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News Reporter Killed!


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on the 26th in Suphanburi Province, he is the 2nd Matichon Reporter who got killed!

IFEX - International Freedom of Expression eXchange



A journalist who frequently reported on local corruption in central Thailand was shot dead last week, reports the Thai Journalists Association (TJA).

"Matichon" newspaper reporter Jaruek Rangcharoen was shot in the head at a local market in Don Chedi, Suphanburi province, on 27 September.

In 2007, Jaruek had told Suphanburi Governor Somsak Phurisrisak that someone was plotting against him. The governor inferred that Jaruek might run into conflicts with local civil servants, businessman or local authorities over his hard-hitting reports.

"The killing was aimed at stifling the media and eventually discouraging it from reporting," says TJA.

Rangcharoen was the second "Matichon" reporter killed this year. Athiwat Chaiyanurat, a correspondent in the southern province of Nakorn Srithammarat, was shot dead on 1 August. His case "has shown no signs of progress, and the gunmen in that killing have not been arrested," says TJA.

TJA is appealing to the police to more thoroughly investigate both murders "in order to restore confidence in the security situation."


.....could a moderator move this article maybe to the "News clippings" if it's deemed appropriate?


Edited by Samuian
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Yes, all those who moan and call reporters cowards do so quite easily while sitting in front of the computer in their underwear.

I prefer nud_e Sir!

...who did call them cowards in this thread, the marketing guys from Victorias Secrets ?!

Do the police in this country EVER catch anyone??

No, as in the case of August, 1st killing at Nakhon si Thammarat never got any where near a culprit...if ordered by the "Don", nobody might even bother to take a look at anything!

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It really is sad when someone courageous enough to try and expose corruption is murdered and becomes a forgotten byline after no action is taken to ever bring the people responsible to justice. As long as the laws are not enforced corruption will flourish as it does.

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My condolences to his friends, family and colleagues. It's very sad when people whose biggest 'crime' is trying to inform the public of things that are wrong is eliminated. It doesn't help to make the country a better place to live.

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Yes, all those who moan and call reporters cowards do so quite easily while sitting in front of the computer in their underwear.

OK JimJim I'm sitting here in my baggy Y fronts.....but what is the "other" option ?.......silence perhaps ?...It is now time for ALL decent journalist's to close ranks and use the limited power they have...and investigate and publish why freedom of speech is stifled in Thailand....demonstrations and/or strikes would not go amiss....international journalist's must lend their support too.....P.S. ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG. RIP.

Edited by dee123
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My condolences to his friends, family and colleagues. It's very sad when people whose biggest 'crime' is trying to inform the public of things that are wrong is eliminated. It doesn't help to make the country a better place to live.

Here here, but this type of thing goes in in many countries silencing the whistle blowers, very sad we can put men on the moon do heart transplants but a lot of humans cant act with integrity.

At times the human race is not very nice :o

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Its not surprising that most of Thailand's journalism is so "Bangkok-centric" in its reporting nature; with most stories from the outer provinces coming from stringers based there. Usually anonymously.

The provinces outside the capital in a lot of cases are governed by the gun and feudalistic "jao pors"; their families, and business cronies. The same people who broker power and lead factions into government. These people have not attained power by allowing the truth of their business dealings and influence to become public knowledge.

The police act as their henchmen in a lot of instances.

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It is truly sad that news reporters get killed doing their jobs, investigating corruption and miss management.

We as TV members should respect this people, whom care for this country and yes get paid for it, but no less they are on the good peoples side.

Another topic here at TV, shows no respect at all to the reporters of Thailand, meaning that an news reporter was to blame for being beaten after a broadcast with a mobster called Chuwit, also running for Bangkok governor.


I say shame on you members, sitting infront of your computer and just writting provoking crap for the fun of it. :o

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on the 26th in Suphanburi Province, he is the 2nd Matichon Reporter who got killed!

.....could a moderator move this article maybe to the "News clippings" if it's deemed appropriate?

Concur...with a suggested thread re-titling to "Four Journalists Killed This Year".... sriracha john

There's been 4 journalists just this year....

Local newspaper editor gunned down, fourth journalist murdered this year

Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the murder of Wallop Bounsampop, Editor-in-Chief of "Den Siam", a local newspaper based in Chonburi province (south of Bangkok), on 5 October 2008. The motive is not yet known but some of his articles on local politics had earned him enemies. He is the fourth journalist to be murdered in Thailand since the start of the year.

"We are seeing an unprecedented wave of murders of journalists in Thailand and we call on the police and judicial authorities to give themselves the means to deal with it," Reporters Without Borders said. "If no real progress is made in solving these four cases, more journalists are likely to be killed at a time when Thailand is still embroiled in a political crisis."

Wallop, 52, was helping his wife in a restaurant in his village when two men on a motorcycle fired five shots at him, hitting him twice in the head and killing him instantly.

Wallop's murder could be linked to his articles on local politics, which had caused controversy. He was an active member of his district council and he had criticised some of his opponents in articles about local elections due to take place next month.

Meanwhile, Somsak Phusrisak, Governor of the central province of Suphanburi, where "Matichon" correspondent Jaruek Rangcharoen was gunned down on 27 September, has reported that the police are on the verge of arresting the leading suspect in that murder, thanks to a facial composite drawn with the help of witnesses.

- IFEX / 07 October 2008

Edited by sriracha john
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