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Renewing Retirement Visa At Pattaya Immigration,

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I am asking this in the Visa and Pattaya forums, because as we have come understand, every immigration office is a law unto itself.

Last year when I renewed my retirement visa, I ensured that the balance was in excess of 800k for 90 days before applying for the extension.

However, I have heard from several sources that it is not necessary to keep the cash above 800k when RENEWING the extension, and just have to have that amount in your account when making the application.

Can anyone confirm that this is in fact the case?

If there is any doubt about this, I will top my account up in good time, but would rather keep most of it offshore until needed, for obvious reasons.

Thanks for any info.

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As you said, every office has different rules. You are really going to have to ask them.

The problem with asking is that today they say ok and next week they say no.

I would use the better safe than sorry rule.

You can also put it into a CD so that at least you get more interest.

Has anybody ever addressed the possibility of keeping it in a forign currency account?

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As you said, every office has different rules. You are really going to have to ask them.

The problem with asking is that today they say ok and next week they say no.

I would use the better safe than sorry rule.

You can also put it into a CD so that at least you get more interest.

Has anybody ever addressed the possibility of keeping it in a forign currency account?

I would go even further and suggest that it is even possible that the immigration officer might deliberately mislead you with the wrong information. Sorry, but it actually happened to me a few years ago when I foolishly tried to change from retirement to marriage visa. I was given incorrect information by the officer when I applied and was subsequently refused and nearly deported , before rapidly getting my retirement visa reinstated. In those days it was 400K for a marriage visa extension and 800k for retirement. Despite the fact that they subsequently accepted my retirement application, I have a stamp in my passport,in Thai, which states that I had insufficient funds and must leave the country. Yet on the same day I was given a year's extension based on 800K in the bank!

That is why I need to know for sure what the current "arrangements " are.

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Has anybody ever addressed the possibility of keeping it in a forign currency account?

The problem there may be the fluctuating exchange rates.

One day you have the equivalent of 800K, the next day you don't. :o

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That is why I need to know for sure what the current "arrangements " are.

Thats why I said better safe than sorry. You can only go by the written rules that say the money has to be in the bank for three months.

I am curious about the problem you had. What were there grounds for it and where at. It sure sounds like somebody was hoping for tea money.

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You can only go by the written rules that say the money has to be in the bank for three months.

That is right.

If an officer tells you something else then you can, politely, challenge him/her

and ask to see the senior officer.

This happened to me, with a new officer trying to look all efficient, but she did not really know the rules.

I was applying for a letter showing my address. She wanted to fine me for not doing a 90 day report.

I pointed out that I had not been in the country for 90 days since my last arrival on my re-entry permit.

She did not understand this, but her superior did. :o

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There have been numerous reports from Jomtien (including mine) of being told explicitly that at Jomtien the 3 month money seasoning rule is for FIRST TIME extensions only, and that SUBSEQUENT extensions do not require money seasoning. I have heard enough of these reports (including recent ones) to have confidence in them.

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Has anybody ever addressed the possibility of keeping it in a forign currency account?

The problem there may be the fluctuating exchange rates.

One day you have the equivalent of 800K, the next day you don't. :o

Not only that but you then don't meet the criteria. The rules say 800,000 BAHT in a THAI BANK.

I got to say though TV members are second to none when it comes to trying to skirt the rules.

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If several immigration officers are telling several people the SAME THING, that they DO NOT REQUIRE the money to be seasoned for subsequent extensions, how much risk do you REALLY think there is? I say very little risk. We take risks everyday. Crossing 2nd road is a bigger risk in my estimation. There is no skirting of the rules here if the enforcers of the rules are telling people what the rules are and what the rules aren't.

I am talking about the money seasoning issue only, not foreign currency issues, etc. Of course the money needs to be in a THAI bank.

Edited by Jingthing
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Maybe at Jomtien, but what is going to happen if there is a new chief at that office next week. Can you be sure he will not impose the rules as published?

How would I know? I am talking about the current situation, that is all. I never said there is no risk. I am just offended by suggestions that people complying with the currently communicated rules at that office are skirting the rules. That is unfair to them. If the enforcement of the rules change, then they will be denied, and they won't be skirting them either. The rules and their specific enforcement are MOVING TARGETS.

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What you need is a letter from Jomtien Immigration saying it is only required for the first extension. - They probably would not do this. Not to comply with the 'written rules' would seem a bit risky. I suspect the two posters who achieved the extension just happened to be in the 'not 3 month' position and had no option but to try to extend anyway and hope for the best. I am glad all went well. How many would actually plan on not applying the 3 month rule?

