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Girls In Thailand


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said Dr. Amara Soonthorndhada, the author of the report. “ The reality is that this curable disease killed 12,000 people last year, and approximately 90,000 more will become infected this year.

This is for the highly contageous variety. bad enough I think.

30% are carriers but not necessarily contagious.

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The simple facts are that anyone who beds a stranger, especially having sex with those in the working sex industry is taking a risk.

Stay at home and what porn movies, much cheaper and safer these days.

You pays ya money and you gets whats you get.

So you have just admitted to being a w*nker?

And what about the possibility of finding a girl that is not working in the sex industry, has that surpassed you?

sorry.gif Mods, that is twice in one night that I have foolishly bitten on this numpty's bait.

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The simple facts are that anyone who beds a stranger, especially having sex with those in the working sex industry is taking a risk.

Stay at home and what porn movies, much cheaper and safer these days.

You pays ya money and you gets whats you get.

So you have just admitted to being a w*nker?

And what about the possibility of finding a girl that is not working in the sex industry, has that surpassed you?

sorry.gif Mods, that is twice in one night that I have foolishly bitten on this numpty's bait.

I quoted in my post that it is taking a risk bedding a stranger, but is especially at risk when using the services of a sex worker. This is a fact, so why the insult?

Stay cool, things are not as bad as all that.

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The simple facts are that anyone who beds a stranger, especially having sex with those in the working sex industry is taking a risk.

Stay at home and what porn movies, much cheaper and safer these days.

You pays ya money and you gets whats you get.

So you have just admitted to being a w*nker?

And what about the possibility of finding a girl that is not working in the sex industry, has that surpassed you?

sorry.gif Mods, that is twice in one night that I have foolishly bitten on this numpty's bait.

I quoted in my post that it is taking a risk bedding a stranger, but is especially at risk when using the services of a sex worker. This is a fact, so why the insult?

Stay cool, things are not as bad as all that.

To be honest I know know your post was an innocent one, I just couldn't resist. A :o was missing in my post.

You are still a numpty though :D

Goodnight sassienie, I look forward to your posts tomorrow..............................

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Ok.... I've taken a lot of girls home in Thailand and I've noticed one particular thing. They cough. The last one told me it was from smoking, but I never saw her smoke the whole night. The girl before that told me that she had a cold... But I didn't see any other signs of a "cold". Sort of scary when you think about it. I think it may be hepatitis. Be careful of kissing the coughing ones because I think a lot of the girls down walking street, go go bars, etc. may have something serious going around. Any comments on this? :o

You'll probably cop a lot of flak for what you've said but I happen to think you're right.

The fact is the bargirls are not healthy people. If you equate their lifestyle to that of a long term night shift worker then their poor health is easily understood. Studies done on long term night shift workers cosistently show mental fatigue and poorer performing immune systems a consistent by product of keeping those kind of hours. If you add in in poor diets - especially go go dancers who starve themselves to look thin - the drugs and the alcohol, then I think it's fairly obvious that eventually their bodies are going to be a poorer state of health than most people who work in jobs with normal hours. People with poor immune systems catch ailments more easily; that's a fact of life.

I don't even think bargirls are all that attractive anymore to be honest. If you compare them to what you see walking around siam or silom, during business hours, then I think that becomes pretty obvious. The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

Psychologically, I think that bar girls aren't healthy either. To put it bluntly, most of them are emotionally fxxked up. They spend the better part of each day living a life of pretense and, either telling lies, or getting lied to. Lieing becomes a way of life for them in the never ending scramble to make a living.

I think you're correct in what you say; bar girls aren't healthy people.

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Drinking 7days a week, and in aircon places especially over night - I'd have to assume the ladies in question have caught a vicious and highly contagious form of the........

amazing what you find out here - i would never have thought that TB was classed as a STD - something new every day - 555



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I've know three girls under 30 that have died of lung cancer here and had never smoked, but had worked in bars for a long time.

You might think about the fact that around 30% of thai people carry TB, though not all these the highly infectious kind.

This is the reason why all visa apps fpr more than tourist visit demand a certificate stating clear of TB for UK

Please provide a source for this statement.

