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Silentjob, obviously you didn't had an answer to the question as well.

Neither do I, but I did a search using the word gym* (Chiang Mai forum lower left of page, there's the search funtion :o)

Dellcrane maybe the following old threads have an answer to your question:




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If pim, nim, lim, or a don't have a "gym," then i think you are buying a man or a boy. You like my joke? If don't understand ask your wife about her gym. :-)

Yeah, yeah, but if you are a Thai as you seem to indicate, you should know that the Thai word you are trying to phonetically spell in English is not Gym but Chim with an almost J sound. Correct?

You seem to have a good command of English for a non-native speaker.

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Silly Question, but does anyone ever reply to a thread sincerely?

or is it de rigeur to reply with twatish, supposed witty retorts?

silentjob, you shouldn't be so negative. You've made a total of bugger all posts using your present nick, but most of those posts are anti-something

I see you've tried to bag the Thai Visa 6th Anniversary Party at Tuskers. C'mon and try it, you might be surprised. 87% of those attending are good people.

Enjoy your vinyl and mixing.

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Hi Silentjob, I am going to buy the exact same thing here in Buri-Ram. I found a decent one at Big C. It's not the greatest in the world, but it should do the trick. Since Big C is a huge chain, I'm assuming that they may have some in Chaing Mai as well. It's definitely worth a look anyway.

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I aint here to curry favour, neither to score petty points.

I simply joined the board so I could ask relevant questions from time to time - not so I can live on here making inane comments, and being a general boring pedant.

thank you


The topic of gyms in Chiang Mai has been discussed many times by established users of this board. You failed to use the Search facility to locate one of these discussions but still expected people to spend time and energy repeating their posts because you didn't bother to use the Search facility. Hardly surprising then that another question on 'gyms' elicited little response.

FYI if you go to Settings, click on 'Humour', scroll down the page and then click 'Remove'. If you do this, you'll discover only sensible people writing sensible posts will respond. However, the only posts left to read will be about burgers or studying Thai at AUA.

Good luck and enjoy your time in the Land of Smiles (but no humour).

Edited by Loaded
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If pim, nim, lim, or a don't have a "gym," then i think you are buying a man or a boy. You like my joke? If don't understand ask your wife about her gym. :-)

Yeah, yeah, but if you are a Thai as you seem to indicate, you should know that the Thai word you are trying to phonetically spell in English is not Gym but Chim with an almost J sound. Correct?

You seem to have a good command of English for a non-native speaker.

thank you

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