I will be careful crossing 2nd Road Jingthing!!!!!!!!!

As you have confidence in the Jomtien reports will you disregard the 3 month rule when you next extend? (assuming you use the money in the bank route)


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What you need is a letter from Jomtien Immigration saying it is only required for the first extension. - They probably would not do this. Not to comply with the 'written rules' would seem a bit risky. I suspect the two posters who achieved the extension just happened to be in the 'not 3 month' position and had no option but to try to extend anyway and hope for the best. I am glad all went well. How many would actually plan on not applying the 3 month rule?

I will be careful crossing 2nd Road Jingthing!!!!!!!!!

As you have confidence in the Jomtien reports will you disregard the 3 month rule when you next extend? (assuming you use the money in the bank route)


Ask for a letter from an officer? Do we live in the same country? Get real.

Answer to your question:

Yes. Not worried in the least.

Edited by Jingthing
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Do any of the "experts" happen to know on what basis the 90 day rule was /is applied? Was it an advisory instruction from the head of immigration or what? And did it specifically state that this rule only applied to the first application or for all renewals?

Knowing how difficult Pattaya officers can be on occasion, it surprises me that they are not enforcing this provision - unless it really only applies to initial applications.

Or is it more connected with the 'private business' some of the officers do in Pattaya by way of providing the funds to poor farangs in exchange for exorbitant fees? Obviously they don't want their money to be retained any longer than necessary, so they choose to wave the 90 day rule. :o

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Immigration Act Link: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/do...gration_Act.pdf

Section 37

5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the

competent official at the Immigration Division , in writing , concerning his place of stay , as soon as

possible upon expiration of ninety days. The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is

an Immigration Office , the alien may notify a competent Immigration Official of that office.

Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be

punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for

each day which passes until the law is complied with.

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However, I have heard from several sources that it is not necessary to keep the cash above 800k when RENEWING the extension, and just have to have that amount in your account when making the application.

Can anyone confirm that this is in fact the case?

I asked about this at Jomtien Immigration a few weeks ago and posted the result HERE.

It may be OK to move the 800K into your savings account a day or two beforehand, but the Immigration guy specifically said "two or three weeks" beforehand. As my concern is to minimise any loss of interest on the money, I decided to simply open a 3-month deposit account with SCB and put the 800K Baht into that. I know several people here in Pattaya who have recently renewed their retirement extensions using such an account. That way I don't lose any interest, and I also don't take any risks of being refused an extension if the officer on the day I ask for the extension has just had an argument with his mia noi. :o

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Immigration Act Link: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/do...gration_Act.pdf

Section 37

5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the

competent official at the Immigration Division , in writing , concerning his place of stay , as soon as

possible upon expiration of ninety days. The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is

an Immigration Office , the alien may notify a competent Immigration Official of that office.

Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be

punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for

each day which passes until the law is complied with.

That is NOT the 90 day rule being discussed in this thread.

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Immigration Act Link: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/do...gration_Act.pdf

Section 37

5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the

competent official at the Immigration Division , in writing , concerning his place of stay , as soon as

possible upon expiration of ninety days. The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is

an Immigration Office , the alien may notify a competent Immigration Official of that office.

Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be

punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for

each day which passes until the law is complied with.

That is NOT the 90 day rule being discussed in this thread.

I think it is. Thais is what Mobi has been talking about all the time.

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Read the post just before. Says 90 day rule. Not sure what I was thinking of at the moment. Just a brain f*rt.

You can delete it, It was to late to do an edit when I realized my error.

Edited by ubonjoe
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Read the post just before. Says 90 day rule. Not sure what I was thinking of at the moment. Just a brain f*rt.

You can delete it, It was to late to do an edit when I realized my error.

I must admit that Mobi's post was not very clear on first reading.

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I am completely astounded that anyone could misunderstand what I was asking.

Look at the title of this thread:

"Renewing Retirement Visa At Pattaya Immigration, Does the 800K still have to be there for 3 months?"

How could anyone possibly confuse this with the 90 day reporting requirement? What is there about "Renewing retirement visa" and "800K" that has any connection with 90 day reporting?

And then you read my post and all that came thereafter and you still think it is about 90 day reporting, and that I have written something confusing?

Sorry, my good friend but it.,.. it beggars belief. :o

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Jomtien using 800K current info:

3 month seasoning enforced on FIRST TIME extensions

Seasoning NOT REQUIRED on subsequent extensions

There have been several reports including recent ones about this; unless and until the reports change, that is what applicants can expect.

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