The U.K. goverment demands that all Thai nationals who are coming to the UK for moore than 6 months must have a TB check, I know this because my Fiance, now wife, had to have the test.

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I don't even think bargirls are all that attractive anymore to be honest. If you compare them to what you see walking around siam or silom, during business hours, then I think that becomes pretty obvious. The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

I could not agree with you more here. You are right on.

I had some cusotmers here last week, and we went to Soi Cowboy to sample the nightlife. We went to a bar which has a reputation of good-looking girls who actually dance, and I was sorely disappointed. I thought the line-up of girls could not hold a candle to those walking around any day at MBK, much less Emporium.

Now I haven't been to a bar for well over a year, and I remember this bar has having attractive dancers, so I don't know if they have gone downhill in that regard or if my standards have changed. But I don't think my customers were impressed, and this was their first trip to Thailand.

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I don't even think bargirls are all that attractive anymore to be honest. If you compare them to what you see walking around siam or silom, during business hours, then I think that becomes pretty obvious. The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

I could not agree with you more here. You are right on.

I had some cusotmers here last week, and we went to Soi Cowboy to sample the nightlife. We went to a bar which has a reputation of good-looking girls who actually dance, and I was sorely disappointed. I thought the line-up of girls could not hold a candle to those walking around any day at MBK, much less Emporium.

Now I haven't been to a bar for well over a year, and I remember this bar has having attractive dancers, so I don't know if they have gone downhill in that regard or if my standards have changed. But I don't think my customers were impressed, and this was their first trip to Thailand.

Come on guys its the same the world over. Think about the hookers in the west and then compare them to the ladies that you see in the upmarket shopping venues. You get a B/G when there is an itch to be scratched and best thought of in that context

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I don't even think bargirls are all that attractive anymore to be honest. If you compare them to what you see walking around siam or silom, during business hours, then I think that becomes pretty obvious. The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

I could not agree with you more here. You are right on.

I had some cusotmers here last week, and we went to Soi Cowboy to sample the nightlife. We went to a bar which has a reputation of good-looking girls who actually dance, and I was sorely disappointed. I thought the line-up of girls could not hold a candle to those walking around any day at MBK, much less Emporium.

Now I haven't been to a bar for well over a year, and I remember this bar has having attractive dancers, so I don't know if they have gone downhill in that regard or if my standards have changed. But I don't think my customers were impressed, and this was their first trip to Thailand.

The thing that becomes obvious, once you've been living here for a while, is that how unnatractive and unnapealing bar girls really are. Aside from the fact that their M.O. is simply and purely a charade, most of them, as far as I'm concerned, are the bottom of the barrel of Thai woman hood. The only thing that makes them attractive is the amount of alcohol one consumes; the more you drink, the more attractive they become.

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I don't even think bargirls are all that attractive anymore to be honest. If you compare them to what you see walking around siam or silom, during business hours, then I think that becomes pretty obvious. The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

I could not agree with you more here. You are right on.

I had some cusotmers here last week, and we went to Soi Cowboy to sample the nightlife. We went to a bar which has a reputation of good-looking girls who actually dance, and I was sorely disappointed. I thought the line-up of girls could not hold a candle to those walking around any day at MBK, much less Emporium.

Now I haven't been to a bar for well over a year, and I remember this bar has having attractive dancers, so I don't know if they have gone downhill in that regard or if my standards have changed. But I don't think my customers were impressed, and this was their first trip to Thailand.

Come on guys its the same the world over. Think about the hookers in the west and then compare them to the ladies that you see in the upmarket shopping venues. You get a B/G when there is an itch to be scratched and best thought of in that context

Each to their own I guess. Personally, I think that most bar girls aren't even particularly good shags. Even less so when one is full of booze.

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I don't even think bargirls are all that attractive anymore to be honest. If you compare them to what you see walking around siam or silom, during business hours, then I think that becomes pretty obvious. The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

I could not agree with you more here. You are right on.

I had some cusotmers here last week, and we went to Soi Cowboy to sample the nightlife. We went to a bar which has a reputation of good-looking girls who actually dance, and I was sorely disappointed. I thought the line-up of girls could not hold a candle to those walking around any day at MBK, much less Emporium.

