girl from a Pattaya bar with kids??? These are the ones that are already married to a Thai man.

Silly old fools.

This is not aiming at you p' Neeranam"

Just general question:

I still don't understand of......."What is sooo special about England?", and why thai girls are HoopHoop LaLa and wanting to be there about it?"

---- beside better school than in thailand - for her thai kids that is

Well still mind boggling to me :o

From my perspective there is no longer anything special about England. However, for a Thai the economics are mind-bogglingly simple:-

18 years ago my friend married an Isaan Thai. Her prospects were limited in Thailand and she had little more than basic education. However, her samong was sound and she had a good husband who helped her find employment with an international fast food chain. She became manager. Earnings now circa 1,300,000 Baht per annum and house value circa 20,000,000 Baht. Would she have achieved that inThailand - I seriously doubt it. She has been able to support her family in a way they could not have imagined 20 years ago.

On the other hand, I am one of those over 50's who found a girlfriend in Pattaya. I have no intention of bringing her to England (except for a 2 week holiday!), it is the culture, climate, economics etc of Thailand that will persuade me to do the reverse of my friends wife.

Well that may be just handful of the minority.

However what I have found, on the majority,

-most thai girls with their farang partner (in Thailand that is) - they don't like working much and spending time watching TV, eating, chatting, shopping, phoning - basically DO NOTHING all day - except spending money. And I doubt it by taking them to England will change on their mindset much!!!

just Me think

I think you may have it wrong there Teacup.....salaries in the UK incentivise some Thai wives to work in order to send money home......I can truly say the ones I have met have been far from lazy.....they are industrious and hard working. :D

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It's sad all these over 50 men in England thinking that they have found true love when all the woman wants is a UK passport and their kids into England.

Why do they pick a girl from a Pattaya bar with kids??? These are the ones that are already married to a Thai man.

Silly old fools.

This is not aiming at you p' Neeranam"

Just general question:

I still don't understand of......."What is sooo special about England?", and why thai girls are HoopHoop LaLa and wanting to be there about it?"

---- beside better school than in thailand - for her thai kids that is

Well still mind boggling to me :o

From my perspective there is no longer anything special about England. However, for a Thai the economics are mind-bogglingly simple:-

18 years ago my friend married an Isaan Thai. Her prospects were limited in Thailand and she had little more than basic education. However, her samong was sound and she had a good husband who helped her find employment with an international fast food chain. She became manager. Earnings now circa 1,300,000 Baht per annum and house value circa 20,000,000 Baht. Would she have achieved that inThailand - I seriously doubt it. She has been able to support her family in a way they could not have imagined 20 years ago.

On the other hand, I am one of those over 50's who found a girlfriend in Pattaya. I have no intention of bringing her to England (except for a 2 week holiday!), it is the culture, climate, economics etc of Thailand that will persuade me to do the reverse of my friends wife.

Well that may be just handful of the minority.

However what I have found, on the majority,

-most thai girls with their farang partner (in Thailand that is) - they don't like working much and spending time watching TV, eating, chatting, shopping, phoning - basically DO NOTHING all day - except spending money. And I doubt it by taking them to England will change on their mindset much!!!

just Me think

Well, certainly amongst my wife's circle of friends, I can say that you are most definitely wrong - I don't know of one that isn't in at least part time employment & at least a couple, plus previously the missus, are holding down more than one job.

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Well that may be just handful of the minority.

However what I have found, on the majority,

-most thai girls with their farang partner (in Thailand that is) - they don't like working much and spending time watching TV, eating, chatting, shopping, phoning - basically DO NOTHING all day - except spending money. And I doubt it by taking them to England will change on their mindset much!!!

just Me think

I agree - I have also seen many girls 'glued' to TV etc. I may be wrong but I think that they are mainly the 'hardened' bar workers although I accept that many others would sit around all day if they could.

In England few will enjoy such luxury - I know of 7 Thai girlfriends/wives in my town and ALL go out to work.

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Well that may be just handful of the minority.

However what I have found, on the majority,

-most thai girls with their farang partner (in Thailand that is) - they don't like working much and spending time watching TV, eating, chatting, shopping, phoning - basically DO NOTHING all day - except spending money. And I doubt it by taking them to England will change on their mindset much!!!

just Me think

I agree - I have also seen many girls 'glued' to TV etc. I may be wrong but I think that they are mainly the 'hardened' bar workers although I accept that many others would sit around all day if they could.

In England few will enjoy such luxury - I know of 7 Thai girlfriends/wives in my town and ALL go out to work.

