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Walking Street Sign..... Ouch My Eyes Got Burnt


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Just Managed to get off beach road and home after getting near cataracts from that new sign over the entrance to walking street!!!!!!!!!!!

What have they done to Walking street. It May bring income to the local M#fi@ but what a horrible thing to erect over the entrance to walking street. Seen it many times in the day time but after the samsung advert just burnt a whole in my eyelids i have to ask "Whats that all about ????" Terrible and hardly promoting Pattaya and walking street.

Comments welcome and copy in to the new mayor.......

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They should better use some money to repair the roads in pattaya instead of wasting hundreds of millions on Lcd screens all over pattaya.Like the ones on entrance of Pattaya Klang and Pattaya Tai and at city hall.They are a real waste of money.

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They should better use some money to repair the roads in pattaya instead of wasting hundreds of millions on Lcd screens all over pattaya.Like the ones on entrance of Pattaya Klang and Pattaya Tai and at city hall.They are a real waste of money.

apparently the town hall got the graphic board on Walking Street entirely free.

allegedly it was installed by a Korean firm who get the advertising revenue for 15 years then give the sign to Pattaya for free.

by that time it will be falling to pieces with corrosion from the sea air and the board will be so pixalated it will be entirely useless for displaying anything.

i know this from a companies experience that had one on display in Blackpool, England.

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i know pattaya is a growing business boom in the moment.

but i definitely know that pattaya can not be like new york city or hollywood.

pattaya (thailand) should have its own image, but all i can see is that they are copying everything.

where are all the palms, nice beaches, friendly thai people etc.etc..

thai tradition i think is the most attractive thing.

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After last nights experience i spoke to a few friends.

I heard it was installed by an English company. the guys reckoned it wouldnt last a year.

Its not there to promote walking street which is supposed to be the JEWEL IN THE CROWN of Pattaya.

Its there to generate income. Thats it......... full stop.

Forget promoting Thailand. Just get the cash at any expense.

A nice traditional welcome to walking street would be so much better.

(not a gogo girl in a thong guys) ............ but a Thai style welcome. Thai costumes etc. NO Not a Balaclava and rubber boots. More like an Issan style costumes.


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You left out the traditional greeting by the lager-louts wearing socks & sandals, shorts and football jerseys (or no shirt at all) !

I think each go-go bar on WS should be required to have one (or more) of their best looking sign girls at the entrance. That would be much better for advertising than a digital sign ! :o

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I was sad to see the old sign go, it was like a familiar beacon to ships returning

home and now it's gone. Replaced by some gaudy piece of cr_p that will probably

stop working in the next few months. Certainly at 300% normal brightness.

On the other subject, I've always found a few cute girls outside the go-go to

be an inviting marketing technique? However, rude young males shouting and

shoving their signs in your face to be a complete turn-off? Is it just me? :o

Edited by cali4995
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Seems that cheap LCD screens are gonna become the latest blight on society..

Not just the one above walking street .. Now we have f***ing mobile screens on mini trucks (almost as bad as the loudspeaker trucks) and another bloody great screen on the new mall area just past Royal Garden..

And who's to blame ?

More greedy farangs ! Why do these tw@ts have to b*gg*r other peoples quality of life so that they can make money ? If you don't have enough cash to live here, s*d off or find a business that is less intrusive ..

Open a bar like every other bu**er or sell t-shirts for gods sake..

I'm not really sure who's the worst of the lot these days. The Thais are quite capable of making the place worse with 'progress' they don't need any help.. :o

Timeshare touts

'Indian' Tailors

Loudspeaker trucks

LCD screen companies

Irish Pubs

Real Estate agents

Visa run companies

Motorcycle rental mafia

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You left out the traditional greeting by the lager-louts wearing socks & sandals, shorts and football jerseys (or no shirt at all) !

I think each go-go bar on WS should be required to have one (or more) of their best looking sign girls at the entrance. That would be much better for advertising than a digital sign ! :o

Thumbs up, a bloody good idea! :D

They could welcome you and escort you to your selected destination....

Edited by moo9
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a least they could use it to show the CCTV footage from the gogo bars down the road.... :o

Oh yeah, great idea ! :D

Do you work for a hospital or insurance company ? :D Can you imagine the accidents that would be happening on that corner all night ? BPH or PI would have to build an emergency ward in the Shark Bar to handle all the casualties.

I would have to start up a vehicle recovery service solely to remove wrecked vehicles from there. Probably make a fortune in the first month. I would also have to set up video cameras and sell the "Pattaya's Funniest Crashes", "Pattaya's Deadliest Crashes" and "Pattaya's Sexiest Crashes" series of videos !

I'd be working so much and making so much money, I wouldn't have time to enjoy any of the sights shown on the WS Sign !!

Yeah, greeaaattt idea ! :D (pssss - let me know when it starts. don't tell anyone else about my sure-fire money making idea or everyone will be down there setting up video cameras.)

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