Now I haven't been to a bar for well over a year, and I remember this bar has having attractive dancers, so I don't know if they have gone downhill in that regard or if my standards have changed. But I don't think my customers were impressed, and this was their first trip to Thailand.

Come on guys its the same the world over. Think about the hookers in the west and then compare them to the ladies that you see in the upmarket shopping venues. You get a B/G when there is an itch to be scratched and best thought of in that context

This thread won't last long. Especially when you consider the number of forum members who didn't see it that way and married them. Oops!


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The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

They certainly don't work in Farang orientated bars anyway.

Farng orientated bars attract the type of women that Farangs somehow find attractive, much to the amusement and disbelief of most richer Thai guys that wouldn't go near them with a barge pole.

Lets face it, how the heck can anyone find an overweight, poorly dressed, somtam smelling hag who is screaming at every geriatric Farang " Hello, come inside, one drink " attractive ?

Try going to classy places. like the richer Thais do, try a top place that caters to Japanese guys, see what the differences are.

These girls can't get any work in these establishments, so they make do with what they can get, not what they want. Hence they end up in Farang bars.

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The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

Try going to classy places. like the richer Thais do, try a top place that caters to Japanese guys, see what the differences are.

I went to Soi Thaniya last week as well to meet some friends at a Japanese restaurant at that shopping center there. As I drove up the street, I also noticed that the plethora of bar girls sitting outside the bars were still there, but they did not look nearly as good as they used to look. I used to live on Soi Saladeang, so I used Soi Thaniya as a shortcut when going to eat on Suriwong, so I reguarly saw what I considered to be very attractive women working there. Not so the other night.

Being a farang, they still would not meet my eye. That at least, has not changed! :o

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The only thing that makes them attractive is the amount of alcohol one consumes; the more you drink, the more attractive they become.

In Australia this theory is known as 'The Schooner correction factor'. I'm guessing it applies throughout the world, irregardless of how ugly the girls get. :o:D

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The best looking, and healthiest Thai ladies, don't work in bars; full stop.

They certainly don't work in Farang orientated bars anyway.

Farng orientated bars attract the type of women that Farangs somehow find attractive, much to the amusement and disbelief of most richer Thai guys that wouldn't go near them with a barge pole.

Lets face it, how the heck can anyone find an overweight, poorly dressed, somtam smelling hag who is screaming at every geriatric Farang " Hello, come inside, one drink " attractive ?

Try going to classy places. like the richer Thais do, try a top place that caters to Japanese guys, see what the differences are.

These girls can't get any work in these establishments, so they make do with what they can get, not what they want. Hence they end up in Farang bars.

I can't comment on that because I've never been to Japanese oriented bars or bars where rich Thai's go.

The fact is, the longer I stay here, the less inclined I am to go out to any bars. I'd rather get a decent nights sleep and get up and go for a swim or go to the gym. I've realised that once one gets over the bar scene here, there's so much more in this country that's infinitely better to apply ones time to. I did a trip down to Trang a couple of months ago and spent a few days looking at caves and waterfalls. It was fantastic to see the natural beauty of this country. I'm going to do a liveaboard scuba diving trip to the Similans once the monsoon's over.

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Try going to classy places. like the richer Thais do, try a top place that caters to Japanese guys, see what the differences are.

I reckon your slitty eyes makes it easier for you to get in. I guess us real farangs will never know... how sad.

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I agree, the longer you stay in Thailand, the less the bar scene has to offer.

it's just that you don't eat at the buffet every day..........

Ja ja, but there's those that still hover around the buffet. like flies around sh!t, fingering the food on offer.

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I agree, the longer you stay in Thailand, the less the bar scene has to offer.

it's just that you don't eat at the buffet every day..........

I like it when I go away on biz for a month and become invisible, no hansum man, no you wanna buy DBD , or your a very lucky man you know why? but after a while I miss it :o

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Try going to classy places. like the richer Thais do, try a top place that caters to Japanese guys, see what the differences are.

I reckon your slitty eyes makes it easier for you to get in. I guess us real farangs will never know... how sad.


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