The fact they do nothing, could also stem from aspects of their partners influence - I've met guys who don't want their wives working, whilst they haven't admitted it, perhaps this could stem from jealousy?

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My gf is from Issan.  I help her financially (she is still in Thailand) and she still works to help her family.  When we get married in 2010 (in the USA), she said that she wants to work because she has to take care of her parents.  She's not a bar girl and finishing her BA degree.  We have an agreement that I take care of her and she works to take care of her family.

I'm glad for the OP's posting and it's nice to hear success stories

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The fact they do nothing, could also stem from aspects of their partners influence - I've met guys who don't want their wives working, whilst they haven't admitted it, perhaps this could stem from jealousy?

CS - I have met a couple of guys who HAVE admitted that at least they know where their wives are if they are at work !

The "Adult Services" section of my local newspaper seems to have at least Thai girl's phone number :o

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I think you may have it wrong there Teacup.....salaries in the UK incentivise some Thai wives to work in order to send money home......I can truly say the ones I have met have been far from lazy.....they are industrious and hard working. :o
Well, certainly amongst my wife's circle of friends, I can say that you are most definitely wrong - I don't know of one that isn't in at least part time employment & at least a couple, plus previously the missus, are holding down more than one job.

Well of course many of them have to work when in England, but not because they want to, but because of the reality just hit them in the face that infact their farang husband is not rich after all - but if they could many of them will choose not too, instead of doing it just for their personal accomplishment/achievement in life. And it normally takes 2 earners in the west to run a smooth household finance, unlike while they are in Thailand. - because things are more relatively expensive there.

But given the choice, would they do it, WILLINGLY?....that what's I'm saying/asking

So what I’m saying that - most of them the situation forced them too work, but not by their own willingness to achieve anything themselves in their own personal life accomplishment.

Me think......don't U think so also?

I agree - I have also seen many girls 'glued' to TV etc. I may be wrong but I think that they are mainly the 'hardened' bar workers although I accept that many others would sit around all day if they could.

In England few will enjoy such luxury - I know of 7 Thai girlfriends/wives in my town and ALL go out to work.

Well....I'm glad , at least someone agrees with me

And my circle is not bargirls - just regular girls who suddenly turned very laaaazy, both physically and metally - as soon as they won the "farang lottery"!!

Just what I have seen around here

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The fact they do nothing, could also stem from aspects of their partners influence - I've met guys who don't want their wives working, whilst they haven't admitted it, perhaps this could stem from jealousy?

CS - I have met a couple of guys who HAVE admitted that at least they know where their wives are if they are at work !

The "Adult Services" section of my local newspaper seems to have at least Thai girl's phone number :o

I've no doubt there are guys out there who are content with such an arrangement, including the ones who've entered sham marriages for their own financial gain.

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I think you may have it wrong there Teacup.....salaries in the UK incentivise some Thai wives to work in order to send money home......I can truly say the ones I have met have been far from lazy.....they are industrious and hard working. :o
Well, certainly amongst my wife's circle of friends, I can say that you are most definitely wrong - I don't know of one that isn't in at least part time employment & at least a couple, plus previously the missus, are holding down more than one job.

Well of course many of them have to work when in England, but not because they want to, but because of the reality just hit them in the face that infact their farang husband is not rich after all - but if they could many of them will choose not too, instead of doing it just for their personal accomplishment/achievement in life. And it normally takes 2 earners in the west to run a smooth household finance, unlike while they are in Thailand. - because things are more relatively expensive there.

But given the choice, would they do it, WILLINGLY?....that what's I'm saying/asking

So what I'm saying that - most of them the situation forced them too work, but not by their own willingness to achieve anything themselves in their own personal life accomplishment.

Me think......don't U think so also? Who wants to work if they don't have to? I certainly wouldn't & I suspect this applies to the majority, so, in that sense your argument is worthless, as it isn't specific to Thais. I'd also add that I never asked the wife to get a job & unlike me, I suspect the wife would want to keep working i.e. own business.

I agree - I have also seen many girls 'glued' to TV etc. I may be wrong but I think that they are mainly the 'hardened' bar workers although I accept that many others would sit around all day if they could.

In England few will enjoy such luxury - I know of 7 Thai girlfriends/wives in my town and ALL go out to work.

Well....I'm glad , at least someone agrees with me

And my circle is not bargirls - just regular girls who suddenly turned very laaaazy, both physically and metally - as soon as they won the "farang lottery"!!

Just what I have seen around here

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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